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Current Affairs đźŚˇď¸Ź Weather / climate change

Oh whatever. Complete bollocks. Man made accelerated climate change is real, happening now, doesn't matter what conspiracy or culture war you want to believe in, records broken daily around the world day in day out, year in, year out. Up the wahs.
Here’s the issue - where is the evidence humanity is suffering? Who cares if records are broken if it doesn’t affect us?

We all hear media pushing about crops dying, droughts, severe storms, ice melting, etc.

But the reality is we have record food to meet the worlds needs, storms and heatwaves aren’t killing anymore people than in the past, damage from storms, etc is comparable to Bola years ago (allowing for inflation and population growth) and we have adapted by raising roads and moving communities where needed.

No countries have sunk and less people are starving.

Change is the only constant and we have adapted and will continue to.

When beach front properties are no longer the most expensive anywhere, then I will start to sit up and take notice…
Here’s the issue - where is the evidence humanity is suffering? Who cares if records are broken if it doesn’t affect us?

We all hear media pushing about crops dying, droughts, severe storms, ice melting, etc.

But the reality is we have record food to meet the worlds needs, storms and heatwaves aren’t killing anymore people than in the past, damage from storms, etc is comparable to Bola years ago (allowing for inflation and population growth) and we have adapted by raising roads and moving communities where needed.

No countries have sunk and less people are starving.

Change is the only constant and we have adapted and will continue to.

When beach front properties are no longer the most expensive anywhere, then I will start to sit up and take notice…
The only thing that stands out is representative and telling - "Who cares if records are broken if it doesn’t affect us?"

The rest of it is as bollocks as the previous commentator's comment