The Bible has some historically accurate references, but is largely a transliteration of Hebrew Mythology.
If we are talking the Bible then I could say that the Palestinians are the Philistines who have a biblical, and historical indigenous claim to the Southern lands of Canaan, despite the fact that Abraham may never have existed nor his lineage (I am open minded about that).
These people you so readily dismiss with a pan Arab identity are right where they belong since the eleventh century BC, their presence in the land of Canaan coincides with the arrival of the Israelite's.
You seem determined to ignore that Samson had a missus and that his missus came from a people, and the wars they fought were because they all lived together.
It dubious to call Palestinians Jordanians as a way of dismissing their identity as a people, the reality is far more complex and nuanced and denying that is a form of cultural genocide.
Having studied theology, pre-canaanite hebrew for over 25 years im extremely curious if you can point out some mythology to me.
Any examples please. I genuinely enjoy it.
Anything from after the flood period would be great.
Abraham existed. Both the Israel/Jews and the Arabs all trace their lineage very closely back to him. That's not mythology. If you believe he had a divine encounters is another thing. But they all have the records carried over many, many, many generations.
The 12 tribes of Israel were full of grafted in foreigners from different lands. Though the Hebrews were commanded not to intermarry with pagan idolaters. They did and they suffered for it. Lost their land and kingdom over it. Taken as slaves because it. Killed and executed just like today.
Its not dubious at all to know the peoples of the lands and where they came from. Its history.
The Judeo-Christian God is a controversial topic all together because it is not the biblical version. 99% of christians no nothing of the bible, its hebrew origins and its hebrew/greek original meaning. They love the idea of God and good morals but know nothing of its meaning.
God is a pagan and an offensive term. Its fashion after 'GAD' was means Elohim of fortune and luck. Don't confuse it with the tribe of 'Gad'. Lord is the translation of BAAL. An elohim who had child sacrifices made to him and brought down Israel. BAAL = Azazel/Enki/Satan/ZEUS/Jupiter/Odin/RA etc etc
All these pyramids and zigaruts around the world were used for BAAL sacrifices. They executed, raped and ate the flesh of burnt children. Baal is what you also find in the word cannibal.
The name of biblical creator/all Jews refuse to say is YHVH - pronounced in English Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh. And officially the name is Yahuah.
This is the true original hebrew name give to Moses and what all people of exodus called upon. The name of the Elohim over Israel.
There was no man called Jesus. There was Yeshuah/Yahusha. This is the original hebrew name. In english it is Joshua.
The true Israel of the bible is not todays central bank funded state but its 12 tribes. 11 lost scattered in the world and 1 tribe remaining in the land today Judah - Jews.
Matthew 15:24 Jesus/Yahusha says “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
There is way more context and depth to this story than our politics can ever solve. it never will.
Understand what you are seeing today in Israel is literally biblical. Its not religious. Its ancestral.