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I think you miss a point and another really good point.
The first one is you don't pay a person for a day they don't work, you pay them to get their 5 days of work through increased productivity over 4 days. Why would they step up and do that? Because they get a three-day weekend with family or to do other things without a drop in income.
The second one is, if you're smart, you'll have a second employee working 4 days (their days could overlap within a normal working week) under the same arrangement and productivity kpi's, and effectively you get an 8-day week from 2 people, higher production from happier staff and you potentially save 3 days pay because you didn't have to employ a 3rd person. As the number of staff goes up depending on the industry, productivity continues and staff numbers deliver.
Won't work with all industries perhaps but would with most.
In my younger years of working it was known as job and finish.
Job done to the bosses expectations and you get the rest of the day off 😴
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I think you miss a point and another really good point.
The first one is you don't pay a person for a day they don't work, you pay them to get their 5 days of work through increased productivity over 4 days. Why would they step up and do that? Because they get a three-day weekend with family or to do other things without a drop in income.
The second one is, if you're smart, you'll have a second employee working 4 days (their days could overlap within a normal working week) under the same arrangement and productivity kpi's, and effectively you get an 8-day week from 2 people, higher production from happier staff and you potentially save 3 days pay because you didn't have to employ a 3rd person. As the number of staff goes up depending on the industry, productivity continues and staff numbers deliver.
Won't work with all industries perhaps but would with most.
I’ve always worked at my full capacity and haven’t worked at 80% 🤷‍♂️

Sounds like some industries are just taking the piss… no wonder our productivity is so low as a nation.

I hope these slack industries expose themselves with this 4 day week thing 🤣
No reason it won't work for a 5 day job.
Get the work done to the expectations by Thursday and Friday off
Except if it’s made as an employment condition if you don’t get it done you are still entitled to Friday off. So the company needs to price (charge the consumers) based on 3 days work and the cycle of slackness continues.

The principle works for self employment but not employees.
That’s an incentive I would have worked hard for coming up. The happiest workplaces are those where their hard work is acknowledged. This is an area that some employers have deteriorated over the years.
I agree productivity needs to be rewarded and it’s a problem in some workplaces. But I don’t believe a blanket less hours is the solution.
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Except if it’s made as an employment condition if you don’t get it done you are still entitled to Friday off. So the company needs to price (charge the consumers) based on 3 days work and the cycle of slackness continues.

The principle works for self employment but not employees.
Certainly depends on the industry/job but could be a great idea.
As I am self employed it's not a good idea. I have spent many weekends with invoices and preparations. If I had staff could be great. Reach a target for sales and go home
Certainly depends on the industry/job but could be a great idea.
As I am self employed it's not a good idea. I have spent many weekends with invoices and preparations. If I had staff could be great. Reach a target for sales and go home
At the start of most days, I set a target on what I want to have achieved by the end of the day. If I get to that sooner, then I take the rest of the day off.... if I don't, it's keep going until I've completed the task. One of the perks of being self-employed. Having a mortgage used to be a great motivator.... now, it's knowing the Missus does the books!!!
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At the start of most days, I set a target on what I want to have achieved by the end of the day. If I get to that sooner, then I take the rest of the day off.... if I don't, it's keep going until I've completed the task. One of the perks of being self-employed. Having a mortgage used to be a great motivator.... now, it's knowing the Missus does the books!!!
Imagine where you would be if you met your targets… then spent the rest of the day growing the business!

We all have different motivations and different mindset and the beauty of self employment is you can do what you want!
At the start of most days, I set a target on what I want to have achieved by the end of the day. If I get to that sooner, then I take the rest of the day off.... if I don't, it's keep going until I've completed the task. One of the perks of being self-employed. Having a mortgage used to be a great motivator.... now, it's knowing the Missus does the books!!!
Wouldn't work with me.
Tavern 🍺
She would faint 😳
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Imagine where you would be if you met your targets… then spent the rest of the day growing the business!

We all have different motivations and different mindset and the beauty of self employment is you can do what you want!
Different in different trades. Getting things to the point where they can dry overnight is a big one for us. Also wouldn’t finish a job and go to another one for a couple of hours. Bad luck to start a new job on a Friday too.
Exactly miket12. That's why I'm in charge of the books. Gotta have a laugh out of life as you know 🤣
I think we have different motivations at different stages in our life.

I’m still very much in the work hard; play hard stage

When I’m at your stage it’s time to really enjoy life 🍻
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