Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


Labour deliberately left their hidden agenda out of the last election campaign and prevented the public having any say or vote on them including:

- co-governance
- He Puapua
- 3 Waters
- TVNZ & RNZ merger
- speed limit reductions
- The Three Strikes Repeal Bill
- fair pay agreement
- income insurance scheme
- Maori Health Authority

Labour is attacking the person rather than talking about what they are actually going to do and their vision for NZ. In election year they come across as very centrist but it’s what they don’t tell us that has defined them the last 3 years.
Labour deliberately left their hidden agenda out of the last election campaign and prevented the public having any say or vote on them including:

- co-governance
- He Puapua
- 3 Waters
- TVNZ & RNZ merger
- speed limit reductions
- The Three Strikes Repeal Bill
- fair pay agreement
- income insurance scheme
- Maori Health Authority

Labour is attacking the person rather than talking about what they are actually going to do and their vision for NZ. In election year they come across as very centrist but it’s what they don’t tell us that has defined them the last 3 years.
You'd complain at a funeral.

Labour are going to be voted out, relax it's game day.
Labour deliberately left their hidden agenda out of the last election campaign and prevented the public having any say or vote on them including:

- co-governance
- He Puapua
- 3 Waters
- TVNZ & RNZ merger
- speed limit reductions
- The Three Strikes Repeal Bill
- fair pay agreement
- income insurance scheme
- Maori Health Authority

Labour is attacking the person rather than talking about what they are actually going to do and their vision for NZ. In election year they come across as very centrist but it’s what they don’t tell us that has defined them the last 3 years.
Fascinating such criticism when the opposition is basing their workings on trust them to be right when multiple economists are waving red flags.
Labours record:

Labour is attacking the person rather than playing the ball, maybe to distract from their achievements over the past 6 years:

- Recessions under Labour (2020 & 2023) and another forecast now for 2024.
- 30,000 more people on surgery wait list than when Labour came into power.
- 25,000 on Kāinga Ora’s wait list triped since Labour came into power.
- 2023: 19,000 nurses have left the profession in the last 5 years under this Labour government – a 60% increase in nurses leaving.
- In 2016, retail crime was 25,000 per year, in the 3 months to the end of April 2023, there were 45,046 retail crimes reported (equates to 180,000 per year) = a 620% increase.
- 2016, police attended 1 in every 2 crimes compared to only 1 in 10 now.
- In 2016 the arrests were 20 times higher, now the arrests are only 2.3% meaning that over 97% get away with it.
- NZ has the highest OCR rate in the world
- 52,404 more people on job seeker support
- August 2023: Number of children waiting longer than 4 months for hospital treatment has jumped by 600%.
- 10,000 school-aged kids are not even enrolled at a school.
- Road maintenance budget is only 78% of what it was in 2012, even though population has increased.

And this typified Labours NZ: Michael Hill has 165 stores in Australia, of which only one has been broken into, New Zealand has thirty-six stores with 44 break-ins.

Debate the data
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Glad you agree the NZ we love is dying 😉

Labour is going but the damage and ideology they bought has to be buried forever and never be forgotten.
Just truly odd behaviour, on a Saturday morning on a rugby league forum - with the polls the state they're in.

Do you want a pat on the head about how clever you are or something?
Labour deliberately left their hidden agenda out of the last election campaign and prevented the public having any say or vote on them including:

- co-governance
- He Puapua
- 3 Waters
- TVNZ & RNZ merger
- speed limit reductions
- The Three Strikes Repeal Bill
- fair pay agreement
- income insurance scheme
- Maori Health Authority

Labour is attacking the person rather than talking about what they are actually going to do and their vision for NZ. In election year they come across as very centrist but it’s what they don’t tell us that has defined them the last 3 years.
If you look back at the last election they were riding a high after guiding us through the first part of the pandemic. Ardern's popularity was at or close to an all time high while National were at a low point. They probably didn't need to campaign on a lot of this as the focus of the election was around covid from both sides.

I'd say that it is more a case of them winning with an outright majority. The first time we have had one under MMP. People would mention how under first past the post governments would do more or have more power to implement change without having to negotiate with a minor party to get it implemented. Now whether this is good or bad depends on the change and how it affects you.

We get policies from all governments that weren't brought up during the election.

I'll admit that is a longer list & higher profile policies than most other governments.
One of the most entertaining things about the election period is the bizarre behaviour from the fringe parties.

The Outdoors & Freedoms party have made a public apology stating they were incorrect in saying Nayland College provided litter boxes for the "furries" at their school 😂 their announcement reads that Nayland aren't amongst the schools that have kitty litter in their toilets. Those muppets are still trying to make out that this is actually occurring.

NZ Loyal supporters think their 1% Transaction Tax will help them govern the country. Those fools couldn't even submit a Party List of more than 3 candidates! In some parallel universe, everyone of their Electorate candidates could win their seats & they could receive 100% of party votes & they still couldn't statistically have more that 46% of the parliamentarians.
Of course when they fail it will be due to electoral interference & they'll continue to seek donations, prey on people's fears & then dissolve.
It must be draining when you try so hard to be oppressed all the time
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One of the most entertaining things about the election period is the bizarre behaviour from the fringe parties.

The Outdoors & Freedoms party have made a public apology stating they were incorrect in saying Nayland College provided litter boxes for the "furries" at their school 😂 their announcement reads that Nayland aren't amongst the schools that have kitty litter in their toilets. Those muppets are still trying to make out that this is actually occurring.

NZ Loyal supporters think their 1% Transaction Tax will help them govern the country. Those fools couldn't even submit a Party List of more than 3 candidates! In some parallel universe, everyone of their Electorate MPs could win their seats & they could receive 100% of party votes & they still couldn't statistically have more that 46% of the parliamentarians.
Of course when they fail it will be due to electoral interference & they'll continue to seek donations, prey on people's fears & then dissolve.
It must be draining when you try so hard to be oppressed all the time
Recently we have seen Winnie on horseback saying "my last rodeo" or similar.
Then we have seen Shane Jones dressed up like a pirate.
Are these guys for real??
Winnie's picking up the conspiracy vote, the bro is totally shameless. Somehow I trust him to be a handbrake on our extremist tinfoil community, and ACT. They're in safe hands, I bet he's laughing his ass off at his new electorate.
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