Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Labour were a pretty poor opposition during the Key years. Before the 2017 they were in a low spot. There was a bit of an under current for change and it was an amazing turn around.

National could have been a good opposition after being in government for 9 years as they would have had experience. They then turned to a shambles.

Labour may not be the strong opposition we need with a lot of experience losing their seats and not on the list.
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That's pretty sad but Australia is a pretty racist country.

If NZ had the same vote today, yeah I agree with you.

I don't understand how people think that it's taken away something from themselves as citizens. Giving to them doesn't mean taking from you.

Humanity baffles me.
Just from the outset this isn’t my view (I stayed out of it as I don’t have a vote).
But in talking to a few Australians they see the vote isn’t as simple as the yes side make it out to be, there were concerns about the lack of clarity around the make up of the indigenous voice proposal and how it differs from what is already in place. There is a push for something that has meaningful difference as opposed to creating another layer of bureaucracy that benefits those involved while making little to no difference to everyday Indigenous.
The Yes camp I’ve spoken too are pretty much viewing it as being seen as doing the virtuous thing than actually giving 2 shits.
Wouldn’t use the word racist to describe them as it is politically and socially a VERY different situation to NZ. Obviously some horrendous stuff in the past but your everyday Aussie acknowledges that but also there is no easy fix, particularly with the historical splintered and nomadic nature of indigenous nations.
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Just from the outset this isn’t my view (I stayed out of it as I don’t have a vote).
But in talking to a few Australians they see the vote isn’t as simple as the yes side make it out to be, there were concerns about the lack of clarity around the make up of the indigenous voice proposal and how it differs from what is already in place. There is a push for something that has meaningful difference as opposed to creating another layer of bureaucracy that benefits those involved while making little to no difference to everyday Indigenous.
The Yes camp I’ve spoken too are pretty much viewing it as being seen as doing the virtuous thing than actually giving 2 shits.
Wouldn’t use the word racist to describe them as it is politically and socially a VERY different situation to NZ. Obviously some horrendous stuff in the past but your everyday Aussie acknowledges that but also there is no easy fix, particularly with the historical splintered and nomadic nature of indigenous nations.
It's never black and white but when will Aboriginals get any say now. Will be when I'm 90 when they get their next chance. It's like the change of flag thing, won't get another chance for a long time.
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It's never black and white but when will Aboriginals get any say now. Will be when I'm 90 when they get their next chance. It's like the change of flag thing, won't get another chance for a long time.
There’s already a similar version in use now, think this just made it legally binding as opposed to advisory. Not sure if a chosen few stuffing their pockets greatly benefits the average everyday Indigenous Australian in its proposed format anyway.
There’s already a similar version in use now, think this just made it legally binding as opposed to advisory. Not sure if a chosen few stuffing their pockets greatly benefits the average everyday Indigenous Australian in its proposed format anyway.
It's like, Seymour says things like it's not a Maori problem it's a poverty issue but then he doesn't/won't do anything to elevate the issue.

Those in Australia say the same thing.
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My eye opening moment from last night:

Seymour and the female ACT woman flanked by 2 security guards the whole night.

There have been serious threat against ACT…

We’ve never had that in our politics in NZ. Even the DPS we’re giving the main parties leaders a lot of space!
Big result:

Nicola Willis lost her electorate to Greg O’Connor.

Seen as a future leader and superstar - she has failed.

No mandate to be deputy PM? Which open the door for Seymour?

Massive result!
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