NRL NRL Expansion

You guys are funny... seriously though, calling a Christchurch based team the Orcas is fucking stupid.
I do associate it more with Welington, but beggers can't be choosers, we're not really in a position to negotiate with the Wellies. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement for a joint venture at least as successful as Wests Tigers and Northern Eagles.
I do associate it more with Welington, but beggers can't be choosers, we're not really in a position to negotiate with the Wellies. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement for a joint venture at least as successful as Wests Tigers and Northern Eagles.
I only associate that name with Wellington... are we wearing yellow and black too? Next thing they'll be painting the stadium seats cake tin yellow, getting cake tin attendances before relocating to the cake tin.
A 360 million dollar South Island NRL bid.
That’s crazy…….. A good crazy.
But crazy.

It’s a fairly impressive bid
amid claims it has a $60 million capital funding base and “an overvalue value of $A325 million”, including a planned $100 million “centre of excellence’’ at Rolleston.

Line of credit, promissory note, and a handshake agreement by they sounds of it.
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