Current Affairs Syria

Not too interested as long as she keeps up spreading good journalism, but if I was to speculate there would likely have been some source of truth Jacinta government doctrine list of people to censure that Candace was on..

You would think if there was such a list that Parker Posey wouldn’t have been allowed into NZ when they were in government? Think it’s potentially the same concerns that saw her denied into Australia in recent times could happen here. I think they cited social discourse? Sounds like the Jewish community has concerns with some of her beliefs? Anyway, each to their own and they’ve probably done the right thing in approving the visa

You would think if there was such a list that Parker Posey wouldn’t have been allowed into NZ when they were in government? Think it’s potentially the same concerns that saw her denied into Australia in recent times could happen here. I think they cited social discourse? Sounds like the Jewish community has concerns with some of her beliefs? Anyway, each to their own and they’ve probably done the right thing in approving the visa


Obviously only one side of the story, pretty awful of Tony Burke if true.
Glad NZ respecting Free Speech.
Thank fuck the disinformation bill got voted down.
Albo has had it rough, the Voice and the disinformation bill, all self inflicted though.
Albo is just the lefts version of Scomo. A completely mediocre man who’s entire life is dedicated to obtaining the power they think they are entitled to.

I used to be ambivalent on Albo but now I despise him. His whole “raised by a single mum” persona is just a shtick
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Yeah she’s a total bellend but unless it’s a call for violence I just don’t believe you should be punished legally for something that comes out of your mouth.
8 years when some Murder sentences are less in Brazil. Ridiculous.
She seems to think in some way it makes her edgy or something announcing herself as a polemicist. Not sure why someone publicly doesn’t give her a taste of her own medicine with her not exactly an oil painting?
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