Brother I know you lean right and may be sympathetic to Trump from your posts but just to give you context, 12 jurors found him guilty on all counts. All they needed was 1 juror to vote not guilty for 1 out of 34 charges to get a not guilty on any of them.
This was the case that legal experts apparently said was going to be hardest to convict out of his 4 upcoming court cases.
Another so called expert said on cnn he's reviewed thousands of similar cases and they all ended up in jail time.
Do I think trump will see the inside of a cell. Keeping low expectations I don't think so, it will be a logistical nightmare. Would any other person in the public eye get away with talking shit about the judge and calling them corrupt after a conviction? Hell no, and they would get the book thrown at them when it comes to sentencing.
I say all that to say it's not out of the realm of possiblity he gets locked up just to send a message but I'm 99.9% sure the worst he'll get is a fine or probation or something similar.
Ps. Research everything I said cause I'm wasted and don't take any responsibility for anything I said