NRL Referees
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Law 12 Union
If the ball reaches the 10-metre line but is then blown back or if an opponent plays the ball before it reaches the 10-metre line, play continues.

Union works better. Surely everyone wants to see ball in play as quickly as possible and the fact that the kicker has given possession to his opponent is “penalty” enough.

Still allows the opposition not to play at and receive the penalty
A tough call to make for a referee is how did a ball come out during a tackle. Was it stripped or was it lost. If the referee does not know I reckon the attacking team just plays the ball and we carry on with the set. A lot of those are a guess and if you don’t have official touch judges you are guaranteed to get some wrong each game.
Should get rid of the 1 on 1 strip, adds no value. Especially if there are 2 in the tackle and 1 peels off.

I know there is the argument about contesting for the ball but just don’t like it.
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I also don't like the 7 tackle set restart for dead in-goal. Should only be awarded for kicks from outside the 20m.. Any other times it should be a normal 6 tackle set.
Is that right? What do u think works better?
Just when I was all set to concede dixpat gets me interested again…
Yeah, just hearing that it's the norm and apparently working fine in union has got me questioning my own opinion a little bit now too... funny how that works, lol.
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This is the real conversation that needs to be had when it comes to team selection this week haha

Klein has been the NRL's first choice for the big games, but surely after that missed knock-on and high tackle he can't call the Grand Final?

Usually, during the regular season, refs would not call a game the following week after cocking something up right? just because it is finals it shouldn't change.

I want to say Butler or Atkins to replace Klien for next week, with Gee taking the GF, but I would be terrified of having Klien in the bunker for the GF as well lol, Pick your poison I guess.

In any case, hoping for Gee to be our ref for this weekend- as inconsistent as the refs may be it would help to have Gee ref three of our games straight. The Broncos will take the early part of the game to gauge what they can/can't get away with, while we should be at least a little familiar already.
I watched the replay and didn’t have a problem with Gee.
I thought we got our share of subjective referee calls.
Yes the pass from Clune looked forward initially and he didn’t seem to know what to do when the ball hit him.
I thought it was his best game for us.
Ref, or any other person with more knowledge of the rules than me maybe to answer this. I know that the Bunker can’t rule on a forward pass, but why couldn’t it rule that Lucas had received the ball in an offside position as the Bunker rules on offsides all the time?
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Ref, or any other person with more knowledge of the rules than me maybe to answer this. I know that the Bunker can’t rule on a forward pass, but why couldn’t it rule that Lucas had received the ball in an offside position as the Bunker rules on offsides all the time?
Hi Mike.
I considered this scenario myself.
And you are right that is a rule.
Bet they didn’t even consider it.
Was he off side when the ball was passed or just in front of Clune when he caught it.
F*** knows with the bunker calls.
Hi Mike.
I considered this scenario myself.
And you are right that is a rule.
Bet they didn’t even consider it.
Was he off side when the ball was passed or just in front of Clune when he caught it.
F*** knows with the bunker calls.
I was thinking if the ball had been knocked out from the carrier and hit the ground, he most likely would have been ruled offside. I just think the Bunker didn’t want to rule if he was offside because that would mean they were ruling on the direction the ball was past. It really is a joke.
I was thinking if the ball had been knocked out from the carrier and hit the ground, he most likely would have been ruled offside. I just think the Bunker didn’t want to rule if he was offside because that would mean they were ruling on the direction the ball was past. It really is a joke.
I think you have a case for the pass being forward but from the side on shot it looked like he was behind the ball the whole time so would be hard pressed to rule him offside
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Ref, or any other person with more knowledge of the rules than me maybe to answer this. I know that the Bunker can’t rule on a forward pass, but why couldn’t it rule that Lucas had received the ball in an offside position as the Bunker rules on offsides all the time?
I think this one was little tight for that but thought they should of called that last time we played the broncos- Riki had both feet in front of Walters when he passed the ball- that was outrageous- Riki even tried to stop because he knew it but Walters passed him the ball anyway.
Both teams knew it- offside for sure and we lost by a try….
Yep. That was a shocker and like you say everyone stopped.
On Sat Clune might have even been a line ball pass but by the time Lucas took it he was in front of Clune which makes it ok.
I think this one was little tight for that but thought they should of called that last time we played the broncos- Riki had both feet in front of Walters when he passed the ball- that was outrageous- Riki even tried to stop because he knew it but Walters passed him the ball anyway.
Both teams knew it- offside for sure and we lost by a try…
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I don't watch a lot of other sports, but does this exist in other leagues and sports around the world where there is a unspoken change in refereeing interpretation when the finals are played? Seems a bizarre way to officiate a professional sport.

Hard to take the refereeing seriously when they run two parallel interpretations from the same rule book depending on whether it's a big game or not!

I actually don't mind which interpretation they use, just pick and stick with one! Consistency in refereeing should be the cornerstone of the game!

And I guess that asks the further question, as to why think that they need to have "finals interpretation"? Are the normal rules too boring? Too pedantic? What are they trying to achieve? I actually probably prefer "normal season interpretation" as it gets rid of more negative play such as in the Broncos and Panthers laying all over the tackled player because the ref won't call it!
May be unwise of me to potentially be adding fuel to the conspiracy fire, but fuck it lol

There have 102 Sin Bins this season so far.

2 have been called in our favour, one being a professional foul by Yeo on Roache, the other being on Townsend.

5 have been called against us.

Dylan Walker against the Dolphins, was graded by the MRC as a Grade 1 Careless High Tackle

Roger Tuivasa-Sheck against the Titans, was graded by the MRC as a Grade 1 Dangerous Throw

Dallin Watene-Zelezniak against the Storm, was graded by the MRC as a Grade 2 Careless High Tackle

Marcelo Montoya against the Storm, professional foul.

Chanel Harris-Tavita against the Cowboys, what’s the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?

On *5 occasions an opposition player has been handed a Grade 2 Charge or higher. (*Not including Hughes ref push)

• Stephen Crichton, charged with Grade 2 Careless High Tackle by MRC. Penalty, No Bin

• Jaeman Salmon, charged with Grade 2 Dangerous Contact by MRC. No penalty, No Bin

• Sandon Smith, Charged with Grade 2 Dangerous Contact by MRC, No penalty, No Bin

• Josh Aloiai, charged with Grade 2 Dangerous Contact by MRC. Penalty, No Bin

• Latrell Mitchell, charged with Grade 2 Dangerous Contact. No penalty, No Bin

Hard to judge without seeing what other teams look like (no chance I’m doing that), but even without that, not great..

If I’m feeling really cute I might go through and see what Grade 1's opposition played got handed, but weren’t penalised tomorrow, we’ll see
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