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Yes, but of those 25,000, most will be sold and only 11,000 kept as state houses. That's an increase in the public housing stock of 4,000 houses.

Which has also been happening for a number of years. Drive through the houses in Michael Jones Drive (and the surrounding streets in Flat Bush). The houses with double garages were sold to the public while the ones with single garages are state houses.
Mate, I was on the fucking Piritahi board!
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MaybeTop8 MaybeTop8, I think it was you who asked me how could changes be made to the RMA without allowing development which could ruin the environment. There is actually one way which would speed up development and consenting processes while not removing any of the current environmental or building requirements/safeguards.

I’m currently working with a surveyor/civil engineer on a development project. We have resubmitted the drainage engineering three times and the same WaterCare engineer has rejected it…. but will not tell us what he wants to see on the drawings.

The problem is that both the resource and building consent process isn’t collaborative between council and the consultants/clients but is adversarial….. council staff aren’t there “to design” but to either approve or reject applications.

So, if I was to submit a set of drawings and the building officer didn’t like a roofing detail, he only is required to send me a letter saying he doesn’t accept a detail. He is not required to tell me what he doesn’t like about it or say what he would approve. I have to guess what he wants, change the detail and resubmit it…. hoping he’s happy this time.
100%. Just been through 2 years of trying to get a RC to build one house and auckland council are just terrible. You pay an expert to provide them evidence and they just ignore it because their interpretation in their book is different. It's exactly like you say.
Half of the people their are contractors so the longer it goes the more they get paid. So it's in their interest to drag it out.
The person at council changed twice and each one brings a different inertial or asks for the same info ask over again.
We couldn't get them to site in the 2 years to talk sensibly about it, weren't interested in that at all.

In the end we did dum stuff to comply, then they turn up when our expert comes out to do some work, council have to be educated onsite by that person about what they are doing; the expert who tells then what they are going to do will make things worse, council person says nothing so we go ahead to get rc.

There is no doubt in my mind we could build houses at double the rate in auckland if council weren't so bad
100%. Just been through 2 years of trying to get a RC to build one house and auckland council are just terrible. You pay an expert to provide them evidence and they just ignore it because their interpretation in their book is different. It's exactly like you say.
Half of the people their are contractors so the longer it goes the more they get paid. So it's in their interest to drag it out.
The person at council changed twice and each one brings a different inertial or asks for the same info ask over again.
We couldn't get them to site in the 2 years to talk sensibly about it, weren't interested in that at all.

In the end we did dum stuff to comply, then they turn up when our expert comes out to do some work, council have to be educated onsite by that person about what they are doing; the expert who tells then what they are going to do will make things worse, council person says nothing so we go ahead to get rc.

There is no doubt in my mind we could build houses at double the rate in auckland if council weren't so bad
What I find interesting too is my father is at one of the best performing Carters timber yards in the country and when we caught up for a beer yesterday I asked if they were busy. They were having record months upon months for sales about a year ago but it’s slowed considerably. Interesting though he said the Chinese and Indian builders were who were buying a majority of their timber at the moment and they were the busiest in his view with many of the homegrown builders saying they’re scratching for work. Because I’ve seen some of the building practices of some of the Asian builders sites and the outcomes, and not to label all of them as poor but I asked him how codes and permits are being signed off when seeing some of the standards. Purely speculative but you do have to wonder if there are some backhanders going in these circles? One thing he noticed too is the amount of unused timber ordered but brought back at the end of the job for credit among many of the Asian builders he’s noticed
Why not expand the lunch program to be part of the school curriculum, hands on learning about growing food, nutrition and then cooking.
undernutrition and malnutrition have massive effects on neuro development that can last for generations.
Who is going to advocate for this? Certainly not multinational food corporations.
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They also unapologetically turn their resources into cash. We should do that too
And then what though? The rich will be richer, we'll be left with no resources and the environment will be completely fucked. Building an economy based on low environmental sustainable profit driven enterprise e.g. knowledge driven products, scientific development etc would be far more beneficial for all New Zealanders.
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She's not wrong
100% Corrupt - all those that bagged Labour on here, surely you want to apply those same standards you clamoured for this current coalition that are actively dismantling our democracy in front of our eyes.
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