Current Affairs 🗳️ Is this the twilight of democracy?
Democracy is Lways at threat because of Politicians are only motivated by power, control greed and ego every last one of them
Billy Connolly says that anyone who wants to be a politician should automatically be banned from ever being one
Politics has a life of its own that has nothing to do with what's right for the country or for the people. It's the pursuit of power.
But it's the system and one I'd rather have than most of the others because people at least have a chance to vote for or against on a regular basis.
Kiwis are just not that great either side of the ball 🙄
Benevolent dictator is an oxymoron, pretty sure Henry knew that, he was talking of/ to the Pope after all. At least Henry was a transparent murderous dipshit of a ruler.
Democracy is Lways at threat because of Politicians are only motivated by power, control greed and ego every last one of them
Some countries don't like democracy and are determined to destroy it. E.g. Russia and more lately China. Russia are experts at it and know where to find useful idiots in the west. Christian Churches are a good place to start.

Lachlan is way more right wing than Rupert according to Malcolm Turnbull, and I believe him. Turnbull was in media so knew them both well.

In Mathew Ridges book (a good read), he had to go for a meeting somewhere about Super League. In the lift he bumped into Lachlan who gave him an impressive talk on his study of Greek philosophy. This would have been in 1995 so the junior Murdoch would still have been at or just out of university.

I always wondered what that was about, my guess after listening to Malcolm Turnbull is that Murdoch Junior is an authoritarian type, and always has been.

The historian Gwynne Dyer. now in his 80s, and no fan of the Murdoch family, said that when Rupert died or quit the business the empire would quickly fall apart.

The sooner the better...just arseholes.
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I could put this in the Murdoch thread, but here goes, it is a story about how these moronic two families sorted the Super League war. No apologies for stuffing our beloved game either....just arseholes.

Is this the right thread to bring up Russell Brand? He featured in the covid thread on the old site before it got Gallipoli'd, and the Andrew Tate one. What do you guys think, hero or grifting rapist

U.K government telling rumble to de monetize him, seems the conspiracy theories may be right on this one.
He speaks out about governments pharmaceuticals and the war mongering, who then pits up the cash for the politicians to run?
They interveiw probably hundreds of woman to get 4 to say it was consensual but this one time this happened but 15 years later.
Why not come out at the height of his fame, better yet come out at the height of the me too movement, why now?
Is it because of statement like this
He isn't even found guilty and they are taking him down, if he is guilty he is guilty, if he is found innocent, the 4 cows must face charges themselves as he will spend the rest of his life as Russell Brand the alleged rapist.
They can't just kill you now like they could to Lennon and Kennedy so they assanaite your character
Lachlan is way more right wing than Rupert according to Malcolm Turnbull, and I believe him. Turnbull was in media so knew them both well.

In Mathew Ridges book (a good read), he had to go for a meeting somewhere about Super League. In the lift he bumped into Lachlan who gave him an impressive talk on his study of Greek philosophy. This would have been in 1995 so the junior Murdoch would still have been at or just out of university.

I always wondered what that was about, my guess after listening to Malcolm Turnbull is that Murdoch Junior is an authoritarian type, and always has been.

The historian Gwynne Dyer. now in his 80s, and no fan of the Murdoch family, said that when Rupert died or quit the business the empire would quickly fall apart.

The sooner the better...just arseholes.
The younger murdoch could evolve their business into something greater tho, he will have more insights into today's culture than his old man.
Most news has a political bend on it now, no one just does journalism anymore and holds the elites feet to the fire they work for the elites now
Socrates said it was government by mediocrity.
Solzenhitzyn said a benevolent dictator was best.
Henry the 8th said power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Benjamin Franklin said it is not a perfect form of government, but it is the best we have.
The British Parliamentary system is not perfect, but it has lasted.
Larry Fink says authoritarian governments are best for financial market as he controls the 10 trillion dollar market that Blackrock controls
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U.K government telling rumble to de monetize him, seems the conspiracy theories may be right on this one.
He speaks out about governments pharmaceuticals and the war mongering, who then pits up the cash for the politicians to run?
They interveiw probably hundreds of woman to get 4 to say it was consensual but this one time this happened but 15 years later.
Why not come out at the height of his fame, better yet come out at the height of the me too movement, why now?
Is it because of statement like this
He isn't even found guilty and they are taking him down, if he is guilty he is guilty, if he is found innocent, the 4 cows must face charges themselves as he will spend the rest of his life as Russell Brand the alleged rapist.
They can't just kill you now like they could to Lennon and Kennedy so they assanaite your character

Yeah dunno why it took this long, I heard all this in 2017

The younger murdoch could evolve their business into something greater tho, he will have more insights into today's culture than his old man.
Most news has a political bend on it now, no one just does journalism anymore and holds the elites feet to the fire they work for the elites now
Good evening Cecil.

