Current Affairs Woke Culture

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lol is this what you watch all day, transgenders and Candace Owens infomercials? Bro... how did it come to this? She's just the current Oprah, no one cares about transgender content except the trans community, incels and... you & Wiz...
Leave me out of this one bro…

Last time we had the woman’s rights vs trans right protect I realised it was a daft no win situation and they are all just a bunch of self centred people trying to push their issues onto everyone else. 🤣

Truth is personality politics is just divisive and boring…
So let me get this straight, we live in a world where people follow and repost individuals who spout the same shit we believe, as a form of confirmation bias, and then call anything that isn't that 'woke bullshit'?

Well colour me surprised, Batman.

Maybe this thread should be renamed Candice Owens, because clearly that is what this is actually about.

Maybe we can have another thread called boomer-town, and we can discuss how things used to be SO much better in the old days and youth these days are just the worst.
The problem is Candace Owens is a performative contrarian. Like Shapiro and Tate and all these other grifting losers is they don't actually have an opinion. Its all just a outrage act to get views which = $$.

As for her specific views, I don't consume philosophical opinions from people I'm smarter than.
I've watched a ton of Tate and he clearly has his own world views and philosophy on life.
Russell BrNd interviewed her a couple of times.
He always presents a good argument. Regardless of what others may/maynothave done.

Thanks for this. Probably the only constructive comment from you all Candice haters here.

I will listen to the long form at some stage, but I thought she did a good job counter-arguing all of Russell's fluffy socialistic views..

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