Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


The question then needs to be asked, why did Hipkins call for an election so close to APEC when he would have had a pretty good idea on how long it would take to form a government? Scorched earth policy?
It was Ardern who set the election date at the start of the year when she resigned.

Not sure if Hipkins could have changed after the fact. Politics does have some weird rules.
What is this sorcery that she knew the voters would vote Winston into a 3 party coalition and that would drag negotiations out threatening luxon going to apec?
Just pointing out that she set the date when she announced her resignation. The election date was known since the start of the year.

APEC dates would have been known as well as any other engagements. I doubt there was any plans on the fall out from the election you have to have it at some point and there will always be something on.
Just pointing out that she set the date when she announced her resignation. The election date was known since the start of the year.

APEC dates would have been known as well as any other engagements. I doubt there was any plans on the fall out from the election you have to have it at some point and there will always be something on.
I’ve been hearing she was paid $23 million by pharmac to convince everybody to get the vaccine.
On the news this morning Luxon said he would still like to attend 😀
TBH, it always seems to take far too long for a government to be formed. The only time most politicians care about what we think is once every three years….. then they hide behind closed doors and look at what things they were voted on they can ignore to form a government. Personally, I like STV far more than MMP but the MMP lobbyists ran the better campaign.
This discussion has never been about the election date.
More about the results.
Delays for the finals and a death of the Act candidate and by-election and now recounts and after all this Seymour & Winnie holding out for baubles.
TBH, it always seems to take far too long for a government to be formed. The only time most politicians care about what we think is once every three years….. then they hide behind closed doors and look at what things they were voted on they can ignore to form a government. Personally, I like STV far more than MMP but the MMP lobbyists ran the better campaign.
The common factor is Winston Peters.

If he wasn’t part of the negotiations we would have had a government weeks ago.
The 2017 election took a while to get formed as like other years we had NZ First playing the two main parties off against each other.

This time although NZ First isn't the main party needed they still seem to be able to ring these out.

I've been saying for a while now the way we do MMP with the smaller parties putting down bottom lines on major things is a bit backwards. You go into negotiations with 40% and get dictated to by people with 5-15%.

Listening to the radio on the way home today the sticking points seem to be the tax cuts and where the money will come from. Looks like from a climate change fund. Sounds like NZ First want to use it for regional policies. The brief bit I heard that may have been for climate related items. The Provincial Growth Fund had some merit in investing around the country. The execution wasn't the best. After the year we have had with damage from cyclones and flooding that money would be better off spent fixing damaged roads, bridges or infrastructure that could prevent damage from flooding instead of tax cuts.
This discussion has never been about the election date.
More about the results.
Delays for the finals and a death of the Act candidate and by-election and now recounts and after all this Seymour & Winnie holding out for baubles.
Winston isn't interested in the baubles of office. Remember he told us.

He reminds me of the Warriors official in the 95/96 era that was complaining about Ian Robson. Call the radio to say "You wouldn't guess what he's wasting money on now, a plan to Waiheke Island". When asked "Where are you" responds "Getting off the helicopter".

He's always said he's not interested in the baubles of office and then gets the nice Ministry of Foreign Affairs or something else which gives him a lot of travel or other benefits. The sacrifices that makes for us. :rolleyes:
Winston isn't interested in the baubles of office. Remember he told us.

He reminds me of the Warriors official in the 95/96 era that was complaining about Ian Robson. Call the radio to say "You wouldn't guess what he's wasting money on now, a plan to Waiheke Island". When asked "Where are you" responds "Getting off the helicopter".

He's always said he's not interested in the baubles of office and then gets the nice Ministry of Foreign Affairs or something else which gives him a lot of travel or other benefits. The sacrifices that makes for us. :rolleyes:
At the same time saying "I would like to get home. I have better things to do ".
Another 3 years of his bullshit 😒
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