Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Those stats have been like that prior to the recent TPM actions though? It isn't a result of the "anti establishment" narrative.
Stats are getting worse particularly in school.

What do you think the logical conclusion is if you’re telling people continuously the systems against you?

You think the youth will embrace the opportunities available in society or grow up with a victim mentality?

I will say again. Where’s the positive and aspiration messaging coming from Maori leadership? Seems they just reinforce the current issues for political gain and lock another generation into the same victimhood cycle.
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Stats are getting worse.

What do you think the logical conclusion is if you’re telling people the systems from colonisers and they are systemically against you?

You think the youth will embrace the opportunities available in society or grow up with a victim mentality?

I will say again. Where’s the positive and aspiration messaging coming from Maori leadership? Seems they just reinforce the current issues for political gain and lock another generation into the same victimhood cycle.
Have you got a source for the statistics getting worse? (Not questioning, just like reading more).

Most Māori don't even vote TPM, wouldn't what TPM is saying not really matter then?
The current government is made up of the most Māori ever as you have said previously, where is their positive messaging for Māori?

TPM doesn't speak for all Māori, nor represents all Māori. Just because the party has that name, does not mean every Māori is on their side.
88,000 people voted for TPM in the last election. There were around 400,000 Māori voters. If all of the 88,000 that voted TPM are Māori (which I doubt) that represents 22% of Māori voters.
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Have you got a source for the statistics getting worse? (Not questioning, just like reading more).

Most Māori don't even vote TPM, wouldn't what TPM is saying not really matter then?
The current government is made up of the most Māori ever as you have said previously, where is their positive messaging for Māori?

TPM doesn't speak for all Māori, nor represents all Māori. Just because the party has that name, does not mean every Māori is on their side.
88,000 people voted for TPM in the last election. There were around 400,000 Māori voters. If all of the 88,000 that voted TPM are Māori (which I doubt) that represents 22% of Māori voters.
I believe things have been getting better for all parts of society over the decades but bad news sells and the Maori Party have latched onto that.

Recent polling has TPM finding an audience.

Social media has exploded with their negative messaging.

It’s an undertone that is not good for anyone in the long run.

As I’ve said I don’t think Seymour’s bill is the answer but I also think TPM is using it to engage and enrage the youth through a negative response which will have long reaching negative outcomes.
I believe things have been getting better for all parts of society over the decades but bad news sells and the Maori Party have latched onto that.

Recent polling has TPM finding an audience.

Social media has exploded with their negative messaging.

It’s an undertone that is not good for anyone in the long run.

As I’ve said I don’t think Seymour’s bill is the answer but I also think TPM is using it to engage and enrage the youth through a negative response which will have long reaching negative outcomes.
Polling now won't mean much come the next election. Plenty of water to go under the bridge until then. The bill will probably be well gone and TPM will be back to pre-hikoi polling.
I believe things have been getting better for all parts of society over the decades.
That's undoubtedly true as advances in health, automation etc have created a society with more of everything. But people only measure themselves against others in the current society, they don't look back 100 years and think they should be happy because they have it good compared to people in 1925.
If you can find a way to be happy with what you have you will be better off. But we should be helping those who can't help themselves out of we want to be a better society.
If man made climate change doesn't get fixed our kids might all be back on an even footing again soon.
If man made climate change doesn't get fixed our kids might all be back on an even footing again soon.
With this - it looks like 4 countries cause about 55% of the pollution and ours is almost insignificant, do you think we should be leading this? Do you think we should have increased our commitment to this as we did under Arden's Government? Fairly leading questions but I feel we should be a follower in this particular issue
With this - it looks like 4 countries cause about 55% of the pollution and ours is almost insignificant, do you think we should be leading this? Do you think we should have increased our commitment to this as we did under Arden's Government? Fairly leading questions but I feel we should be a follower in this particular issue
Nothing will be done without increased commitment from everyone. Insignificant or not we can apply pressure and meet our commitments. We should also be putting more into r&d , that's probably not just on this area but there are going to be opportunities if we lead in agriculture like we have in the past.
I appreciate this government is about saving money but investment makes money if you are smart about it.
Nothing will be done without increased commitment from everyone. Insignificant or not we can apply pressure and meet our commitments. We should also be putting more into r&d , that's probably not just on this area but there are going to be opportunities if we lead in agriculture like we have in the past.
I appreciate this government is about saving money but investment makes money if you are smart about it.
There’s carrot or stick.

I feel we need to identify our critical parts of the economy - farming, agriculture, etc and use the carrot approach via R&D.

Heavy industries, vehicle emission, etc use the stick to push greener options as the technology becomes available
I believe things have been getting better for all parts of society over the decades but bad news sells and the Maori Party have latched onto that.

Recent polling has TPM finding an audience.

Social media has exploded with their negative messaging.

It’s an undertone that is not good for anyone in the long run.

As I’ve said I don’t think Seymour’s bill is the answer but I also think TPM is using it to engage and enrage the youth through a negative response which will have long reaching negative outcomes.
I highly doubt most of the hardcore problem demographic we're talking about here are politically engaged enough to be influenced by the antics of TPM or any other party. They're getting wasted with their kids who are supposed to be at school, not watching Newshub.
I highly doubt most of the hardcore problem demographic we're talking about here are politically engaged enough to be influenced by the antics of TPM or any other party. They're getting wasted with their kids who are supposed to be at school, not watching Newshub.
I don't know about newshub but social media maybe. There is a very Destiny Church/Bishop Brian feel to me about TPM

Hideous incident as a result of likely prolonged domestic abuse that’s seen a 6 month old and another child stabbed by a 34 year old. Accounts of the male dragging a female across the street and this the result. I believe there’s something that can’t be repaired in someone to harm children. Another incident of a police car rammed in Nelson overnight, to which the officers have critical injuries. Another in Ōpōtiki recently looking like a trend could be emerging, though not of a police car in this instance
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