Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

My thoughts are that there is a real possibility of there being a link between whale bone/fat/oil and a cure for dieback.
I highly doubt that is true or there would be follow up study. No doubt the mechanism cant be explained. People thought eating your enemy gave you special powers..


I posted but seems to have been ignored in favour of attacking other sources (diversion?)

Information about the national science challenges:

Research Area Summary​

‘Māori whakapapa describes how the kauri and tohorā (sperm whale) are brothers. In this research area we looked at how this connection could possibly help save the kauri from kauri dieback disease.‘

‘delve into the realm of ‘ihirangaranga’—vibrations and frequencies—as healing sounds, to construct a sonic tapestry of rejuvenation and well-being.’

‘intricately woven with sonic samples of healthy kauri within its untouched habitat, the whale song of its cetacean kin the tohora’
It’s almost as if Adrian Orr wrote it himself
I highly doubt that is true or there would be follow up study. No doubt the mechanism cant be explained. People thought eating your enemy gave you special powers..
So zero possibility of it being true?

It is interesting that things like teas and natural remedies are being revisited and being proven to be effective.
Wow a foreign agitator funding what looks like false flag intelligence operations.. Its a complete mystery as to who could be behind this..

Bored Come On GIF

Oy Vey..
Just no body cares so much or so little. Russia and Iran don't give a fuck about Aus or NZ and Hamas would be assassinating people, not causing property damage.

Lets not forget the Chch post earthquake incidents. 👀

Means, motive and opportunity
What about international neo-nazi groups, are they a suspect too?
What about international neo-nazi groups, are they a suspect too?
hahah yeah bro. international neo nazis are paying particular attention to social insight into the opinion of jewish people in Australia and acted as foreign agents to agitate anti-semitic property damage which has resulted in.. increased support for the israel lobby..

Yeah I'm sure thats it..
hahah yeah bro. international neo nazis are paying particular attention to social insight into the opinion of jewish people in Australia and acted as foreign agents to agitate anti-semitic property damage which has resulted in.. increased support for the israel lobby..

Yeah I'm sure thats it..
Means, motive, opportunity, it's as plausible as Mossad doing false flags on themselves
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