Current Affairs Woke Culture

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She addressed this point stating there’s a difference between reality and what is going through someone’s head. Gave a great example also of her own experience
This discourse on reality from a black woman married to who she is (not knocking who anyone chooses to marry but totally not surprised at her hook up when you hear her talk) and courting the non- black rhetoric that their (blacks) future is in their own hands and entirely up to them, if they just listen to/think like her. She has some points but most of all she's satisfying the conservative viewpoint that black ineptitude to get ahead in the US is all on themselves. The manner in which she does this is condescending, and yes, bullying in its sarcasm and dismissal of others point of view.
Very practiced (like Shapiro) in ridiculing from the outset which puts you on the backfoot and defensive - makes any less-practiced argument come across as ill-formed and incomplete etc.
So yes, a bully.
in what way? I could reply in the way I think you mean, but I'd rather hear your explanation first.
I meant the people who support extreme right wing America. They don't want to look at the whole picture. They only want to ban books and ban abortion with no exceptions, they want to silence people. They want to promote guns and when kids die in schools they only give thoughts and prays. Gun reform is not ok to them, but banning books is...ok....
I meant the people who support extreme right wing America. They don't want to look at the whole picture. They only want to ban books and ban abortion with no exceptions, they want to silence people. They want to promote guns and when kids die in schools they only give thoughts and prays. Gun reform is not ok to them, but banning books is...ok....
Glad I did hear your explanation!
We could all pick and choose the worst and use them to showcase our own argument.
Be good to see an articulate student provide a differing viewpoint in discourse with her but you won't ever see that come from her

I assume because the articulate students on the other side of the bell curve side with her.

I would be more than happy to hear a smart articulate liberal argue their points. I really thought that was Jachinda Arden…. ? maybe not 😂

happy for you to provide role models contrary to her views so I can educate myself
Candice is a self confessed black Karen. She’s probably the queen. It would be good if the world promoted more positivity, and less criticism. It seems we all look for something to complain about through our own lenses. Candice is no exception. But no one is perfect.
“Life’s tough, get a helmet”
Candice Owens

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