Social ðŸŽ§ Finding Heidi podcast

There are lots of ways to rort the system. Planting evidence is just the beginning.

I know two killers that framed someone else for murder because they saw an opportunity when the police rushed into the case with a focus on the wrong guy.

One case I cannot talk about because it is not in the public record.

The other happens to be a childhood friend (more my brothers mate than mine) who was a serial killer. He got caught in the end and is in Pare for one murder, but his first killing is a missing persons case, and his second killing he framed someone else for, the third killing that we all know about was what caught him.

He would have killed more than this, there is no way he went quiet for ten years while women went missing in this country and was not active.

The first public murder was of Tania Furlan, a mother of an infant, at home with no one other than her and baby in the house. The killer used a hammer.

The man who was convicted was a psychopath who proclaimed his innocence and killed himself by electrocution in jail, he left a note saying he was innocent.

The secret witness in that trial just happened to be his best friend, who stole the convicted mans shoes, and conveniently left them bloodied at a church where they would be found and frame the friend.

The Police gave the secret witness a clean slate by wiping his criminal record (extensive and heinous violence against women) they also paid him 30,000.

The Secret witness was later exposed as Travis Burns, my friend, who committed the same serial killer style murder in Whangaparaoa two years later, a mother at home with a baby, a hammer was used.

The police literally set him up in a serial killers dream job with a bank roll so he could case houses and legitimately knock on womens doors dressed like a business man.

Not even Netflix has shows with a serial killer that complicated and a situation so fucked up by police.

I was really angry when I saw Travis was the suspect in the Whangaparaoa murder, the fact that he put a fake plaster cast on his arm, and sped at high speed from the crime, to get his pic on an Eftpos Camera for an alibi.

But I was also selfishly relieved that he had been taken out of circulation, that ended the thoughts I had about killing him if he showed up at mine one day with a hammer.

Nigel Latta exposed the events I told you all in his book.

When we were kids, Travis was a really handsome boy, in his teens at College he had all the girls fawning over him.

One day in English class the school bully was stupid enough to think the quiet, clean cut Travis was an easy target, so he decided to threaten Travis.

Travis tried to kill him with a chair, my mate temporarily restrained him after he had already bashed that kids head on the ground twice with the chair. We got the injured big mouth kid, my mate released Travis, and ran.

All we could hear from outside the prefab class room was windows smashing and screaming, the teacher yelled "Run to the office, All of you, NOW!!!

Happy days. Been around killers all my life so I went and worked with them. As I used to joke, I might as well get paid for it.

Woah good for you for speaking up and out. Thats some serious hardcore carryons. You might need your own book deal there. Or at least a bit of a series. Bit like Mr Inbetween!
Hey get your facts right. He didnt beat her to death. He hit her with a rifle butt and she died from hospital negligence. Im not sticking up for the b'stard but facts count in a court of law. Thats that
Hospital negligence, whaat? You mean he neglected to rush her to hospital? please elaborate
The killer has probably read these pages.

May have even posted something.

A garden variety google search has this thread at thirteenth when you type finding Heidi.

Those of you who know of Mindhunter, John Douglas, FBI profiling, will know that Serial killers will follow media for the thrill and the assurance that no one is on to them.

Thirteen google links are not a lot on a rainy day for a Trophy collector and psychopathic sexual sadist.

In fact injecting themselves into this discussion is a thrill for this personality type.

We live in a strange world. Not wanting to sound paranoid but always be mindful of your privacy eh, in threads like this especially, if you post stuff that is actually in the sphere of the truth on these murders then yeah, just be wary of anyone who asks for your unique identifiers.

That might sound laughable were we not living on basically two tiny pacific Islands with a shit tonne of Wahs fans actually being Coromandel folk....Look how many of us in here know someone who knows someone.

These are just work habits I developed to keep my family safe. Most people think she will be right, and most of the time they are right.

Me....not so much....I keep a very low profile in the real world.
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David Turner been protected by police for 30 years. He’s got to be a police informant. Dunno how he’s survived in that world if he is.
I’m sure his time will come though.
Is he still kicking? Where was his property/house situated 35 years ago? Do any of you guys have a GPS coordinate or similar? I’m even curious to know where Sven Urban Hoglin has his stone memorial, GPS/map.