Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

These are most likely all unconnected events, but presumably the cyber cops and 5 Eyes are onto these offshore bomb threats, wonder if they'll release details of who it is. Hopefully just some random autistic kid on 4chan and not something more sinister.

I'd be starting the search in Turkey, it's usually them. Try invading their country once and they never let it go.
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Yes because this country has no history of racism. Would never happen in this country.
Should be able to find better examples then surely, rather than picking out one Maori place targeted with a bomb threat out of over 100 other places similarly targeted. Or Maori graves damaged along with childrens ones. Because damaged graves have never happened in the country. Let's just go with some idiot cutting off the appendage from a statue and even then probably not racially motivated, more likely some misguided religious prude. As probable as the racist shark at Papamoa beach.
These are most likely all unconnected events, but presumably the cyber cops and 5 Eyes are onto these offshore bomb threats, wonder if they'll release details of who it is. Hopefully just some random autistic kid on 4chan and not something more sinister.

I'd be starting the search in Turkey, it's usually them, try invading their country once and they never let it go.
The cost and disruption of all of this is the annoying thing though. More than likely some dickhead having a good laugh about how they are making the police react. I remember there being cases in the states were people were calling in reports of armed intruders in a house and laughing at the SWAT team turning up to a random address. Until they shot an innocent person....
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Hard to ignore how the potential of a referendum has stirred up tensions though to the point where Maori decided they needed to protest to show their dismay.
What’s the problem with a referendum to clarify things? Isn’t it a possibility to enhance outcomes for Maori? Isn’t it democratic? Why are Maori so against clarifying a murky area?

And why the importance of the Treaty anyway? Isn’t it between iwi and the British Monarch? Why don’t Maori hit up the King with grievances? Let him sort it out!

With a democratic parliament, isn’t the treaty effectively a partnership now anyway and the treaty (with another country) irrelevant?

Aren’t we all just Kiwis? Every Maori I interact with doesn’t particularly care about racial stuff, it just seems to be the radicals, parliament and the media.
Don't forget there was a shark spotted close to people at Papamoa beach as well. I understand there was a couple of Maori families just a bit further along from there. Seems a bit coincidental. Something to keep an eye on.

Fire at a South Auckland community hall… get the media to find a Maori family connection!

What’s the problem with a referendum to clarify things? Isn’t it a possibility to enhance outcomes for Maori? Isn’t it democratic? Why are Maori so against clarifying a murky area?

And why the importance of the Treaty anyway? Isn’t it between iwi and the British Monarch? Why don’t Maori hit up the King with grievances? Let him sort it out!

With a democratic parliament, isn’t the treaty effectively a partnership now anyway and the treaty (with another country) irrelevant?

Aren’t we all just Kiwis? Every Maori I interact with doesn’t particularly care about racial stuff, it just seems to be the radicals, parliament and the media.
As far as I know the Brits have had no treaty responsibility since we ceased being a Dominion, crown authority was transferred to our sovereign govt under the jurisdiction of the Governor General.
Good luck getting anything out of Charlie anyway, tightarse won't even buy you a beer since the family's fallen on hard times, they're going broke paying off his brother's victims.
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I’m not sure whether you are taking the piss or not?
Why is the treaty relevant today?

As I see it, it was an agreement between a king/ Queen of another country and lawless (at the time) iwi. Both sides were rural, poor, uneducated, low tech compared to the current NZer. They are all long dead.

We’re now a completely different society living in advanced cities with technology, transport, phones, health systems, capitalist economy, etc that have all been developed post Treaty. A completely different quality of life and life experience that has benefitted us all.

Why the angst over a founding document that some king of another country signed to set up a self ruling democracy? If everyone’s completely different people and life’s completely different, what relevance does the Treaty have except historical?

Can we be equal kiwis if every time the current government 150 years later, makes rules, it can still be a breach of the treaty (eg homeless policies were ruled a treaty breach last year)?

Aren’t Maori, dividing themselves from the rest of us and living in some ‘us and them’ past?

Hope this young guy gets the help he needs, like the weird old guy found in Hana Rawhiti Maipi Clarke’s house close to the election.
what was the need i wonder, to list the value of the property? other than to make the prime minister come across like a rich asshole.
he can’t possibly have worked hard his entire life and be able to have nice things huh?
I had the misfortune years ago of having a client who was involved in setting the policy for ACT when it first started. One of the policies he wanted them to consider was giving tax rebates to people who had private health insurance or who sent the children to private schools because they weren’t, in his opinion, a “burden on the state.”

He also wanted a “reverse” means testing for superannuation….. he felt people should only get super as long as it reflected how much tax they had paid. So, a worker on a low wage most of their working life would only receive it for a short time but the rich would receive it for the rest of their lives.

