Politics đź—łď¸Ź NZ Politics

A couple of observations……
Why did Hipkins wait until last night to deliver his best, most positive, speech of the campaign…. when it was too late. Labour made a fatal mistake of repeatedly attacking the right instead on pushing their successes.

The party lists for MMP need to be revised. How fair would it have been if Tamatea Paul had just lost the votes in Wellington Central but still received over say 34% of the vote, but because she wasn’t the party list, wouldn’t have gotten into Parliament but instead Efeso Collins would have even though he only got 14% of the vote in Panmure. I think the first ten people should be put on a list and the rest made up after the candidate votes are counted. It would still keep the balance the same but reward those who worked hard for the votes they received.

Part of me is looking forward to the chaos Winnie is going to cause while part of me dreads it. Best result would be for Winnie to just give confidence and supply but where would the fun be in that?

Best of luck Mr Luxon…… working with those two, you’re going to need it!!
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Mahuta, Twyford and Wood gone. People in charge of really divisive policies that were simply not able to get things done.

I hope Labour rebuilds with fresh thinking and redefines their purpose and vision with an eye for the centre and what’s best for ALL NZers.

I felt their MPs did’t represent the average everyday kiwi, which should be what Labour is all about.
A couple of observations……
Why did Hipkins wait until last night to deliver his best, most positive, speech of the campaign…. when it was too late. Labour made a fatal mistake of repeatedly attacking the right instead on pushing their successes.
Because Hipkins could sprout out facts without being challenged last night. If he tried to run on his record in the campaign they would have been slaughtered more because it would have been challenged and picked apart.

Labours poor performance forced them to campaign negatively against National rather than on themselves.

I hope that negativeness is part of the election review into why they lost and we never have an election campaign like that again.
Because Hipkins could sprout out facts without being challenged last night. If he tried to run on his record in the campaign they would have been slaughtered more because it would have been challenged and picked apart.

Labours poor performance forced them to campaign negatively against National rather than on themselves.

I hope that negativeness is part of the election review into why they lost and we never have an election campaign like that again.
I see it as a fundamental thing they got wrong…. they run their campaign as if they were in opposition and not the Government from their speeches, the debates and their advertising.

They relied on figures released by the CTU which weren’t correct….. there’s a reason none of the MSM organisations apart from NewsHub ran with the 346 mega landlords owning over 200 houses. Because they fact checked and realised that over 60,000 houses he was saying was owned by private landlords who would benefit from being able to claim interest on mortgages were in fact owned by charities which would not benefit as they don’t pay tax.

Same as the lie about how reinstating mortgage deductions will increase the value of houses. Why? Because landlords actually want houses as cheap as possible when they purchase that way they don’t have to contribute as much themselves if the property is negatively geared, their return is better and they receive more when selling the property as the amount left on the mortgage is less.
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Mahuta, Twyford and Wood gone. People in charge of really divisive policies that were simply not able to get things done.

I hope Labour rebuilds with fresh thinking and redefines their purpose and vision with an eye for the centre and what’s best for ALL NZers.

I felt their MPs did’t represent the average everyday kiwi, which should be what Labour is all about.
The vote shifted further left away from Labour with that Greens / TPM

And they lost the swing vote.

The Greens surging cost Labour electorates by splitting the vote.
A couple of observations……
Why did Hipkins wait until last night to deliver his best, most positive, speech of the campaign…. when it was too late. Labour made a fatal mistake of repeatedly attacking the right instead on pushing their successes.

The party lists for MMP need to be revised. How fair would it have been if Tamatea Paul had just lost the votes in Wellington Central but still received over say 34% of the vote, but because she wasn’t the party list, wouldn’t have gotten into Parliament but instead Efeso Collins would have even though he only got 14% of the vote in Panmure. I think the first ten people should be put on a list and the rest made up after the candidate votes are counted. It would still keep the balance the same but reward those who worked hard for the votes they received.

Part of me is looking forward to the chaos Winnie is going to cause while part of me dreads it. Best result would be for Winnie to just give confidence and supply but where would the fun be in that?

Best of luck Mr Luxon…… working with those two, you’re going to need it!!
National / Act have 64 seats currently - they don't need Winston/NZF's help to form a government
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A couple of observations……
Why did Hipkins wait until last night to deliver his best, most positive, speech of the campaign…. when it was too late.
it’s a shame that the TV media think that voters want to see a verbal slugfest on tv debates, and moderators want scoops and zingers over 60 minutes for an audience with a low attention span

What we actually should have been shown is a disciplined discussion of ideas by party leaders, where they can talk and explain their policies without being interrupted

Instead, we got Chippy on heat, yapping away, and Luxon countering. All the audience saw was two political leaders not being an authentic version of themselves and little detail on policy
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Just from the outset this isn’t my view (I stayed out of it as I don’t have a vote).
But in talking to a few Australians they see the vote isn’t as simple as the yes side make it out to be, there were concerns about the lack of clarity around the make up of the indigenous voice proposal and how it differs from what is already in place. There is a push for something that has meaningful difference as opposed to creating another layer of bureaucracy that benefits those involved while making little to no difference to everyday Indigenous.
The Yes camp I’ve spoken too are pretty much viewing it as being seen as doing the virtuous thing than actually giving 2 shits.
Wouldn’t use the word racist to describe them as it is politically and socially a VERY different situation to NZ. Obviously some horrendous stuff in the past but your everyday Aussie acknowledges that but also there is no easy fix, particularly with the historical splintered and nomadic nature of indigenous nations.
Lel. Of course the ones you talk to will justify.

Australians are racist and dumb asf. BUT the referendum was poorly designed, managed, and executed. It was always going to fail as per my above point. And to that the economy and global tensions and now wasn’t the time for tapping the public for goodwill voting.
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Labour failed trying to be has woke has the Greens!
What is your definition of woke? Are the greens doing something so radical that benefits mocking? By your standards, if greens are woke then what are ACT? Act got less votes than Greens did....

Labour weren't progressive enough and tried to lean into the middle, but people in the middle were already sick of them. They weren't progressive enough and so a lot of left leaning labour votes voted green.
Happy for a change of direction.
That will happen.
When your in the middle of something you lose perspective and I don’t think a lot of people realise how off track NZ has become.
Most countries have

Onwards, upwards and looking forward to a getting NZ back to a place people want to be and where you can get ahead.
Never going to happen. Not because of the side of the political spectrum, but

1. That would require once in a generation type of thinking; leading to
2. Nationals leadership group is the most inept group of mediocre losers I’ve seen in a long time.

My prediction is something along the lines of the British conservative govt disaster of the last few years.
“woke” is the new “cultural marxism”. A catch all term for the intellectually challenged to describe anything they don’t like.
Exactly. woke is when they can't describe what they don't like. They want all the "sheep" to wake up...which is really funny.

NZ back on track, where people can get ahead. It's a joke. The only people getting ahead are the ones that are already wealthy. $1.3million to 300 people over 5 years each is just the tip of the iceberg.

I'm waiting for a lot of public services to crumble and then people will wonder why it happened.....***proceeds to blame labour*** :rolleyes:
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