Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


Instead of causing pain and misery to those who can least afford it how about starting here:

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While I totally agree that we need to sign up to Pillar Two and also introduce a Digital Services Tax (DST) to prevent companies like Google NZ transferring profits overseas as "service fees", we also have to be careful how we go about it.

Officials in NZ think that a DST would bring in about $90m a year. But, based on France’s experience with software exports to the US following its introduction of a DST, it saw possible retaliatory tariffs of $US100m a year. Is it worth doing if another country introduces tariffs against NZ which cost more than the revenue a DST would bring in?
We. Can't. Afford. Tax. Cuts.

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Gordon Campbell spot on:

Interesting, Hickey says it's $14.7 Billion in tax cuts while Campbell say's it $10 Billion. What's $4.7 Billion between friends? Oh, an interislander ferry service and a new Stadium for Auckland.

Hickey says that government debt is rising while Campbell says it's falling.

Who do we believe?
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hahaha holy shit.
the absolute desperation.

hahaha holy shit.
the absolute desperation.

This gives an indication of the reasoning. Labour relies on small donations while national collects bigger dollars donations

This gives an indication of the reasoning. Labour relies on small donations while national collects bigger dollars donations
oh yeah for sure dude, i get it.
and trust me, i’m no fan of the right either.
it’s just such a cuck move is all.

hipkins is 100% that dude that always rushes to comfort the girl you just broke up with.

hahaha holy shit.
the absolute desperation.

Don't know how the hell they got my email, but, leading up to the Election, I got a couple of emails from Bishop asking for money for National.... all he got instead was me hitting the "Unscribe" button!!!
We. Can't. Afford. Tax. Cuts.

View attachment 7561
So we shouldn’t increase any benefits? Shouldn’t increase the pension? Shouldn’t give any pay increase to govt employees? Should pay more to those striking junior doctors? Should have given nurses and teachers pay rises the last few years while in deficit?

Or do you just think minimum wage workers and the working poor don’t deserve it?

Labour did all those things while in deficit and borrowing billions to pay for it…

Arguably borrowing to put more money into working peoples pay does more for the investment and stimulation of the economy than those other things…
So we shouldn’t increase any benefits? Shouldn’t increase the pension? Shouldn’t give any pay increase to govt employees? Should pay more to those striking junior doctors? Should have given nurses and teachers pay rises the last few years while in deficit?

Or do you just think minimum wage workers and the working poor don’t deserve it?

Labour did all those things while in deficit and borrowing billions to pay for it…

Arguably borrowing to put more money into working peoples pay does more for the investment and stimulation of the economy than those other things…
It’s tough trying to keep everyone happy, imagine trying to do it in a climate as close to a war time effort in a pandemic? Pretty impressive really, one thing I appreciated was a pay freeze on themselves while the rest of us struggled through. As the world tries to recover from the stress and burden that pandemic put on our countries, a tax cut that will cost in borrowing doesn’t seem like smart money management when the amount passed out has such a pitiful ability to make a difference realistically to the average person needing relief. People are being asked to tighten their belts, so that pitiful amount passed isn’t going to stimulate the economy whatsoever if it’s saved like asked
Damn, the cops found the cash crop I was growing in the green house..... I'll be lying low for a little while.

Shame there’s been no alterations to anything regarding this after a referendum showed there was an appetite for changes. Not to mention the wastage in police resources and the ability to make a change as for as it being a gang money maker
It’s tough trying to keep everyone happy, imagine trying to do it in a climate as close to a war time effort in a pandemic? Pretty impressive really, one thing I appreciated was a pay freeze on themselves while the rest of us struggled through. As the world tries to recover from the stress and burden that pandemic put on our countries, a tax cut that will cost in borrowing doesn’t seem like smart money management when the amount passed out has such a pitiful ability to make a difference realistically to the average person needing relief. People are being asked to tighten their belts, so that pitiful amount passed isn’t going to stimulate the economy whatsoever if it’s saved like asked
I think people will appreciate the tax relief. It will make a difference for middle income earners with kids especially.
Money is really tight. Very difficult to sell anything at present. Had the house on the market for nine months now and hardly any lookers.
Shame there’s been no alterations to anything regarding this after a referendum showed there was an appetite for changes. Not to mention the wastage in police resources and the ability to make a change as for as it being a gang money maker
Never happen under National, that is the main reason I don't consider voting for them.
I think people will appreciate the tax relief. It will make a difference for middle income earners with kids especially.
Money is really tight. Very difficult to sell anything at present. Had the house on the market for nine months now and hardly any lookers.
But when you want to be critical of the opposition spending habits, after what we’ve endured in the covid pandemic and had to borrow to keep to country going, it seems hypocritical to borrow more when even with the mass cuts placed everywhere there still needs borrowing to make them happen. This isn’t the time for them, as I’ve mentioned, they’ve run four separate elections on tax cuts and finally delivered them when the country can least afford it
I think people will appreciate the tax relief. It will make a difference for middle income earners with kids especially.
Money is really tight. Very difficult to sell anything at present. Had the house on the market for nine months now and hardly any lookers.
But all the cuts and inflation have seen everything else go up. The tax cuts will fuel inflation and the austerity measures will inflict huge unnecessary pain on those who can't afford it, and even those who can.

And it doesn't have to be this way.

Pure ideology, and a failed one at that.

We only have to look back to the late 80s and the 90s. I've been there, I've no doubt others here have too.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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