Social What type of poster do you consider yourself?

I am a highly opinionated poster. Emotion when it appears to add a bit of encouragement. Facts when I think my opinions are fact. I've been known to be a smart arse but I'm trying not to be an egg and have tried not to swear so much or at all now. New forum, so a reinvent is the order of the day.
On gameday probably an alcoholic poster.

Actually, dont know how some of u post as much as u do during a're missing half the game lads!
I work in IT. Currently have 3 work laptops for different clients so having a laptop beside me feels pretty normal. I also have to answer questions fired at me quickly so posting lots and quickly is normal for me.
I'm a fairly low frequency poster and have a tendency to aim for more humorous/light-hearted posts. (Unless I've been drinking and post-game I really need to get something out of my system). I'm not especially footy-smart and can't offer much in terms of local footy knowledge or anything of the like, so I'm here to help keep things fun and silly.

Having said that, while I am happy to let the more frequent posters run with the discourse, I feel quite strongly about correcting blatantly incorrect or over-the-top/hot takes. In this online world, facts and opinions blur and move pretty fast and people easily become confused and take someone's opinion or already disproven take as fact - so if I feel like something important is being missed or muddied, I have to jump in and lay the facts on the table.
What I am : lurker - love reading others opinions and knowledge.
What people prob think I am : low volume.
What I secretly want to be : shit poster. If others had seen my posts in the archive section of the old site they would have seen my posts pre 2011 lol...I occasionally goto other nrl forums to get my shit posting hit.
I am a type of poster who gets emotional when we either win or lose, and then back it up with stats. Prefer not to be around here when we are a losing spree, and prefer not to read certain threads that'll just bring me down even further. But pretty happy with the season so far. I think it's one of our best ones yet. Apart from 2002, and 2011. Let's see if we can make our 3rd grand final and even win it? If not this year, next year for sure.

Trust in Webby.
What I am : lurker - love reading others opinions and knowledge.
What people prob think I am : low volume.
What I secretly want to be : shit poster. If others had seen my posts in the archive section of the old site they would have seen my posts pre 2011 lol...I occasionally goto other nrl forums to get my shit posting hit.
There’s some top quality work from you on some of those other forums Tahjay. They bite pretty easily. It’s very amusing.
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