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Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Hard to fathom the thinking behind this behaviour.
Could be as simple as trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Even an MP’s salary isn’t much when you want $15k worth of clothes when you shop.

Shopping addiction? Who knows, but I don’t buy the mental health angle due to stress (all decisions we make are based on mental choices)
Could be as simple as trying to keep up with the Joneses.

Even an MP’s salary isn’t much when you want $15k worth of clothes when you shop.

Shopping addiction? Who knows, but I don’t buy the mental health angle due to stress (all decisions we make are based on mental choices)
I was more thinking about someone doing this stuff and being a politician.
Mind boggling stuff
Honestly, I’ve posted articles, stats and even academic papers on here to support a view and had posters claiming it’s all false and the researchers didn’t know what they were doing.

When you have that level of denial, where there are basically no longer any facts or truths it descends into a free for all where conspiracy theories are just as viable as anything else.

It all starts with a trusted medium (media, facts and figures) to build off.
This is from a recent ABC news article.

It's a place where the tools of reason — fact, logic, data, consequences, accountability — aren't always useful currency.

Those of us who live in the "reality-based community" may find that difficult to comprehend but we are witnessing the fulfilment of a prophecy made in Washington two decades ago.

The term "reality-based community" comes from a 2004 article by journalist Ron Suskind in The New York Times magazine. This quote in it was attributed to an "anonymous aide" working for then President George W. Bush:

"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community', which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality' … 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors …and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'."
At the time, that quote caused jaws to drop en masse in Washington. It seemed shockingly megalomaniacal, but it was also incomprehensible that a senior White House official could believe that facts and objective reality didn't really matter (the source was rumoured to be Bush's chief-of-staff Karl Rove, something Rove has denied).
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Or the fact that it required 5 Police Officers to go to her home!!!!!
My thought too.
Is this standard for all shoplifters these days?
Media are all over this and they should be asked why?
As for the online haters (cowards),
social media has a lot to answer for as in the past decade sm platforms have created the viral cesspools of racism, vilfication, harassment, and falsehoods and misinformation (and yes, crazy conspiracy theories) that means once you are noted on them for anything (true or false) you're fair game, trialled without due process and defenceless.

There are shoplifting syndicates in action in communities here with all NZ retail crime (shoplifting and internal crime) in 2023 costing more than $2.3 billion.
I hope they get as much police resource and show of force thrown at them too (its not & won't be) and we get to read all about the culprits in national media (we won't).
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Are you an expert on Mental Health Wiz?
If your mental health is so affected by being an MP you probably shouldn’t stand for re-election then be shoplifting 2 weeks later…

We have a trail of MP’s with mental health issues and with the pressure maybe people need to reconsider if they are suitable for the role BEFORE they start commit crimes. The sort of good decision making we expect from MP’s as a minimum…
If your mental health is so affected by being an MP you probably shouldn’t stand for re-election then be shoplifting 2 weeks later…

We have a trail of MP’s with mental health issues and with the pressure maybe people need to reconsider if they are suitable for the role BEFORE they start commit crimes. The sort of good decision making we expect from MP’s as a minimum…
No way am I sticking up for her but if she sincerely has mental issues surely her decision making will be affected.
No way am I sticking up for her but if she sincerely has mental issues surely her decision making will be affected.
Hey I don’t know, it’s just sus that people were saying, without any inside knowledge, that she will probably claim mental health as an excuse and surprise, surprise…

There seems a lot of MP’s with mental health issues after they have done a crime isn’t there?

It’s convenient in that it’s unquestionable without any proof or evidence necessary…

wtf knows why she did it but it is definitely a weird move for an intelligent, well paid person with so much to lose... I’m not discounting mental health but I don’t feel it’s an excuse to commit crime.
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Hey I don’t know, it’s just sus that people were saying, without any inside knowledge, that she will probably claim mental health as an excuse and surprise, surprise…

There seems a lot of MP’s with mental health issues after they have done a crime isn’t there?

It’s convenient in that it’s unquestionable without any proof or evidence necessary…

wtf knows why she did it but it is definitely a weird move for an intelligent, well paid person with so much to lose... I’m not discounting mental health but I don’t feel it’s an excuse to commit crime.
Certainly not in my opinion either but hey..
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Hey I don’t know, it’s just sus that people were saying, without any inside knowledge, that she will probably claim mental health as an excuse and surprise, surprise…

There seems a lot of MP’s with mental health issues after they have done a crime isn’t there?

It’s convenient in that it’s unquestionable without any proof or evidence necessary…

wtf knows why she did it but it is definitely a weird move for an intelligent, well paid person with so much to lose... I’m not discounting mental health but I don’t feel it’s an excuse to commit crime.
so does being a politician and doing crime give you mental health issues? or does being a politician with mental health issues make you do crime?
Hey I don’t know, it’s just sus that people were saying, without any inside knowledge, that she will probably claim mental health as an excuse and surprise, surprise…

There seems a lot of MP’s with mental health issues after they have done a crime isn’t there?

It’s convenient in that it’s unquestionable without any proof or evidence necessary…

wtf knows why she did it but it is definitely a weird move for an intelligent, well paid person with so much to lose... I’m not discounting mental health but I don’t feel it’s an excuse to commit crime.
Perhaps we shouldn’t try to rationalise such irrational behaviour and instead leave it to the experts
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Hey I don’t know, it’s just sus that people were saying, without any inside knowledge, that she will probably claim mental health as an excuse and surprise, surprise…

There seems a lot of MP’s with mental health issues after they have done a crime isn’t there?

It’s convenient in that it’s unquestionable without any proof or evidence necessary…

wtf knows why she did it but it is definitely a weird move for an intelligent, well paid person with so much to lose... I’m not discounting mental health but I don’t feel it’s an excuse to commit crime.
I can imagine how years of rape and death threats could affect her mental health, and that could manifest in some kind of OCD illness like kleptomania, can't you? If that's the case and not just an excuse, it's pretty tragic.

If we only elected people who can never be affected mentally by constant personal threats like that, we'd probably end up with a small pool of psychos and sociopaths in govt. Wait a minute...
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This is from a recent ABC news article.

It's a place where the tools of reason — fact, logic, data, consequences, accountability — aren't always useful currency.

Those of us who live in the "reality-based community" may find that difficult to comprehend but we are witnessing the fulfilment of a prophecy made in Washington two decades ago.

The term "reality-based community" comes from a 2004 article by journalist Ron Suskind in The New York Times magazine. This quote in it was attributed to an "anonymous aide" working for then President George W. Bush:

At the time, that quote caused jaws to drop en masse in Washington. It seemed shockingly megalomaniacal, but it was also incomprehensible that a senior White House official could believe that facts and objective reality didn't really matter (the source was rumoured to be Bush's chief-of-staff Karl Rove, something Rove has denied).
Glad I'm not in a reality-based community, fucking Yanks keep changing it.
I can imagine how years of rape and death threats could affect her mental health, and that could manifest in some kind of OCD illness like kleptomania, can't you? If that's the case and not just an excuse, it's pretty tragic.

If we only elected people who can never be affected mentally by constant personal threats like that, we'd probably end up with a small pool of psychos and sociopaths in govt. Wait a minute...
While not trained in mental health, apparently bipolar, depression, anxiety, and kleptomania may be linked to shoplifting due to the dopamine hit.

Whatever, when people are impaired by alcohol and do a crime it’s not an excuse. Whether she has a mental illness or not, it may be a contributing factor and you have to feel sorry for her, but it’s no excuse.
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