We doing good here. Loving the variation in attack. Making yardage. Asking questions. Dolphins pushing up hard out wide trying to shut down any shifts.
We got a going over by a club that knew we were arms tied behind our backs. They saw us bound and waltzed in and helped themselves.
The Warriors fought back and finished the half the more threatening of the two sides.
Bloody thrilled with that. Go Warriors.
If you missed all that so be it....go follow the world tiddly winks comp.
If we maintain momentum we could run them over from here, imagine if AFB was coming off the bench...but yeah nah he is having intense emotions so is watching this on TV from a blue chip Auckland suburb in a property in the two million dollar plus range reading texts from Wahs fans concerned about his well being.
That said he is texting his dox shark bros while Webster has to play a game with his arms and both legs chopped off.