One of the most arrogant people you could ever meet and with little to no empathy for others.
That's Act voters encapsulated.
That's Act voters encapsulated.
Sounds more like an American than an ACT voter…

I guess as stereotypical as green voters being a bunch of drugged out tree huggers…

Maori party voters being a bunch of separatists…

Labour voters are an extension of unions and a gaggle of gays…

National voters are all about big business…

NZ voters being a bunch of pensioners…

Aren’t we a bit more nuanced than that, I mean most voters don’t fit in any of the stereotypes but still vote for some of them!
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what was the need i wonder, to list the value of the property? other than to make the prime minister come across like a rich asshole.
he can’t possibly have worked hard his entire life and be able to have nice things huh?
What was what need? For the kid to go to his house or for the article?
Did seem a bit weird they looked up the valuation, what does that have to do with some kid trying to break in. Probably just for rage clicks.

Think it’s more just the fascination of the value and the amazement when something you’d expect to have great security gets compromised. This is another example where the value is mentioned because it’s at the higher end, doesn’t have the same effect when it’s “state house gets broken into worth $700-$800k”.
Every new government traditionally get a honeymoon period (until this election). The media is nice, the opposition respects the voters wishes and reflects internally. The govt with their new mandate enacts what they were voted to do.

What this does: the country heals after an election, moves forward and unites behind the chosen political direction. The new government has a mandate and has earned the right to be supported. The voters choice should be respected by the media. The opposition should go into a period of rebuilding, soul searching and clear out the dead wood - particularly their leadership. The voters pressure is released with unopposed policy changes as the democratic mandate is actioned.

In about 6 months time the sides start playing politics again. The govt is established; the opposition has fresh ideas, ideology and personnel to hold the government to account. The voters have had a fresh chance to assess the new governments policies, see the results and either like the them or not.

Instead we have no honeymoon for the newly elected government from the media or opposition. Protests, excessive criticism, divisiveness and disrespect to the voters mandate. Hipkins criticising changes that the voters elected is disrespectful and disgraceful. Instead of realigning Labour direction he’s protecting his decision. He had his opportunity which was assessed and rejected and frankly should be gone. The whole main Labour power group (Robertson, Woods, etc) who made the decisions over the last 6 years which have now been rejected, should be gone to give new untainted blood an opportunity to come in with a new broom and present a new version of Labour. This resets Labour voters as well. Instead we’ve had no acceptance that change is needed which stops Labours political development and encourages left supports to do the same. Every losing leader needs to go - (Hipkins 6 months was a continuation of Jacinda’s tight caucus not a new faction in Labour). He’s been rejected.

The healing isn’t being facilitated by the media as it should be. They should be backing the electorates decisions, uniting divides and being supportive of the policies that were voted on. Otherwise, as we’ve seen, the electoral losers get riled up, bitter and angry about what’s changed and the winners get frustrated at the disrespect towards what was democratically voted for. No one wins, no one heals, frustration and bitterness grows on both sides.

Some will say it’s all part of the game. I see us slowly being ripped apart as a nation and pushed to ever increasing extremism if we don’t have that 6 month honeymoon period to reset, unite and come together before starting the cycle again.

The contrast between when Ardern or Key were voted in and now is night and day. Even if you didn’t vote for them you gave them an opportunity to see how they would go. I hope we aren’t heading down the US politics model…
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The issue I see with your analysis is that there is not one person who voted for what was ultimately the election and policy outcome
Hasn’t the policy outcome changed from what was campaigned on after every election since MMP except in 2020 due to post election negotiations discussions occur and the major party either agrees not to carry on with some of their policies and agree to go with some of the minor parties policies. Then there’s Winnie who will go with anyone, not because NZ first is a ”centralist“ party because of who will give him the larges amount of baubles.
Hasn’t the policy outcome changed from what was campaigned on after every election since MMP except in 2020 due to post election negotiations discussions occur and the major party either agrees not to carry on with some of their policies and agree to go with some of the minor parties policies. Then there’s Winnie who will go with anyone, not because NZ first is a ”centralist“ party because of who will give him the larges amount of baubles.
One of the more stealth ones in some time though, they likely wouldn’t have lost the election by stating their intentions but they certainly would have lost votes. I have family who are just young and starting out in the nursing field and their view is they will never vote for national again. Don’t think it’s wise the way they’re going around this and lack of commitment to climate change goals for the hopes of securing young votes. More older voters than younger at present, also more female than male so they’d want to be smart in how they target that area too.
One of the more stealth ones in some time though, they likely wouldn’t have lost the election by stating their intentions but they certainly would have lost votes. I have family who are just young and starting out in the nursing field and their view is they will never vote for national again. Don’t think it’s wise the way they’re going around this and lack of commitment to climate change goals for the hopes of securing young votes. More older voters than younger at present, also more female than male so they’d want to be smart in how they target that area too.
Hospital security staff has been significantly increase by National with the number of incidents halving.

👏 Wel done National. Results and getting the fundamentals right. Nurses don’t need violence while trying to help people.

If people give the government time to sort the mess out, by the next election everyone’s going to notice the change. Rome wasn’t built in a day… I think we’re so used to low standards it’s been normalised.

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