Social What type of poster do you consider yourself?

I am straight up a filthy casual. I try to bring humor into the post game as much as possible

i have the best intentions of engaging in hardcore footy talk i even reply to posts or start writing out posts but in the end i either get distracted with something else (work) or forget to reply to posts
Often quite sarcastic. Usually take the mickey out of some grammer error/spelling mistake if it lends itself to a sarcastic remark ...:)

Sometimes I accept I repeat myself, if not quite word for word pretty close. That's usually over the long-term discussions: "Is <insert Coach Nickname> the right coach for the Warriors" type stuff.

Proud Life Member of "Everything I Know About League I learned By Not Playing Or Being An Official" so don't pass to much judgement on players running lines on attack, defensive lines etc etc. I think I've concluded in the last year that it's a bad thing to score tries. See? I'm a learner.

Maybe in the minority amongst us over certain views but hey, you're all entitled to your wrongness on that matters.

Have certainly become less reactive on game threads after losses. Ghosting other forums after their losses helps in that regard. We all get nutty and it's quite amusing reading other fans going nutty. Especially if the Warriors are the team who've made those fans nutty! 🤣
I am straight up a filthy casual. I try to bring humor into the post game as much as possible

i have the best intentions of engaging in hardcore footy talk i even reply to posts or start writing out posts but in the end i either get distracted with something else (work) or forget to reply to posts

Filthy casual. Brilliant! 😂
I'm like a meerkat ,quiet pops it's head up when things are looking good then back down into the tunnel and rants when things have gone bad.Very social hence why I follow all you league tragics for the highs and lows.
Been a member coming up 10 years and take a lot more from the site than I give back, visit daily and enjoy the knowledge, laughs and commonality. Love the fact some members are legitimately close to the NZ Warriors organisation, i also have some good laughs from some of the antics and carry on between members!
Many thanks to all involved as the site is now a regular part of my week and has absolutely prolonged/maintained my love for the Warriors during the tough years where I questioned my devotion!!!
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My username was formerly danyooll

Coming up to 10 years being a member, mostly commented on post match threads with some trainspotting facts & optimism/perspective which slowly turned into apathy until this year

Proudest member moment was attaching the screenshot in 2017 which (drop) kicked off the Bam Libone memes


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