The younger Murdoch is a right wing dickhead. He wouldn't get a job anywhere else he is that useless.

The man behind the success of Fox was Roger Ailes, a deeply flawed sexual predator but brilliant right wing political strategist.

He hated Trump, just like Rupert Murdoch did. The younger Murdoch hated Ailes, he always wanted his job..

Rupert had to sack Ailes because of sexual harassment suits from female anchors.

The younger Murdoch took over and the results are obvious.

A massive payout to Dominion Voting Systems and more cases in the pipeline, probably billions in total.

A disgusting family.
U.K government telling rumble to de monetize him, seems the conspiracy theories may be right on this one.
He speaks out about governments pharmaceuticals and the war mongering, who then pits up the cash for the politicians to run?
They interveiw probably hundreds of woman to get 4 to say it was consensual but this one time this happened but 15 years later.
Why not come out at the height of his fame, better yet come out at the height of the me too movement, why now?
Is it because of statement like this
He isn't even found guilty and they are taking him down, if he is guilty he is guilty, if he is found innocent, the 4 cows must face charges themselves as he will spend the rest of his life as Russell Brand the alleged rapist.
They can't just kill you now like they could to Lennon and Kennedy so they assanaite your character

quite a view of women you have.
i hope your sons grow up to be better than that.

i assume you were just as hot in the pants when kevin spacey finally got called out, because this is no different.

also ONLY 4 victims is a lot of victims dude.

FUN FACT: 3+ victims and you’re officially a serial rapist.
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Larry Fink of Blsckrock snd his Banker Jamie Dimon run America and by extension a lot of the world. He is the CEO of the invest ment firm, Blackrock.

Blackrick has controlling interest in about 88% of Fortune 500 companies, including Boeinv, Raythein and McDonalx Douglas. The bacjbone of tbe miitsry iinustrial complex. They sre also majir politicsl donors.

So, will Blackriock be in favour of peacecul cooperation in the sorl anywhere. Doubt it, so what if a few sikdiers sailors and airmen die along wifh civilians.

To really put tbe cherry on top for Blackrock, they have the contrsct to rebuikd Ukrsine so I guess thst is the rdason no oesce negotuations can happen.thst recognises any Russian concerns.

How does this affect tbe US. Considef their Defence budget is bigger than the next 12 to 15 countrues combined, including China and Russia. Please tell me how the US is dangerously sbirt of ammunition and people and weapons. They are looking at the draft again and their fighter fkrce is half the numbers of 1991.
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Larry Fink of Blsckrock snd his Banker Jamie Dimon run America and by extension a lot of the world. He is the CEO of the invest ment firm, Blackrock.

Blackrick has controlling interest in about 88% of Fortune 500 companies, including Boeinv, Raythein and McDonalx Douglas. The bacjbone of tbe miitsry iinustrial complex. They sre also majir politicsl donors.

So, will Blackriock be in favour of peacecul cooperation in the sorl anywhere. Doubt it, so what if a few sikdiers sailors and airmen die along wifh civilians.

To really put tbe cherry on top for Blackrock, they have the contrsct to rebuikd Ukrsine so I guess thst is the rdason no oesce negotuations can happen.thst recognises any Russian concerns.

How does this affect tbe US. Considef their Defence budget is bigger than the next 12 to 15 countrues combined, including China and Russia. Please tell me how the US is dangerously sbirt of ammunition and people and weapons. They are looking at the draft again and their fighter fkrce is half the numbers of 1991.
Where do you get this shite?
I like Bernie Sanders, he has a conscience and a heart, although too left wing for me. the Democratic party shafted him horribly in preference to Hilary Clinton for the 2016 election. If they had selected him, Trump would not have won, guaranteed.
I agree he's a tad bit too left - although no where near a full on socialist. However, I beg to differ about if he ran against Trump in 2016, Trump would have lost. The fact we consider him too left, would have made it easy for Trump/GOP to paint him as a commie. At one stage there was pictures of him in Russia - I recall something about a honeymoon, but not sure if it was an actual wedding honeymoon or just using honeymoon as a generic term. The shit that Trump spouted was enough to put voters off Hilary and he could have taken that to another level with Bernie. Although Sanders would have eaten Trump in the debates - although my dog would give Trump a good run.
I agree he's a tad bit too left - although no where near a full on socialist. However, I beg to differ about if he ran against Trump in 2016, Trump would have lost. The fact we consider him too left, would have made it easy for Trump/GOP to paint him as a commie. At one stage there was pictures of him in Russia - I recall something about a honeymoon, but not sure if it was an actual wedding honeymoon or just using honeymoon as a generic term. The shit that Trump spouted was enough to put voters off Hilary and he could have taken that to another level with Bernie. Although Sanders would have eaten Trump in the debates - although my dog would give Trump a good run.
You have to consider what Cambridge Analytica did with the help of the Russians. That might, or might not, come out in Crossfire Hurricane. That is if it gets to charges.
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Larry Fink of Blsckrock snd his Banker Jamie Dimon run America and by extension a lot of the world. He is the CEO of the invest ment firm, Blackrock.

