Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Bit of a saga JN. Shell were always the main supplier of Bitumen in NZ, either from manufacturing and storage at Marsden or direct importing. The fact they were a major, say controlling, shareholder in the Refining Company says it all regarding that monopoly.

Z took over the mantle when Shell sold out and they are now the principal importer and supplier. Read somewhere a while ago that the big Civil companies like Higgins and Fulton imported their own but was only as a backstop measure. Also, I think it was last year NZTA announced they were looking into being the major supplier of Bitumen but as far as I know nothing happened there.

Haven't heard anything about supply issues related to the Marsden closure but like any petroleum based product, the price fluctuates all over the place and that would have an effect on a roading contractor, especially on a fixed price. Have to be some hedging or a decent escalation clause. Covid and associated transport costs would have certainly driven the price up.

So to finally answer your question. Like the refined importation of fuels, I don't think there's much difference in overall cost (cost of refining production is cheaper over seas) for Bitumen with the refinery gone. As far as I know, the bitumen storage tanks are still up there and in use so supply can be maintained. The question then becomes one of quality of product and if the roads we have now are anything to go by, the product is crap.

Haven't looked to see if the Govt gets any excise or tax (other than GST) on Bitumen. It's a petroleum product so ????
Cheers Rick



Very good result for National and Luxon - disaster for Labour

Be interesting to see how long the honey moon period lasts for. The press seem to be loving having a good family man with a First Lady grabbing some headlines.

I would be trying to take Winston with some form of agreement too, ultimately if National and ACT can form a government by themselves the negotiations would be quite cheap? Also have the insurance of 99% winning Port Waikato seat as well.
Ahh gotcha. Yes because that follows the energy density law. coal<oil<fission<fusion

But we are stalling at the fission part, which will stop us leaping to fusion.
Here’s an update on where fusion experiments and possible commercial activities are at. Interesting that an American company is saying they are expecting their reactor to be commercially generating power in 2030.

Nuclear fusion at room temperature and water combustion engine..
Brings back memories spanning from the 80s to now.... where now and again an inventor or scientists hit the news achieving one or the other... usually not long after they just disappear never to be heard of again... This is where Bruce comes in here...

Has both been achieved or not?

If so, the energy industry will tie it all up in patents, forcing these inventors / scientists to shut up or backflip... still too much money to be made in fossil fuels yet to release other alternatives.
Or were the inventors and scientists just crackpots and never achieved anything..
You’re like a broken record with this - here’s Massey universities media analysis (university level academic research). The vast majority of our reporters and media are left 60% vs right 12%. A clear media bias that only blindly left people would not acknowledge.

I’m proposing the value of that positive media coverage accumulating every day across the election cycle, massively surpasses the dollar value of donations to the right.

View attachment 2342

I hope Winston Peters becomes broadcasting minister because our media should be a lot more central.
You're conflating personal political views with actual delivery of content. Journalism can be neutral when it needs to be. And it doesn't say who the journalists work for. For example, a certain rabid cesspit of rightness and lies that is the zb network gets far, far more airtime and output than anything else, in part due to the huge amounts of money and resource thrown at it. And the right media get far more disproportionate air time, with far more outright bullshit.

That's not reflected in the above study.

And for the right to espouse free speech and less government as this lot shout from the rooftops, don't you think government control over media would be the last thing they might do? Unless of course they're authoritarian with a nasty agenda of privatisation and wealth stripping.

In which case yes, they will want to crush dissent and actual journalism.
Is cannabis illegal?...could have fooled me :rolleyes:
It’s legal if prescribed, and those prescribed it are selling their prescriptions. Beautifully manicured and not a stray leaf. Grown here, sent to Aussie and packaged and sent back. Comes in a 10g plastic container, called kikuya but certainly more effective than your front lawn kikuya.
Just gotta say, as a believer in democracy, I was happy that the voters spoke, even though I am astounded anybody could vote for Winston Peters.
However I have noticed intense bitterness emanating from people who hold left wing views.
Why so bitter?
Your mob had their go and stuffed up badly, so give the Nats a chance to do the same, cos they probably will, but hopefully not as bad..
Just gotta say, as a believer in democracy, I was happy that the voters spoke, even though I am astounded anybody could vote for Winston Peters.
However I have noticed intense bitterness emanating from people who hold left wing views.
Why so bitter?
Your mob had their go and stuffed up badly, so give the Nats a chance to do the same, cos they probably will, but hopefully not as bad..
It's called "a bob each way, "
Just gotta say, as a believer in democracy, I was happy that the voters spoke, even though I am astounded anybody could vote for Winston Peters.
However I have noticed intense bitterness emanating from people who hold left wing views.
Why so bitter?
Your mob had their go and stuffed up badly, so give the Nats a chance to do the same, cos they probably will, but hopefully not as bad..
Labour aren't left. They're centre right.
Just gotta say, as a believer in democracy, I was happy that the voters spoke, even though I am astounded anybody could vote for Winston Peters.
However I have noticed intense bitterness emanating from people who hold left wing views.
Why so bitter?
Your mob had their go and stuffed up badly, so give the Nats a chance to do the same, cos they probably will, but hopefully not as bad..

Confucius say people don’t trust and scared going to be wrung like sponge.
It’s legal if prescribed, and those prescribed it are selling their prescriptions. Beautifully manicured and not a stray leaf. Grown here, sent to Aussie and packaged and sent back. Comes in a 10g plastic container, called kikuya but certainly more effective than your front lawn kikuya.
I was meaning, when was the last time anybody was charged with smoking dak?
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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