Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

It’s to easy when they are running on anger, fear and getting very emotional. Worse than my teenage daughter!

I might give this thread a rest for a while until they move out of the grief and anger stage at losing the election.

And before anyone says it… i’ll make sure the door doesn’t hit me on the way out🤣
Ohh What a shame 😕
About the door I mean. 😉 😜


Hey, I’ve had a few right posters messaging me wishing me luck but saying they are out of this thread as there is no balance and it’s gone toxic.

Might be time to leave it to the lefties to winge and moan amongst themselves and create their own rabbit hole that they can go feral in 🤣
I have replied to you plenty of times but you are yet to provide a balanced response back, provide some balanced answers and perhaps the thread would be more balanced.
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I'm not here to argue just want to state that names of government organisations are easy to remember. People just chose to ignore and say it's hard.

Tamariki...this is the word for children. Everyone growing up here should know this. Oranga tamariki.

Waka...everyone knows this is a canoe. It's a bit of a stretch but it's something to travel to places. So transport. Waka kotahi.

The two Oras can confuse you but some people don't even know left and right and that's English.
Kainga is housing/accomodations. Ora like health (hauora). Pretty much meaning healthy homes.

Te Whatu Ora. I don't know what Whatu means but it's the other ora so ministry of health.

I'm not Maori but I don't think these words are that hard.

There are heaps of Maori words yous know too.
I'd hate to get on the block list of a fellow Warriors fan over politics by responding to you calling right wingers as wankers, because I'm right leaning myself. Even though I sometimes have to resist a strong urge to call left wingers much worse.

I have learned to tone it down and keep my political opinions to myself because all it ever does is divide people. People tend to be different beasts when it comes to politics, and not all that bad beyond it.

Sometimes how you address people for their political beliefs will elicit a far worse response than the topic at hand.

We should all do better to agree to disagree and respect people with different opinions.
bro. nailed it.

i don’t vote. which is why i don’t complain.
but the way some people carry on, it’s as though the political parties are their sick mother. HOW DARE YOU! NO, HOW DARE YOU!!!

they all lie and cheat as bad as each other. they even tell the exact same lies. it’s fucking mental!

no way anyone could tell them apart in a blindfolded taste test.

fucking wild man.
they’re all crooks who work in the same building anyway.

fuck em.
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bro. nailed it.

i don’t vote. which is why i don’t complain.
but the way some people carry on, it’s as though the political parties are their sick mother. HOW DARE YOU! NO, HOW DARE YOU!!!

they all lie and cheat as bad as each other. they even tell the exact same lies. it’s fucking mental!

no way anyone could tell them apart in a blindfolded taste test.

fucking wild man.
hey’re all crooks who work in the same building anyway.
Ain't that the truth. In my relatively short time on this forum I have seen the most bombastic political posters disappear eventually.
We cannot always be right all of the time.
Most of who need the Govt to pay their wages?

Your post yet again makes no sense and hints at your hard wired Anti Maori rubbish.

If you mean most state funded broadcasters need the Govt to pay their wages then why single out Maori TV.

If you mean most Maori rely on the govt to pay their wages then you should get in your Cook island Canoe and row back to where you won't feel the need to spread hate about the Indigenous people of this country.

Go back to your island or stfu about Maori.
Not sure how I got tied up in this?

I used to live next to a Maori lady who used to read the news on TV3 I think it was. Nice lady, I can't recall her name as it's been 20 years. One of my flatmates at the time was a producer for Maori TV. Another one when I first moved in was a TV write. Of all my flatmates they probably had most jobs.

Other than that I haven't mentioned Maori TV. Maybe on the old forum that my father who doesn't have Sky often watches the sport that is played on Maori TV.
Not sure how I got tied up in this?

I used to live next to a Maori lady who used to read the news on TV3 I think it was. Nice lady, I can't recall her name as it's been 20 years. One of my flatmates at the time was a producer for Maori TV. Another one when I first moved in was a TV write. Of all my flatmates they probably had most jobs.

Other than that I haven't mentioned Maori TV. Maybe on the old forum that my father who doesn't have Sky often watches the sport that is played on Maori TV.
Accidental double quote sorry bro. I just deleted the whole thing, did not realise the forum is using multi quotes, plus im on my phone, plus I should avoid this threat because it is hurtful reading all the Maori stuff eh.
He seemed like an affable chap...

Until this...

Or the whole thing with immediately cancelling the planned upgrades to Whangarei Hospital while owning shares in a private hospital in Whangarei.
There is huge upgrade work underway at Whangarei Hospital now. What are they cancelling? I wonder if Winston and Shane know about this or agree.
Like most hospitals, Whangarei needs upgrading, replacing. Staff and service are excellent though.
There is huge upgrade work underway at Whangarei Hospital now. What are they cancelling? I wonder if Winston and Shane know about this or agree.
Like most hospitals, Whangarei needs upgrading, replacing. Staff and service are excellent though.
maybe cancelling was a bit strong, re prioritising
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