
Player Demitric Vaimauga

Full Name
Sisa Vaimauga
Date of Birth
Mar 15, 2004
Birth Location
Auckland, New Zealand
  1. 🇳🇿 New Zealand
  2. 🇼🇸 Samoa
Height (cm)
183 cm
Weight (kg)
104 kg
  1. Second Row
Forum Nickname/s
Warrior #
Warriors Debut Date
Apr 30, 2023
Warriors Debut Details
April 30 2023, Round 9 vs Sydney Roosters at Mt Smart Stadium, Auckland, New Zealand
Warriors Years Active
  1. 2023
  2. 2024
  3. 2025
Signed From
De La Salle College
Rugby League Project

Looking forward to seeing him next season after a full pre season.

Last season was disrupted with his recovery from his knee injury. He got half a season in and even being a late starter there was a lot of promise.

Next season he will be further out from his injury and had a full pre season. I hope he kills it next season.
Good when the club does videos like this. You get to know more about the person than just the player.


So much in that interview. Awesome.

Funny....proper diet. I know the pain

Natural aggressor. When to use it and when not to with a massive as smile because he still naturally wants to smash everything.

Financial stability for the next four years.

Becoming a father.

Listening to the older blokes. Good signs.
Interesting in the slides of him, the one with just he and Spencer Leniu on opposing teams. I had thought Zyon Maiu’u was going to be a similar prototype as Leniu, I now think Demitric fits the mould best. Looking at preseason pictures so far, it looks like Zyon Maiu’u and Demitric have a bit of banter with each other. I hope this extension for Vaimauga lights a fire in Zyon Maiu’u to follow suit
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