Whats he supposed to do in your eyes? Cry cos they lost? Grovel cos you and your mate on here think he's the root cause of everything going wrong? Lambast a player who he thinks made a wrong decision? Or tell
Webby he's not worth a coaching razoo?
Don't hear any coach or player do anything like that in any presser, do you?
Or should he stop doing all the defensive non-pretty things so the oppo get even more tries? And after he's done all those tackles not trust his team mates to do their bit so he can get a 10 sec breather before they come down his lane again (or one of the other 3 lanes he covers)?
Why don't you write to the warriors and demand they drop him immediately because you know his worth & they don't? Tell them he's the cause of all their losses. And then write one to the VB Hardearned guys who pick him most weeks for his tackles, metres & ball-playing. Tell them he's useless and should retire.
We all have our nitpick about some players on here and different opinions but Jeez u guys have begun to sound like a broken record, a really tired broken record,