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Social ⚔️ Palestine, Israel war.

Mate, you're quite messed up. Again, you come across as enjoying what is happening to Palestine. Frankly I find the way you talk about this disgusting.

The whole country belonged to Palestine and has been increasingly chipped away at until Palestinians are caged in what was once their home. They can't get out because they're locked in by Israel and now being killed by them. Yes, partly in retaliation to what Hamas has done, but Israel has been slowly killing Palestine for decades.

"Israel can't keep them anymore"? Fuck off mate.
I am not sure where you are getting that from. I am absolutely not enjoying this what-so-ever. I find it tragic and sad.

Where have I written I wrote that I am happy about this or enjoying it????

Please dont make false accusations against me.
Israel won't commit war crimes with the world watching like this.

Arab nations like Egypt have to grant safe passage.

Hamas will be rounded up now or die a glorious death.

Unfortunately Egypt shut its boarder last night not letting any refugees in.
Israel have been committing war crimes in Gaza for nearly two decades in front of the world, why stop now?
No that's not why he didn't answer it. Stop protecting him.

Its very easy to answer " No its not acceptable Hamas killed children"

He refused that, so we know he is on that side on the fence.

That's the truth.
Alright I have had enough of this shit.

If you ask me the same question I would refuse to be lowered to answering it.

Ever hear the phrase 'It is beneath my dignity to answer that".

It is one thing to demand answers from people and be ignored, it is quite another to then label them as sympathizers with obscenities because they did not want to play your game fellah.

I admire Rizzah for not acting like I would, if you asked me I would have said fuck off.
I am opposed to murder on both sides?

Are you all not the same too.
Alright I have had enough of this shit.

If you ask me the same question I would refuse to be lowered to answering it.

Ever hear the phrase 'It is beneath my dignity to answer that".

It is one thing to demand answers from people and be ignored, it is quite another to then label them as sympathizers with obscenities because they did not want to play your game fellah.

I admire Rizzah for not acting like I would, if you asked me I would have said fuck off.
Sup42 im surprised you are still here after telling everybody they would die in agony during covid if they were not vaccinated. You did well mate!
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Surely they couldn't be that stupid but I guess that's what you get when you know you can commit suicide for Allah and collect 20 child brides in heaven. You risk it all but the current and next generation lose it all too.
I'm not religious and all. But don't you go to hell if you commit suicide? And collect 20 child brides? Is that after passing go & collecting $200?
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Hamas is theatening to use the Tufan/Toopghan missile, a powerful anti tank missile from Iran that they’ve never used.

Commentary below

A humanitarian crisis in Gaza is developing and the impending ground incursion hasn’t started. The safety of the civilian populace while holding Hamas accountable for heinous acts of terrorism is paramount for Israel’s security and international support.
Surely they couldn't be that stupid but I guess that's what you get when you know you can commit suicide for Allah and collect 20 child brides in heaven. You risk it all but the current and next generation lose it all too.
Iran are funding and supplying Hamas..this is Iran versus Merka, with Putin encouraging Iran...the soldiers listen to who pays them
I am opposed to murder on both sides?

Are you all not the same too.

Sup42 im surprised you are still here after telling everybody they would die in agony during covid if they were not vaccinated. You did well mate!

I am surprised you are still here given you are the only person here that has claimed to have seen child rape videos.
Where did you source those? Pedo.com?
I am surprised you are still here given you are the only person here that has claimed to have seen child rape videos.
Where did you source those? Pedo.com?
Coming from a male nurse that's quite humorous. Hey you are not David Lee Roth are ya?

Still gasping for air from covid mate!!
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That's a lot more fair than Hamas did.

Those who choose to stay are choosing to risk their lives.

Its time to go if you want to live.

Fair? Giving the Palestiniana a heads up is almost taking the piss. Isn’t everyone in the Gaza Strip trapped ?? Didn’t Israel bomb all the exits so there’s no way out?
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He has been given time out on the naughty mat, so dont expect his real time live updates and consistently asking the same question over and over again for a lil while.
Thank god for that. He obviously had stopped taking his meds a few days ago. Bloody Pharmac.
My view is there is no excuse for watching child porn unless for evidential reasons by law enforcement.
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