When I went to Nursing School on the North shore at AIT there were 12 Maori and one hundred an two Pakeha in my class.
A bunch of Pakeha accused me of getting my placement because I am Maori.
I finished with an A average which was pretty much my fuck you to all those women who tried to make my right to study about my race.
You can ignore the reality of this extremely racist country all you like....keep ignoring it....clap clap...while posting about beneficiaries should be applying to countdown to push trolleys....hey I just told you my Mathematician sister could not get a job in Countdown and you are being a woos and not responding.....good on you.
Bottom line, if you are Maori and you ask for a Job, you ain't getting one unless there is no one white or a quota system to fill.
I wish more New Zealanders were honest about that shit eh, it would make me have more respect for most of you people in here.
I am hoping this Govt gets rid of the treaty so there is no longer a reason for Maori to be this Uncle Tom peaceable placid group who always have quiet protests.
Lets get rid of all that so that the conversation switches to Maori talking openly about theft, home invasion, rape, genocide, Apartheid and state sponsored domination and human rights abuses, rather than waving placards, if the Pakeha get rid of the Treaty we can go directly to the mainstream court, the international courts and the United Nations.
Lets get rid of the treaty and put the international spotlight on abuses in this country, lets have Aljazeera reporting on Maori Issues so the whole world enters the dialogue and the local Pakeha narrative is drowned out by neutral, fair, international judgement of the what happened to Maori here, what continues to happen to Maori here, and what this new Govt have planned for Maori here.
That stupid treaty has been a muffler on Maori causes and a way to keep all the illegality and undemocratic shit Pakeha do....in house, that stupid treaty the Pakeha want rid of is their biggest gag on Maori issues, so I say, please have a referendum and get rid of it so we can be like every other group and no longer kiss the arse of an old document our grandfathers signed in good faith, free us from the bonds of that shit.
Lets air New Zealands laundry globally and empower Maori to see what other people have to say who are not biased like the powers that be who control the lying narrative in this country.
Ban the treaty and expose the shit to to world so Maori see it measured by the court of international opinion and take the conversation forward on the front foot, rather than these piece meal Pakeha settlement payouts.