Social What type of poster do you consider yourself?

I'm old, emotional at times and shout at clouds, especially in the game day thread. The politics thread once used to wind me up however I think I've gone into full apathy mode now and just shrug my shoulders at what's going on out there.

In my one or two lucid moments I can maybe string a sentence together but with the state of the game and the NRL it's getting harder and harder to keep the cynicism in check

Enjoy a good laugh and there are some great posters on here who can give a different perspective and be very informative
You always have a cool head Rick 😎
Longtime lurker who recently joined (Parakeet before the "cyberwar"). Spent some years on th LU forums for the lol's but got a bit sick of the "cool-guy" attitudes over there. We're a much more considered bunch here and open to different opinions.

Love a good stat, and a long-winded overly philosophical analysis from Sup42 (jk Sup, you remind me of my Unc who got me into the Great Game).

Been a tragic since '95. Sold all my jerseys once, 2020 I think it was... almost walked away a handfull of times... cried in 2011 when we beat the storm... almost cried again last year during our losing streak. Can't walk away.

I've kicked drug habits easier than these blokes! But it is what it is.
Longtime lurker who recently joined (Parakeet before the "cyberwar"). Spent some years on th LU forums for the lol's but got a bit sick of the "cool-guy" attitudes over there. We're a much more considered bunch here and open to different opinions.

Love a good stat, and a long-winded overly philosophical analysis from Sup42 (jk Sup, you remind me of my Unc who got me into the Great Game).

Been a tragic since '95. Sold all my jerseys once, 2020 I think it was... almost walked away a handfull of times... cried in 2011 when we beat the storm... almost cried again last year during our losing streak. Can't walk away.

I've kicked drug habits easier than these blokes! But it is what it is.
Welcome Shah, who could blame you for turning to drugs and the Warriors after the whole revolution thing. But Allah always provides for the faithful, the Webolution is here and we're back on top baby!
I am a Warriors fan - "Wahz hard since 95", (bloody hell I've just created a new slogan!! - didn't know I was this brilliant!!!) - absolutely loved all the posts - the good, the bad and the ugly, kept me in laughs and tears too. I'm humble too, don't like hurting anyone, love the kiwis too, have too many issues to do with how older brother Oz keeps treating us the younger brother NZ - so have many issues - consider myself to be a lovable chap and a good all round person, so a good poster - but care too much what other people think of me, I like slapstick humour as well as the laconic/dry humour/wit. I use this forum to let rip in my mind when reading posts of others who use colourful language - keeping it real is how I see it - love it - totally addicted - need to read post on a daily basis especially after any losses. after thinking about it I have a hidden agenda too, to garner as many eligible nrl or union players as possible to commit to playing for the kiwis - ultimate goal is 2 tiered - grow home based talent to play for the Wahz through all the age based comps and then from there eventually to the kiwis.
for me, life's too long to take things overly serious. I like this forum; there's respect, humour and knowledge without any of the toxicity of some other fora ( fora... pretentious, I know, but that's a Jesuit education for you).
I'm not a connoisseur, as I've only been a member of this forum, a Leeds United forum and a now defunct denim forum as well as peeping at other NRL groups, but the absolute worst forum in my experience is WACCOE ( We Are Champions, Champions of Europe ). I've been Leeds fan for 60 years, I used to watch them home and away in the mid-seventies and me and my lad used to go to the home games in the 2000s - post Ridsdale meltdown, but having signed up to WACCOE, I never wrote a single post. It was absolutely poisonous. Ruined by a clique of narrow-minded trolls. Made me ashamed to be a fan.

It's great here innit!
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