Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

You're hilarious. Time for me to head off, but here you go, quick google - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/dec/18/argentina-javier-milei-chainsaw-measures. If you're interested on how the far right, neoliberalism and austerity fucks people over take off the blinkers and look around the world, particularly in the last 40 - 50 years.
The Guardian, the bastion of the far left is aghast at cuts to public servants? Next you'll be quoting the Karl Marx Foundation regarding welfare changes.


And the ferries - what a fucking disaster. Economically literate? This government is the most destructive, abhorrent, cruel, regressive government we've had and that's saying something.

Wiz is more economically literate than this coalition.

Of the rich, by the rich, for the rich, of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy, of the few, by the few, for the few, of the corrupt, by the corrupt, for the corrupt.

Neoliberalism at it's finest all around.

Interesting.... the initial project estimate sold to the Labour government in 2018 was for $900 mill.... last year, KiwiRail asked for an additional $1.5 billion (after already receiving more money from GrantR) to a "final price" of $3 billion when the project got cancelled. That's a 425% increase over 5 years or an average increase of 85% PA. But, a change of government means that an increase of only 33% PA..... jerks, cooking the books by only estimating an increase of 33% when they should have kept to Labour's average increase and said the iRex plan was going to cost $5.5 bill.
Scattergun when trying to pin you down!

What privatisation? Data please? And didn’t you say the ‘coalition of chaos’ would implode (hasnt); most unpopular ever (still the same in polls a year later)

Agree this and the last have been polar opposite. Which is the most divisive depends on what side you’re on. What is the biggest law change affecting Maori?

We’ve been choked by regulation and our productivity stats back this up.

Drop of 700 employees over a year 1.1%. Not 10’s of thousand. A single building company has lost more employees than this. labour started reducing govt budgets before the election. Source:

Is this a joke? The whole country had to keep working from home. We had to work while our kids did school from home. Do you look for reasons to be a victim?

It has been the reserve bank manufacturing the recession under Labour and National. Data about bashing beneficiaries? Requiring them to try for work is a in the best interests of the beneficiary.

🤣 Kiwibuild; light rail; cycle bridge over the harbour; ferries - all had 6 years with nothing done.

🤣 research backs the media are clearly left - Tova and Jessica anyone plus Ardern’s blacklisting right media like Hoskings.

Back up your corruption claim with sources please 🙄
Mans cooking 🔥
I speak to people at the coal face, it’s really tough out there however the negative growth trends are beginning to slowly flatten out. Yes it continues to get worse, and we have conflicting forces at play with declining interest rates & increasing unemployment, however there is an expectation that we bottom early next calendar year & then hopefully start to see some very modest organic growth from Q2 of CY25. Obviously no one knows for certain how it all plays out, however there is hope out there & the media are only interested in being alarmist.
It's going to be slow if any growth i reckon. The government are still contracting spending to try and hit the targets they set, so public sector isn't going to provide it ( rightly or wrongly).

I am seeing some companies preparing for a fast start in 2025 with IT projects but mostly in sectors where they don't grow the poor but just cannibalize each other ( eg gentailers) or save costs. So not sure if there is growth coming from private sector anytime soon.

Milk price should help give us a boost if it stays up.

Longer term no recent government has given me any how that we are investing for future growth and this one seems to be doing the opposite.
Take this ramble as a grain of salt, im just someone with to much freetime.
As i'm more for goverment spending/public goods and am a pro-enviroment kidna guy. But just this talk around goverment incentives that inspire/grow the econamy do not really exist anymore and the current couple of goverments allways seem more focused on social issues and pay backs to some previous goverment. Has got me thinking about an idea i like to talk to people about.

It's always been disappointing that NZ, as arguably the best agricultural nation in the world, hasn't tried to lead farmers into a more pro-environment style with a carrot rather than a stick. We fine and tax on environmental impacts for farmers, which obviously leads to an adversarial relationship between farmers and a more pro-environment populace. And in my opinon has never worked in countries with a smaller farmer population. So how the fuck could that kind shtick work in NZ where 10% of us work in the farming industry.

It's always quite hard to marry together NZ identity on a lot of things. One of them being pro-agriculture and one being pro-nature. It's our two biggest industries, tourism and dairy. So why do we never have any economic policies to try and marry them up, to boost one another? A smart government, in my opinion, could sell NZ as having some of the greenest, most advanced style exports of food. So what i guess im making an arugment here is for a inititive to make NZ farming the most advanced and eco-friendly in the world via goverment funding into R&D at select uni's that already specialize in it, goverment subsides and global marketing (I.E Malaysia Kitchen Programme).

