I guess you could have given up at any point and blamed your parents, the system or anything else. Or you could have educated yourself, worked stuff out and worked hard and smart.Complete fantasy. If that was the case philanthropy and charities wouldn't exists. As per a recent study, its not rich parents that determine success, its IQ. Instead of being bitter about capitalism (that's lifted more people from poverty than any other political system) you could benefit from it.
I grew up in a single mother household in NZ. Was running with gangs by 13, out of school and home at 15, to retired from the military at 41, owning property and businesses, with a networth that has 3 commas in it.
Most people are responsible for the positions they find themselves in.
It is easy going down the blame path, the path to bitterness and nowhere.
I respect those that do well for themselves.