A minister is merely that department's representative in cabinet.do you have to have a qualification in a certain thing to be good at it? Ie should a person need a commerce degree or be a qualified accountant to be finance minister? Should the education minister have a teaching degree? Health minister has to have been a doctor? And so on and so on. With the level of support and personal backing them it shouldn't necessarily be a prerequisite. What is more important to me is having people capable of managing, driving, measuring and accounting for their ministry they are in charge of. Generally the best ones, but not always, are the ones who have had successful private sector roles.
All they really need is common sense and the ability to spend hours studying briefing papers.
Having a relevant qualification can actually be an impediment, although it doesn't have to be so.
Now the idiot who screwed the education system was a grocery executive, he should have had educational experience and qualifications. He didn't. The education ministers at the time included David Lange, who had a masters Degree in Law, so should have known a little about education.
The cabinet ministers who oversaw the disastrous Police merger with the MOT in the 1990s included John Banks and Clem Simich. Both conservative law and order advocates. Simich had been a Police Detective, John Banks mixed closely with senior Police and is regarded as one of the more sympathetic Police Ministers in terms of front line staff.
So opposite ends of the spectrum, and they boths stuffed up badly.

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