Current Affairs Woke Culture

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Candice is a self confessed black Karen. She’s probably the queen. It would be good if the world promoted more positivity, and less criticism. It seems we all look for something to complain about through our own lenses. Candice is no exception. But no one is perfect.
“Life’s tough, get a helmet”
Candice Owens

One common tactic of those that ascribe to the kind of stuff you post is to post controversial or borderline material, then claim innocence when anyone bites back or points out that this sort of stuff is perpetuating the dark right bigotry we see emerging around the world.

She is a supporter of Trump who is a racist bigot himself. Her husband runs an alt right website.
One common tactic of those that ascribe to the kind of stuff you post is to post controversial or borderline material, then claim innocence when anyone bites back or points out that this sort of stuff is perpetuating the dark right bigotry we see emerging around the world.

She is a supporter of Trump who is a racist bigot himself. Her husband runs an alt right website.

I didn’t know supporting someone you liked was considered offensive. I guess offensive to the trigger happy lefties like yourself? …

Why don’t you go start your own thread preaching to yourself whatever lefty wing rhetoric you believe in. You don’t have to worry about me wasting my time visiting 😉

I’m wearing a helmet you liberal bigot 😂 .
I didn’t know supporting someone you liked was considered offensive. I guess offensive to the trigger happy lefties like yourself? …

Why don’t you go start your own thread preaching to yourself whatever lefty wing bullshit rhetoric you believe in. You don’t have to worry about me wasting my time visiting 😉

I’m wearing a helmet you liberal bigot 😂 .
When you get some time, look deeper at the content, people and their motives of what you post. If you're still comfortable with it good luck to you. I do question the motive of posting that stuff here, but you've mentioned in the past you enjoy it, so that's up to you.
When you get some time, look deeper at the content, people and their motives of what you post. If you're still comfortable with it good luck to you. I do question the motive of posting that stuff here, but you've mentioned in the past you enjoy it, so that's up to you.
Mate it’s simple

If you get triggered by these topics

Don’t visit the thread.
Mate it’s simple

If you get triggered by these topics

Don’t visit the thread.
I'll always call out bullshit when I see it. It's not a matter of being triggered, that's your language, your context, your world.

This stuff is bullshit. I'm sure you're well aware of the context that you post it in. It's similar to the rhetoric and tactics used in the conspiracy driven world.

Bullshit is bullshit.
I assume because the articulate students on the other side of the bell curve side with her.

I would be more than happy to hear a smart articulate liberal argue their points. I really thought that was Jachinda Arden…. ? maybe not 😂

happy for you to provide role models contrary to her views so I can educate myself
You like assuming...a lot.
You also appear to assume you're smarter than anyone else on here because they hold a different point of view that doesn't agree with yours.
Assume away, it seems to give you a buzz
I thought she did a fantastic work job of bringing nz’s societal issues to the forefront of the table

Still sitting there like left overs after 5 long years…
I had a terrible dream last night, I fell asleep wondering who Tony is after Chippy's speech and then Luxon came out in a wig and dress and announced he's transgender. Things got really weird after that.
lol is this what you watch all day, transgenders and Candace Owens infomercials? Bro... how did it come to this? She's just the current Oprah, no one cares about transgender content except the trans community, incels and... you & Wiz...

My bro

I couldn’t give two fucks about the transgender community….

Maybe I should have titled this thread better - Candice Owens

Don’t give two fucks about WOKE either
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