Really glad we're not Canada, just a meat potato and vege type of guy, real simple, just keep it simple x2 genders only nothing in between, but if you want to id as something that you're not, I think most people would id that as being delusional, however, if that's what you want, go ahead, if you dress up a woman I'll treat you accordingly I won't deny you that privllege, our country is pretty laid back when it comes to people who want to be different to the norm, but, please don't jam it down my throat. I have a rider on that tho, don't want to end up where killing someone can be construed as that person's right to exercise the right to be a murderer. on an aside, went to tangi once and after the speeches went to ruru (greet) everyone, normally (where I come from) you hongi the men and kiss the women on the cheek and usual-usual - go down the line until I came to an elderly gentleman who had the features of a man, had long hair wore a lavalava skirty thing, so in my brain a male so going in for a hongi, but hang on, long hair, wearing a skirty thingy, so brain freeze-brain telling me its a man and now its woman so, didn't know how to greet him/her, went in for a hongi then suddenly changed midstride to a kiss on the cheek- embarrassing - the missus gave me a hard time about it, later told me was my uncle, now I hongi everyone male female. Anyway this is happening across all levels of society and be impacting each and everyone one of us at some stage, so all goods - live and let live