Agree with you re National not doing much of fuck all
It’s a rebuild job. Some National actions that will help over the next few years:
- The high tax take has reduced investment, productivity and R&D the last 5 years. Being address.
- high costs (wages, compliance) draining profitability, competitiveness and resilience of businesses. Being addressed
- there were a raft of policies effectively reducing output of productive industries (dairy, forestry, resources, etc). Being addressed
- housing choked by RMA, compliance. Being addressed
- skilled labour to grow PRODUCTIVE businesses being pooled in govt departments. Being addressed
- school system was failing with less than 50% attendance and youth unsuitable for work - being addressed.
- govt borrowing huge to unsustainably paper over the cracks and building a foundation on sand. Spending being bought under control.
Feel sorry for the govt inheriting this mess which has been exposed by the deepest recession in 30 years delivered by Labour policies.