Social 💪 Savage September

Long week this has been. Recovery is paramount tonight. Stretching, rehydrating and rest. That's my savage effort tonight. Mind you I might savagely attack some toast.
Early knock off meant a good stretching session followed by boxing fitness.

2 min moderate bag work then 20 seconds of giving it snot. Did that three times.

Hydrated stretches then walk for 30min with my boys after they did their chores. Now I am looking forward to rump steak and mashed spuds with some steamed veges for tea.
Noticing some improvements as well as some struggles. Pilates x30min. Giving the exercises that were hard a while ago a bit of a go.
Took me about three days to recover from my hour one on one session last week. Done little sessions on my own since then. I've been doing 15 minutes at a time two sometimes three times a day. Nothing to drastic. Focusing on the simple exercises. Going to book a half hour session early next week and see what the instructor thinks. The walking has continued as well though I missed a couple of days with the terrible weather. Made up for it a bit by digging holes for tree plantings. Small improvements over time lead to big results!
Took me about three days to recover from my hour one on one session last week. Done little sessions on my own since then. I've been doing 15 minutes at a time two sometimes three times a day. Nothing to drastic. Focusing on the simple exercises. Going to book a half hour session early next week and see what the instructor thinks. The walking has continued as well though I missed a couple of days with the terrible weather. Made up for it a bit by digging holes for tree plantings. Small improvements over time lead to big results!
Well done for sticking with it.

It's been mongrel weather where I am too so did mainly stretching and some pilates lower back and core exercises which takes me about 20min when I remember that slow controlled movement is important.

Keep pushing mate. 👏👏👏
Funny I've opened the can of worms and my lower back right down to my feet are screaming for change.
Doing Pilates because my body is weak and lacking flexibility, but doing pilates hurts, not doing pilates doesn't hurt but isnt good for me.

I'm hoping to get to a stage where my body ahs adapted. That seems a long way off!
October seemed a long way off at the start of this thread so now here we are. Keep banking it away and notice the improvements.
yeah, its like a lot of things in life where small changes aren't noticeable until they accumulate over time. savings, paying off your mortgage, diet, exercise...

I'm sticking to my Dec 24th timeframe with any day or session I miss making that less and less realsitic.

One thing is certain, the older you get the faster the time goes, so do it now instead of putting it off.
Doing Pilates because my body is weak and lacking flexibility, but doing pilates hurts, not doing pilates doesn't hurt but isnt good for me.

I'm hoping to get to a stage where my body ahs adapted. That seems a long way off!
You have to choose your hard.

You want it easy now? Its going to be hard later.
You want it easy later? Its going to be hard now.
I've been doing some exercises targeting the scapulas. That wasn't funny to start with either but slowly improving
I busted my shoulder over working my scapula and general shoulder section. So I'm forever stretching and even adjusted my sleeping position to alleviate unnecessary stress. I do scapular press ups which have been helpful and the Pilates stuff which is also good
Stretching. Focusing exercises on lower back, glutes, hamstrings, calf muscles, Achilles, feet.

Stretching. Then a good sleep. 7am start on a steep ugly slope. Let's get it 👊👊👊
I wouldn't count last night as a busy. Nah I just stretched. Then iced my posterior tibial tendon before giving it a deep tissue massage. Day off today so will check in later. How's October looking in your world?
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