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Frog walked into a bank and sees the teller who's name is Patty Whack.
He says my name is Kermit Jagger and I want a loan for $30000.
Patty says for that much we'll need some collateral. Kermit pulls out a little plastic pink elephant.
Confused Patty goes out the back to check with her manager and shows him the elephant and says "what is it?"
The bank manager thinks about it and then says " It's a knick knack Patty Whack give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone.

Sorry l know where the door is.
Hopefully you guys are all safe and having a wonderful day with family and friends.
Frog walked into a bank and sees the teller who's name is Patty Whack.
He says my name is Kermit Jagger and I want a loan for $30000.
Patty says for that much we'll need some collateral. Kermit pulls out a little plastic pink elephant.
Confused Patty goes out the back to check with her manager and shows him the elephant and says "what is it?"
The bank manager thinks about it and then says " It's a knick knack Patty Whack give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone.

Sorry l know where the door is.
Hopefully you guys are all safe and having a wonderful day with family and friends.

Norm Macdonald doing this on Conan was pretty funny. Though his moth joke is an all timer 😅
Paddy left Belfast and travelled to London to appear on a new BBC game show.

Bradley Walsh is the host and he explains to Paddy the rules of the game. Bradley is going to read out nursery rhymes to Paddy and Paddy has to say what the last word is and then spell it out. For every correct answer, Paddy‘s prize money will double.

Bradley: Are you ready for the first nursery rhyme for £1,000?

Paddy nods.

Bradley: For a £1,000, Mary has a little …..

Paddy: Mary has a little lamb….. L_A_M_B.

Bradley: That’s correct. Paddy, for £2,000….. Little Jack Horner sat in the ……

Paddy: Little Jack Horner sat in the corner…. c_O_R_N_E_R.

Bradley: That”s also correct Paddy. Now, for £4,000….. Old McDonald had a farm.

Long pause while Paddy thought of the answer.

Paddy: Old McDonald had a farm….. Ei_Ei_O.
A scammer rang my Grandmother and said, "Hello I know all your passwords. She grabbed some paper and a pen and said thank goodness. What are they?"
Was she excited when they offered to help with the problems with her windows? Bloody grandkids won't lift a finger to fix them.
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