Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


Feel like the election campaigns fizzled.

No vision, no real game changing policy.

Just descended into negativity and talking about faults in other parties instead of their own.
There's certainly been a notable absent from Labour campaigning on their record/achievements while in Government. Hipkins has even admitted today that they got MIQ wrong.
Feel like the election campaigns fizzled.

No vision, no real game changing policy.

Just descended into negativity and talking about faults in other parties instead of their own.
Problem is National has promised tax cuts and reduction in government expenses so can make very little in the way of huge ticket items. Labour can't offer much except tinkering with GST and a few social things..... their big ticket items like a second Auckland Harbour crossing and the Hawkes Bay Hospital have been announced but not budgeted for. Greens and the Māori Party are offering "game changing policy" but only on the back off Wealth, Vacant Land and Empty Houses taxes.

Without an increase in the tax take (even though during this last year, Labour took in nearly twice the amount of tax than the previous National government in their final year), there's just not the money for huge ticket items.

Any incoming government has three choices.... reduce expenses, increase taxes or borrow more. To me, only one of those is palatable. Problem with reducing expenses though is it will lead to lower wage/salary increases for public servants and less money spent on badly needed infrastructure.
I haven't voted yet even though I have plenty of spare time now and drive past a booth 2 or 3 times a day.
Each time I think about it and then I can't be bothered 😕
Suggest one gets set up at your local ;)

Shayleen was talking to a sales manager from the local division of Fortune 100 company today. Last week, their business had the Wednesday off as a "recharge day". When the GM of the company asked the Sales Manager what he had done on that Wednesday, he said he'd gone and early voted. The GM wouldn't believe him that there was early voting and said the signs were only showing where the Voting Stations will be on Election Day. And this guy is running one of the largest FGC companies in NZ. Heaven help us all!!!
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Any incoming government has three choices.... reduce expenses, increase taxes or borrow more. To me, only one of those is palatable. Problem with reducing expenses though is it will lead to lower wage/salary increases for public servants and less money spent on badly needed infrastructure.
Mate, we’ve had a HUGE increase in spending on public services with nothing to show for it.

It’s quality not quality. They can reduce the spend AND increase the services by prioritising the services people actually want.
Problem is National has promised tax cuts and reduction in government expenses so can make very little in the way of huge ticket items.
National has gone on the basis of competent managers and tax cuts. Is it any wonder Labour, with nothing of their own, has desperately tried to undermine the tax cuts and competency to death. Negative defensive strategy before the tax policy was even released.

I’m over it all. Labour has given up but wants to try to take down the reputation of the incoming government by painting everyone else as just as incompetent. Is it any wonder people lose faith in politicians?
Mate, we’ve had a HUGE increase in spending on public services with nothing to show for it.

It’s quality not quality. They can reduce the spend AND increase the services by prioritising the services people actually want.

National has gone on the basis of competent managers and tax cuts. Is it any wonder Labour, with nothing of their own, has desperately tried to undermine the tax cuts and competency to death. Negative defensive strategy before the tax policy was even released.

I’m over it all. Labour has given up but wants to try to take down the reputation of the incoming government by painting everyone else as just as incompetent. Is it any wonder people lose faith in politicians?
Sometimes I wonder if we would be better off with a dictator.
Just to get things done without handbrakes
To be honest, I’m bored with this labour lot and I’m also bored with the next lot

I’m also not looking forward to a week or so of waiting to hear about Winston not having made up his mind as to who he’s chosen to be our next government
It’s kinda like when you decide to go on a diet - all the fun time has been had and now you are staring down the barrel of some lean times for a good long stint
Winston has only two choices - coalition with the right or give confidence and supply and poke sticks from the outside
I’m picking option 2.

No minor party in government ever gains in the polls as they become to tied to the bigger party the following election.

Long term NZF needs Shane Jones to take over as the face as Winston retires. After the election I don’t expect to see much of Winston, it will be all Jones. First year play nice, 2nd and third year criticise National and say how much better they could do it.
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