Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

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You watch who the media comes up with though 😉

Chippy seemed to have lost the plot and lost his self control.

A desperate man.
3 of the 4 herald political correspondents gave the debate to Chippy despite 3/4 of the public giving it to Luxon. Media showing their true colours (red)!

I think political junkies will like Hipkins trying to score points but Joe Public are turned off by talking over other people that you want to hear and are trying to listen to. Hipkins came across as rude to me.

Even the Heralds lefty Claire Trevett said: Hipkins won the debate, but in doing so may have helped Luxon.
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Think this is going to be a very close election. Thought the stat before the debate was telling with only 33% trusting Luxon and 43% Hipkins, despite national having at least 5 times labours funding Luxon can’t resonate. Noticing a lot of younger voters getting energised and taking an interest in politics as was seen in the pub post debate which I think bodes well for the greens who have managed to largely stay out of the negative headlines. Think cunliffe was spot on in that the minor parties are going to benefit.
Rumours are Hipkins will step down as Labour leader on Sunday night and suddenly Labour/ NZ First is on again.

Hipkins has deliberately ruled out NZ First in a ‘government he leads’

Peters has deliberately ruled out Labour ‘with the current leadership/ direction’

Those weasel words can all change when it’s negotiation time…

As usual, despite the rumours the media say nothing and don’t confront them directly so that if it happens post election, democracy will result in a government ruling from decisions that the people didn’t vote on…
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Rumours are Hipkins will step down as Labour leader on Sunday night and suddenly Labour/ NZ First is on again.

Hipkins has deliberately ruled out NZ First in a ‘government he leads’

Peters has deliberately ruled out Labour ‘with the current leadership/ direction’

Those weasel words can all change when it’s negotiation time…

As usual, despite the rumours the media say nothing and don’t confront them directly so that if it happens post election, democracy will result in a government ruling from decisions that the people didn’t vote on…
Just some normal thoughts for 6.40am from the Wiz... Which weird part of the internet are you hearing these rumours? Enlighten us...

The thing about MMP is for what you say to unfold, they would need the Greens who look like having a record high vote & have ruled Winston out & even said they would rather be in opposition.
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I totally agree and it’s short term thinking… except covid proved our internal labour market is broken.

We have 10% of people on a benefit, our kids don’t go to school, our education system doesnt create skilled employees, our minimum wage distorts the natural worth of jobs, rewards minimum wages and created a dearth of talent in skilled jobs.
BS. Aus min wage heaps higher. Low wages is in fact the problem. Mexico of the pacific remember.
Further we need to prioritise high value jobs rather than banning mining, exploration, shutting down refineries, converting farms to forestry, etc.
That is facts
And I don’t want lots of low paid jobs (refbdbfcccc minimum wages) I want a high skilled workforce and high skilled industries commanding higher wages rather than letting standards slip and unbelievably thinking we need to pay people more for doing less.

In summary we need to address the problems at home as the immigration problem is a symptom not the ill.
Then stop being a service / tourist economy and leant how to value add. NZ's technological prowess can be summed up in the following;

It was a kiwi who split the atom, then NZ went and banned nuclear power 😂 (Aus is just is bad, but we are on cusp of a path change)
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The thing about MMP is for what you say to unfold, they would need the Greens who look like having a record high vote & have ruled Winston out & even said they would rather be in opposition.
Act ruled out working with Peters as well but everyone knows they will do it to get in government… same as the Greens.

Peters prefers inexperienced PMs though. It’s why he picked Jacinda and why he will go with Luxon.
It’s truly incredible how badly National have handled this election. This should of been an absolute cake walk.

Now it looks like the country is going to be in a mess after this and Winston will hold the keys.

I don’t agree with many of his policies but Winston is an incredible politician
I called it in the old forum. Luxon is an absolute potato.

Not even the good kind, like chips or roasted. Even mash as soft and textureless as it is would be an improvement.
No Luxon is a left in the cupboard too long mouldy spud.

Imagine signing up as captain, quitting cos you can’t hack it, coming back as a pinch hitter as the game looks like it’s in the bag, only to strike out with the bases loaded.

When I speak of mediocre men, him and that Bishop guy are the embodiment of it.
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Has Winston actually released any policy???
The only reason he is going to make it back in is the media. As soon as he put his hand up there was non-stop articles about who would work with him and could he be the king maker etc basically a self fulfilling prophecy
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