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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

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Education was better 20 years about with 600 Ministry of Education employees than now where we have crashed down the international ranking with 4,600 employee’s.

Isn’t quality of public servants better than the current abysmal focus on quantity? Isn’t front line teachers and nurses more important than the explosion of staff at Wellington?
Regarding education standards while I agree with you I would make the point that 20 years ago the parenting standards were also higher. 🤔
While we’re asking questions, what’s left and right that you often reference?
The right is those that live in the real world of personal responsibility, conservatism, financial responsibility and outcomes. Everyone’s equal and law, democracy and freedom are our founding principles.

The left is whoever’s left tricked by fairy dust, light rail, cycle bridges, Kiwibuild and privilege based on race.
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Household living costs increase 7.0 percent​

Yep, and increasing wages above the target range just creates a self fulfilling spiral of domestic inflation.

I appreciate a government that will do what’s right not what’s populist.

Remind me again how minimum wage employees are heaps better off after having the minimum wages increasing significantly above inflation for the past 6 years? Must be above the living wage by now? We have fixed homelessness or poverty? 🙄
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Yep, and increasing wages above the target range just creates a self fulfilling spiral of domestic inflation.

I appreciate a government that will do what’s right not what’s populist.

Under National next year inflation will be within the band and everyone will be better off. Under Labour everyone would have got 7% pay rises and inflation would still be at 7% with the economic carnage that follows…
Wages are all the inflation now? The minimum wage should be banded to actual inflation, so people earning the minimum aren't going backwards. Not the imaginary number we 'hope' to get to.
The right is those that live in the real world of personal responsibility, conservatism, financial responsibility and outcomes. Everyone’s equal and law, democracy and freedom are our founding principles.

The left is whoever’s left.

Freedom is not a function of conservatism.

Traditional values and fear of change are not conducive to free thought, action, or social advancement.

Take our Prime minister. He describes himself as a 'soft republican' yet cannot foresee change under his Govt nor in his life time'.

To be fair to Luxon, he is just a product of colonial conservative dogma, 'god king then country'.

Personally I admire Luxon for being honest, he does not agree with the monarchy being head of state here (because patently King Charles as our figure head is ridiculous) yet his conservative leanings do not allow him to act on his instincts.

Conservatives like Luxon are trapped in their own programming. Freedom and democracy you say.

I won't attack Luxon's religious views, although they are relevant to a discussion about free thought and potential conflicts of interest as a leader, however I respect his right/his freedom to hold those views.
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Yep, and increasing wages above the target range just creates a self fulfilling spiral of domestic inflation.

I appreciate a government that will do what’s right not what’s populist.

Remind me again how minimum wage employees are heaps better off after having the minimum wages increasing significantly above inflation for the past 6 years? Must be above the living wage by now? We have fixed homelessness or poverty? 🙄
Yes, we conquered all of the societal ills of poverty and homelessness, mostly perpetuated by high rent and the cost of housing - all by increasing the minimum wage... what a fuckhead.
Wages are all the inflation now? The minimum wage should be banded to actual inflation, so people earning the minimum aren't going backwards. Not the imaginary number we 'hope' to get to.
Well, your figures were for last year (historic now) and the minimum wage changes are for next year, which we don’t have inflation figures for.

But the inflation target is 1-3% so that would be an appropriate forward facing goal?
Yes, we conquered all of the societal ills of poverty and homelessness, mostly perpetuated by high rent and the cost of housing - all by increasing the minimum wage... what a fuckhead.
You honestly don’t get the link between getting ahead based on productivity vs ‘it’s hard out there so we will just pay everyone more’

One way fixes the underlying problem, the other is feel good propaganda that evidence shows hasn’t worked because it can’t.

And I accept it isn’t just the minimum wage - all cost drivers including all wage earners (nurses, teachers, private employees, etc) should expect pay rises within the inflation band. Don’t turn this into a ‘he just wants to punish the poor’.
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Yes, we conquered all of the societal ills of poverty and homelessness, mostly perpetuated by high rent and the cost of housing - all by increasing the minimum wage... what a fuckhead.
While I agree that poverty and homelessness are exacerbated by the cost of housing the other factor is the lack of education and the expectation that somehow many are not responsible for the decisions they make.
The right is those that live in the real world of personal responsibility, conservatism, financial responsibility and outcomes. Everyone’s equal and law, democracy and freedom are our founding principles.

The left is whoever’s left tricked by fairy dust, light rail, cycle bridges, Kiwibuild and privilege based on race.
Who made those founding principles?
If the bank has deemed the loan serviceable, they’re unlikely to be living on the breadline though.
Banks love lending money secured against property. The figures might stack up on paper but in the real world there are maintenance issues that come up, vacancies and cost increases for rates, insurance etc. It takes quite a few years for small investors to show a return, with the exception of the last ten years, especially the crazy covid house inflation period.
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