Interestingly, NZ farmers receive minimal government subsidies compared to other developed nations. Support to agricultural producers in New Zealand consistently ranks among the lowest in the OECD, with the Producer Support Estimate averaging 0.7% of gross farm receipts during 2020-22, far below the OECD average. This lack of subsidies has led our farmers to become more efficient and market-driven. However, introducing targeted financial incentives for sustainable practices could further enhance our agricultural sector's global competitiveness. But this would have to be done with a very light hand. I.E scientists claculate per region, the best cow to hectare raito. If you reach it or get close to it then some kind of tax brake or subsidy. This would have to be reclaculated often tho.

Our dairy cows could have the least amount of ecological impact if we invest in Lincoln University's agriculture and science departments. They already have initiatives focusing on variable milking, plantain forage, and lowering heifer replacement rates to promote sustainable dairy farming practices.

These farmers will not listen to kids from Auckland or Wellington Uni (at least the many I've been surrounded by in Canterbury). But they do listen to Lincoln Uni kids and Massey kids. We are, I'm pretty sure, a world leader, but we could truly be the best by a long shot if we make our agriculture industry the best in the world. And it's not just about outputs, i.e., how many cows can a farmer fit on a field, as that is how they are currently measured in NZ. If we put incentives on getting more out of a single cow while still limiting herd sizes, we could not only market our industries as a premium product but also market our tourism industry by proxy as well. If every international product we sell is now premium and green, then of course our country will be the same.

This would also make the workload on your average farmer easier and more modern. Because fuck me if their workload already insane, but it'd also attract in a younger generation of farmers. Not only that, but it will also hopefully begin to break the cycle in the farming industry where one person owns the land, one person owns the tools/cattle, and one person is in charge of the herds. You would lower the barrier to entry; with more efficient herds and an encouragement to keep them low in number, you would need less land, less tools. It'd also bring the larger communities closer, as you'd have people outside of farmers directly interacting with the day-to-day of farming.
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Take this ramble as a grain of salt, im just someone with to much freetime.
As i'm more for goverment spending/public goods and am a pro-enviroment kidna guy. But just this talk around goverment incentives that inspire/grow the econamy do not really exist anymore and the current couple of goverments allways seem more focused on social issues and pay backs to some previous goverment. Has got me thinking about an idea i like to talk to people about.

It's always been disappointing that NZ, as arguably the best agricultural nation in the world, hasn't tried to lead farmers into a more pro-environment style with a carrot rather than a stick. We fine and tax on environmental impacts for farmers, which obviously leads to an adversarial relationship between farmers and a more pro-environment populace. And in my opinon has never worked in countries with a smaller farmer population. So how the fuck could that kind shtick work in NZ where 10% of us work in the farming industry.

It's always quite hard to marry together NZ identity on a lot of things. One of them being pro-agriculture and one being pro-nature. It's our two biggest industries, tourism and dairy. So why do we never have any economic policies to try and marry them up, to boost one another? A smart government, in my opinion, could sell NZ as having some of the greenest, most advanced style exports of food. So what i guess im making an arugment here is for a inititive to make NZ farming the most advanced and eco-friendly in the world via goverment funding into R&D at select uni's that already specialize in it, goverment subsides and global marketing (I.E Malaysia Kitchen Programme).

Interestingly, NZ farmers receive minimal government subsidies compared to other developed nations. Support to agricultural producers in New Zealand consistently ranks among the lowest in the OECD, with the Producer Support Estimate averaging 0.7% of gross farm receipts during 2020-22, far below the OECD average. This lack of subsidies has led our farmers to become more efficient and market-driven. However, introducing targeted financial incentives for sustainable practices could further enhance our agricultural sector's global competitiveness. But this would have to be done with a very light hand. I.E scientists claculate per region, the best cow to hectare raito. If you reach it or get close to it then some kind of tax brake or subsidy. This would have to be reclaculated often tho.

Our dairy cows could have the least amount of ecological impact if we invest in Lincoln University's agriculture and science departments. They already have initiatives focusing on variable milking, plantain forage, and lowering heifer replacement rates to promote sustainable dairy farming practices.

