Current Affairs đźŚˇď¸Ź Weather / climate change

Don’t have time to watch videos.

We’re all irrelevant though to the cause though. It’s only when China and the US take it seriously that we will combat climate change.

Billions will starve? Aren’t billions in Africa already starving and have been since forever? There’s always been a ladder which we’re lucky to be at the top of.
How do you mange to tie your shoelaces?
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That's the first rule of Atlas network, always call it a conspiracy theory
TBH, that's the MO of a lot of groups attacking the thoughts of another. If you don't subscribe to all the climate changes dogma, you're in the pocket of Big Oil while if you believe fully in all what's being said about climate change, you're a radical green.

IMO, most people fall somewhere in the middle.... wanting sustainable and environmentally sound development. While I don't think we should be waiting for "future science" to save us, I also kept on hearing the "warnings" of reaching a "tipping point" being moved out on what is supposed to be a "settled science".
TBH, that's the MO of a lot of groups attacking the thoughts of another. If you don't subscribe to all the climate changes dogma, you're in the pocket of Big Oil while if you believe fully in all what's being said about climate change, you're a radical green.

IMO, most people fall somewhere in the middle.... wanting sustainable and environmentally sound development. While I don't think we should be waiting for "future science" to save us, I also kept on hearing the "warnings" of reaching a "tipping point" being moved out on what is supposed to be a "settled science".
I'm down the Atlas Network rabbit hole trying to work out if it's a real conspiracy or just the usual robber barons and corporate elites brainwashing us with their dirty tricks. This always happens in the off-season.
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I'm down the Atlas Network rabbit hole trying to work out if it's a real conspiracy or just the usual robber barons and corporate elites brainwashing us with their dirty tricks. This always happens in the off-season.
Isn't the latter the former as well? There's a difference between an antivax 5g pizzagate redneck nz first conspiracy featuring liz gunn and an actual conspiracy in the old school sense.
Isn't the latter the former as well? There's a difference between an antivax 5g pizzagate redneck nz first conspiracy featuring liz gunn and an actual conspiracy in the old school sense.
It's pretty clearly old school conspiring to achieve a goal, the degree of secrecy and denial is usually a measure of conspiracy. Just how influential they are is the concern regarding this network, debateable but looks pretty worrying to me.
When I found out that wind turbines need up to 300 litres of oil to lube the gears, I knew It was a con! 🤣
And we still need to make steel for the turbines, atm most of that is by burning iron ore and high grade coal in a blast furnace. Something the more fundamentalist wing of the greens don’t get.

Like most things, when there is a commercial imperative to change someone will invent/discover something that changes the world. Hopefully that is carbon capture, although I’d like to f**k our reliance on the Saudis off.
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And we still need to make steel for the turbines, atm most of that is by burning iron ore and high grade coal in a blast furnace. Something the more fundamentalist wing of the greens don’t get.
Very true. Everyone conveniently forgets you need a heap of fossil fuel to produce these monstrosities.

And, with an operational life of around 20 years there's a heap of replacement to do. Someone is making a buck out of this and it's not the consumer.

Some good articles and video around about the landfill disposal of the blades, which aren't recyclable.
My post was about the way the American media treat existential threat issues. As for sea level rise, that is not what concerns me personally, hottest month on record or hottest year on record I can understand that when I walk outside.
Mans hubris on display. What percentage of the earths history do you think we have accurately measured the temperature?

ohh here you go, its 0.000022% . Now if you think you can accurately draw conclusions from that dataset, well I dont want to get banned for calling retards retards.
Mans hubris on display. What percentage of the earths history do you think we have accurately measured the temperature?

ohh here you go, its 0.000022% . Now if you think you can accurately draw conclusions from that dataset, well I dont want to get banned for calling retards retards.
Gee you can be a dick sometimes Franky.

Are you serious with your tiny percentage plucked off made up shit dot com?

We don't even know the age of the earth within 0. (followed by lots of silly interweb zeros to look small) you are guestimating here.

Hell the solar Systems age, the earths age has a correction estimation of three hundred to half a billion years lol.

Also if saying we have only been recently accurately measuring something for a tiny amount of time relative to it's existence is a thing, then you better write to the Geologists and tell them to pack it in because their science has only existed for 0.0000002% (oops on 0 too many but who cares your shit was made up too) hey for that matter all science is only 0.00000002% proofed relative to the life span of the earth itself.

As for hubris...shit all I said is I feel hot these days when I go outside and that tells me it is getting hot LOL.
Gee you can be a dick sometimes Franky.

Are you serious with your tiny percentage plucked off made up shit dot com?

We don't even know the age of the earth within 0. (followed by lots of silly interweb zeros to look small) you are guestimating here.

Hell the solar Systems age, the earths age has a correction estimation of three hundred to half a billion years lol.

Also if saying we have only been recently accurately measuring something for a tiny amount of time relative to it's existence is a thing, then you better write to the Geologists and tell them to pack it in because their science has only existed for 0.0000002% (oops on 0 too many but who cares your shit was made up too) hey for that matter all science is only 0.00000002% proofed relative to the life span of the earth itself.

As for hubris...shit all I said is I feel hot these days when I go outside and that tells me it is getting hot LOL.

4.5 billion years give or take. We've accurately measured for 100. Feel free to calculate it yourself. Your last sentence is my point. Your personal experiences and opinions are entirely irrelevant in deciding that facts.

Your point about geologists is also stupid because geology is a real science with a deep understanding of the scale of time.

Look what the British Geological Society says. Hardly a ringing endorsement..
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4.5 billion years give or take. We've accurately measured for 100. Feel free to calculate it yourself. Your last sentence is my point. Your personal experiences and opinions are entirely irrelevant in deciding that facts.

Your point about geologists is also stupid because geology is a real science with a deep understanding of the scale of time.

Look what the British Geological Society says. Hardly a ringing endorsement..

A man is allowed to say it feels hotter, it is about weather, something we experience subjectively.
Not unless you can support that statement with 4.5 billion years of data.
Man made accelerated climate change is real. That 100 years of scientifically measured data and scientific consensus tells us so.

End of story. Everything else is bullshit.

And we will see it accelerate even further, as vested interests and corporate greed will prevent any meaningful action from being taken.
Man made accelerated climate change is real. That 100 years of scientifically measured data and scientific consensus tells us so.

End of story. Everything else is bullshit.

And we will see it accelerate even further, as vested interests and corporate greed will prevent any meaningful action from being taken.
Hate to break it to you mate but the greed is everywhere and the renewable scam is yet another tentacle.

Follow the money. Google companies like Neon and Transgrid. Look at the billions and billions payed out for failed projects, delays, not to generate, to generate, to even consult.

Climate science is simply theoretical statistics.
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