Blackrick has controlling interest in about 88% of Fortune 500 companies, including Boeinv, Raythein and McDonalx Douglas. The bacjbone of tbe miitsry iinustrial complex. They sre also majir politicsl donors.

So, will Blackriock be in favour of peacecul cooperation in the sorl anywhere. Doubt it, so what if a few sikdiers sailors and airmen die along wifh civilians.

To really put tbe cherry on top for Blackrock, they have the contrsct to rebuikd Ukrsine so I guess thst is the rdason no oesce negotuations can happen.thst recognises any Russian concerns.

How does this affect tbe US. Considef their Defence budget is bigger than the next 12 to 15 countrues combined, including China and Russia. Please tell me how the US is dangerously sbirt of ammunition and people and weapons. They are looking at the draft again and their fighter fkrce is half the numbers of 1991.
man that’s hard to read.
Larry Fink of Blsckrock snd his Banker Jamie Dimon run America and by extension a lot of the world. He is the CEO of the invest ment firm, Blackrock.

Blackrick has controlling interest in about 88% of Fortune 500 companies, including Boeinv, Raythein and McDonalx Douglas. The bacjbone of tbe miitsry iinustrial complex. They sre also majir politicsl donors.

So, will Blackriock be in favour of peacecul cooperation in the sorl anywhere. Doubt it, so what if a few sikdiers sailors and airmen die along wifh civilians.

To really put tbe cherry on top for Blackrock, they have the contrsct to rebuikd Ukrsine so I guess thst is the rdason no oesce negotuations can happen.thst recognises any Russian concerns.

How does this affect tbe US. Considef their Defence budget is bigger than the next 12 to 15 countrues combined, including China and Russia. Please tell me how the US is dangerously sbirt of ammunition and people and weapons. They are looking at the draft again and their fighter fkrce is half the numbers of 1991.
Larry Fink of Blsckrock snd his Banker Jamie Dimon run America and by extension a lot of the world. He is the CEO of the invest ment firm, Blackrock.

Blackrick has controlling interest in about 88% of Fortune 500 companies, including Boeinv, Raythein and McDonalx Douglas. The bacjbone of tbe miitsry iinustrial complex. They sre also majir politicsl donors.

So, will Blackriock be in favour of peacecul cooperation in the sorl anywhere. Doubt it, so what if a few sikdiers sailors and airmen die along wifh civilians.

To really put tbe cherry on top for Blackrock, they have the contrsct to rebuikd Ukrsine so I guess thst is the rdason no oesce negotuations can happen.thst recognises any Russian concerns.

How does this affect tbe US. Considef their Defence budget is bigger than the next 12 to 15 countrues combined, including China and Russia. Please tell me how the US is dangerously sbirt of ammunition and people and weapons. They are looking at the draft again and their fighter fkrce is half the numbers of 1991.
Dimon was called to give evidence on JP Morgan's Epstein accounts this year. What do you make of that conspiracybro, CIA honeypot money?
Larry Fink of Blsckrock snd his Banker Jamie Dimon run America and by extension a lot of the world. He is the CEO of the invest ment firm, Blackrock.

Blackrick has controlling interest in about 88% of Fortune 500 companies, including Boeinv, Raythein and McDonalx Douglas. The bacjbone of tbe miitsry iinustrial complex. They sre also majir politicsl donors.

So, will Blackriock be in favour of peacecul cooperation in the sorl anywhere. Doubt it, so what if a few sikdiers sailors and airmen die along wifh civilians.

To really put tbe cherry on top for Blackrock, they have the contrsct to rebuikd Ukrsine so I guess thst is the rdason no oesce negotuations can happen.thst recognises any Russian concerns.

How does this affect tbe US. Considef their Defence budget is bigger than the next 12 to 15 countrues combined, including China and Russia. Please tell me how the US is dangerously sbirt of ammunition and people and weapons. They are looking at the draft again and their fighter fkrce is half the numbers of 1991.
Reads like you are cutting and pasting from illiterates off 4CHAN
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