These farmers will not listen to kids from Auckland or Wellington Uni (at least the many I've been surrounded by in Canterbury). But they do listen to Lincoln Uni kids and Massey kids. We are, I'm pretty sure, a world leader, but we could truly be the best by a long shot if we make our agriculture industry the best in the world. And it's not just about outputs, i.e., how many cows can a farmer fit on a field, as that is how they are currently measured in NZ. If we put incentives on getting more out of a single cow while still limiting herd sizes, we could not only market our industries as a premium product but also market our tourism industry by proxy as well. If every international product we sell is now premium and green, then of course our country will be the same.

This would also make the workload on your average farmer easier and more modern. Because fuck me if their workload already insane, but it'd also attract in a younger generation of farmers. Not only that, but it will also hopefully begin to break the cycle in the farming industry where one person owns the land, one person owns the tools/cattle, and one person is in charge of the herds. You would lower the barrier to entry; with more efficient herds and an encouragement to keep them low in number, you would need less land, less tools. It'd also bring the larger communities closer, as you'd have people outside of farmers directly interacting with the day-to-day of farming.
Top post.

I would add to this that we promote less ‘city and professional occupations’ and more rural. 80% of the country work in the service industries - yet 80% of our income is from primary produce, tourism and our green image.

Eg. I would like to see councils work with farmers to manage land environmentally - remove weed plants, plant native road frontages, manage wetlands, etc. uni students summer jobs, under employed work teams, etc

This helps our primary producers, tourism and enhances our clean green image. Build on our strengths and what makes us wealthy. More govt paper pushers don’t help…

Wow… Am I promoting a provincial growth fund type set up?
Top post.

I would add to this that we promote less ‘city and professional occupations’ and more rural. 80% of the country work in the service industries - yet 80% of our income is from primary produce, tourism and our green image.

Eg. I would like to see councils work with farmers to manage land environmentally - remove weed plants, plant native road frontages, manage wetlands, etc. uni students summer jobs, under employed work teams, etc

This helps our primary producers, tourism and enhances our clean green image. Build on our strengths and what makes us wealthy. More govt paper pushers don’t help…

Wow… Am I promoting a provincial growth fund type set up?
I always thought it was a bit shit that places like Franz Josef have to use rates to pay for public goods like public toilets etc. Which obiviously they cannot pay for if bearly anyone lives there but they still need to supprot tourists. Obiviously there are things like the Tourism Infrastructure Fund and the Tourism Levy. But i think that leads a ambulance at the bottom of the cliff situation. Where you only get the money long after the tourism period and then have to wait on our very slow goverment to hopfully provision those funds correctly. Personally i think a percentage of the GST tax, i.e maybe 1-2% of the 15% should go into the community you spent it in. I.E if i buy a three day hire on a quadbike in Te Anau for 4k, 80 bucks should go to Te Anau of the 600 bucks of tax.

That way the funds would correctly be going to places where they are needed. Although that would outweigh rich activites over poorer ones. And therefore i still think you need the tourism levy and some of that fund to go towards the less finicial lucrtive activities. I.E hiking, fishing etc. And hopfully cause pretty good growth in those regions that invest back into there infrastructure, liike queenstown with there very cheap busses.

Only real issue i see, would be making sure those funds are visable to the public and where they are spent. As im sure with most council it's pretty easy to spend it on upgraded cars/offices instead of public goods like libraries. Looking at your christchurch city concil.
The poison of neoliberalism in the world, in this country. Act are actively working to steal our democracy, with the backing of Atlas.

It's already an authoritarian oligarchy. The right play a very, very long game, and they won't stop. Those directing this, those in power are greedy, wealthy parasites.

The poison of neoliberalism in the world, in this country. Act are actively working to steal our democracy, with the backing of Atlas.

It's already an authoritarian oligarchy. The right play a very, very long game, and they won't stop. Those directing this, those in power are greedy, wealthy parasites.

Are you a conspiracy theorist bro?

Did man really land on the moon or was it a conspiracy by corrupt politicians?
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So many people are hurting as a result of these cruel economically destructive policies.
Are you on holiday mate? You are very active again! Great to cap off another tough year and survive to 25!

Is it cruel when a parent has to be responsible and stop the kid from having everything they want when the families in financial strife?
Everyone's on holiday and it turns into a cooker thread, happens every year. Pretty sure Atlas is real and actively plotting our doom in the shadow kingdom though tbf.
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