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Yeah I remember hearing about the BDO in the early 90s when I was still at school (probably clips on the news or Nightline or whatever), then when old Havoc & Newsboy did the BDO review/interview shows in late 90s I was desperate to go, but still a school student in Wanganui with no idea I could actually attend one myself 😂

Kinda funny my first in 2001 and my last in 2011 were co-headlined by Rammstein, what a crazy show they put on, would love to see one of their non-festival concerts for the full-on pyromania!!!

Went to BDO 1996 (Porno for Pyros, Rage Against The Machine), 2004 (Metallica, The Strokes) and 2008 (Rage Against The Machine reformed for some reason, Arcade Fire).
2008 BDO apparantly Bjork - who was one of the four headliners along side the two I've mentioned and Shihad - was getting shit from RATM fans...
I always wanted to go to the Big Day Out. My work mates would always ask as it the music was what I'd play at work all of the time.

The best chance was 2000 with a pretty good line up I was keen on.

My mate tells me to get to Real Groovy as the tickets are selling fast. I get there after doing a night shift and the line is out the store and around a few sides of the building. I tell my mate it ain't happening.

Next thing he calls to apologize that he has a ticket as his flatmate works at a record company. I ask how many. Only one as she isn't a miracle worker.

Missing out meant I could get started on moving to my new flat. While moving my new flatmate said she thought I'd be at the big day out. I explain the whole thing to her.

My mate turns up when I wasn't there and meets my new flatmate. She was a bit of a looker. I think he poured on the charm but who response was asking "Are you the guy that f'd him over for the Big Day Out?".

I'm grateful for todays online purchasing. Even a few years later you would have articles complaining that people lined up to get tickets only for them to be sold out due to people buying online. That amused me even though I was working up the road from Real Groovy I'd stop work for a few minutes wait for the site to refresh, make a purchase and get back to work.
Yeah, I miss the physical tickets, they always looked cool. But yeah when I was in Wangas, Tower Music was my go to, and was never a line so never had the sellout issue!

I had some mates who went to 2000, apparently it was absolutely manic in the crowd for the likes of Blink 182 and RHCP, sad I missed it but have ended up seeing those and other bands that played that day in later years.
If anyone has a drum kit they're wanting to sell or knows of someone who does, I'm looking at getting back into drumming again and wanting to buy a kit. Looking for a Pearl, Tama or Yamaha 5 piece kit preferably with hardware and cymbals inc. hi hats, 16 & 18" crashes and 20-22" ride. Budget is up to $1,000 (depending on what may need to be replaced or added).


If anyone has a drum kit they're wanting to sell or knows of someone who does, I'm looking at getting back into drumming again and wanting to buy a kit. Looking for a Pearl, Tama or Yamaha 5 piece kit preferably with hardware and cymbals inc. hi hats, 16 & 18" crashes and 20-22" ride. Budget is up to $1,000 (depending on what may need to be replaced or added).


Who do you model your drumming style on Mike, Ginger Baker or Keith Moon
Who do you model your drumming style on Mike, Ginger Baker or Keith Moon
Actually an old time Christian session drummer called Bill Maxwell. My brother had an album by an old CCM artist called Keith Green which he thrashed listening to the bass rifts while I was more interested in the drums. He was amazingly versatile... Green was soft rock (almost folksy) but Maxwell also played for Andraé Crouch and the Winans (relatives of Whitney H). He was one of the first to use a bass back beat, which then made it's way into R&B.


Another big influence is the jazz styles from the 1980's. One of my favourites is Dave Weckl. He's a session drummer who has played on albums for Robert Palmer, Paul Simon and Madonna. But I like him more for his playing for the 80's-90's jazz group Chick Corea’s Elektric Band.


What confuses the heck out of most people is that I'm left-handed but only every played-on kits set up for right-handed drummers (tried setting up the kit left-handed with disastrous results). Because I still lead with the left hand, I drum with an "open style" where my left hand is used on the hi hats and right on the snare... makes getting on to and off rolls easier but harder doing 16 beat drumming. Also means, that unlike others who have set the kits up for right-handed drummers, the ride cymbal is located on the outside of the hi hat and not on the "traditional" right hand sight. Like I said, confuses the heck out of people... but works for me.
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Went and had a look at a touring Aussie show on Thursday Pink Floyd orchestrated at the civic, their songs played with an orchestra obviously. Unreal show and the musicianship was top notch with not even a solo out of place. Saxophone player was from NZ and was amazing. Well worth a look if you ever come across them
When it comes off. It is quite interesting when an artist does a cover and it is dramatically different to the original.

Johnny Cash doing Nine Inch Nails, Hurt.
Ryan Adams does a good acoustic cover of Iron Maidens Wasted Years. The lyrics do suit the slower pace.

Miley Cyrus has some good covers. I like some of her backyard ones like Jolene. She also does a good cover of Tom Pettys' Wild Flowers.
When it comes off. It is quite interesting when an artist does a cover and it is dramatically different to the original.

Johnny Cash doing Nine Inch Nails, Hurt.
Ryan Adams does a good acoustic cover of Iron Maidens Wasted Years. The lyrics do suit the slower pace.

Miley Cyrus has some good covers. I like some of her backyard ones like Jolene. She also does a good cover of Tom Pettys' Wild Flowers.
Some good mash ups around too that sound like that’s how they were meant to be. So many songs that are similar chords, just different progressions and tempos
When it comes off. It is quite interesting when an artist does a cover and it is dramatically different to the original.

Johnny Cash doing Nine Inch Nails, Hurt.
Ryan Adams does a good acoustic cover of Iron Maidens Wasted Years. The lyrics do suit the slower pace.

Miley Cyrus has some good covers. I like some of her backyard ones like Jolene. She also does a good cover of Tom Pettys' Wild Flowers.
You seen Chris Cornell do nothing compares?

What a voice! RIP 🙏
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