Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics

Answer the question. You quoted the poll as being neutral. It's not. Neither is it remotely factual.
Fine this one then?

Or this evaluation of the Curia poll with everyone in the industry accepting and agreeing with it

I’ve put my stuff up… post your reliable sources where the Herald is hard right wing. You made the allegation it’s actually up to you to back it up, not me!


Fine this one then?

Or this evaluation of the Curia poll with everyone in the industry accepting and agreeing with it

I’ve put my stuff up… post your reliable sources where the Herald is hard right wing. You made the allegation it’s actually up to you to prove it not me!
Blah blah blah. Hence pissing in the wind mate when it comes to replying to you - it's pointless.
Blah blah blah. Hence pissing in the wind mate when it comes to replying to you - it's pointless.
So I link to all sorts of links and articles and you do you best to discredit it.

Yes it is pointless when the facts speak for themselves 🤣

An annual decline of 0.6% (fact) 3 out of last 4 quarters in decline (fact).

So I link to all sorts of links and articles and you do you best to discredit it.

Yes it is pointless when the facts speak for themselves 🤣

An annual decline of 0.6% (fact) 3 out of last 4 quarters in decline (fact).

You only have to open your eyes and see the interview with Numbnuts tonight to realize what a liar he is.
Even a person with your lack of fairness can see the hypocrisy 😒
Yesterday’s 0.3 decline in GDP in just the September quarter makes New Zealand the worst-performing economy in the developed world. And we’re forecast to be worst next year as well 🙁

Even then, the result was inflated by record net migration, despite yet another massive brain-drain.

Per person, GDP fell an extraordinary 0.9 per cent in just three months.

On an annual basis, GDP fell 0.6 per cent. That compares with our main trading partners all growing respectably over the same period: Australia up 2.2 per cent; the US up 3.0 per cent; and China up 4.9 per cent.

The mind boggles at how bad the data would have been had the previous Government not also cynically flooded the economy with borrowed cash.

Covid to long ago; cyclones a year ago; Russia/Ukraine war can’t use that one anymore either; what about Jacinda/Robertson simply did not understand how the world works…

On a positive note I hear National plans to announce they intend to double exports in 10 years. Thats a plan that will create wealth and fund social services. And one that we can hold them to account on because they will still be in govt then, because of the last 6 lost years!
Actually a good result if you want interest rates to come down.
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So the ferry’s $2.4b terminals are built for 100 year resilience and we might move to 20 year with the current situation as a “pause”.

We don’t earn enough. We build too slow. We cost too much.

The 3 factors that mean we can’t have nice things. We will slowly slip behind… but at least we don’t drill for oil, have clean rivers and our minimum wage is huge! Has doing Labours small, unproductive, green economy actually worked out for us, because it’s costing a lot in unintended consequences…
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Standard response from you - the hypocrisy is unbelievable. You have no substance.
Let's see now. Who am I? I'm a 50 something white male, no kids, with a partner who has a 20 something child. Born and grew up in Auckland and stayed outside the restrictive norms and constraints that a lot of boomers (some on here) seem to yearn for, and those same people vote to the right. I grew up with my mates playing league. I love league, cricket, a bit of the v8s out of nostalgia.

I've consumed numerous substances in my teens and twenties, and definitely inhaled. Stopped the booze a few years back and that's the best thing I ever did.

I've lived overseas for a substantial amount of time and love expanding my horizons beyond the narrowness of New Zealand.

I love the arts, visual, sonic and creative.

I love education.

I love nature and look in despair at the destruction that a rampant viral strain of capitalism, called neoliberalism, imparts on this world. Of course that rampant strain has people at the helm, and those people are the right and the far right. Generally.

I've got a shitload of flaws, made a huge amount of mistakes. In other words, human.

I vote green mostly, Labour once, but Labour really did fuck things up, and had no clue to be honest. Maybe they had a comms disaster this last 6 years, certainly they were underprepared. But a lot of people kid themselves - this country is ruled by the wealthy. We've seen that come out time and time again. The reserve bank has stated that a level of unemployment is desired to keep inflation down. This recession that certain people have banged on about, is MANUFACTURED. And is part of the neoliberal playbook. At the same time the usual beneficiary bashing, landlord rentier rhetoric gets rolled out to make the right look like they're doing something, when in actual fact their direction is entrenched racism, wealth stripping, asset concentration, ecological destruction and enhancing corporate profits.

There is no true political left apart from the TePati Maori and the Greens.

The person I replied originally to often posts factually incorrect statements, and then when challenged will spray more factually incorrect statements in different directions, then when further challenged, state they're going on holiday and then come back the next day.

Feel free to point out other comments with no substance.

However, the difficulty we all have if we're honest - if you pick one thing, just one thing, like National cancelling the ferry replacements. A small statement right? Go deeper. Where is the economic cost benefit? What's the reasons behind this? Go deeper and you find that National should have replaced them 8 years ago. Go deeper and you find that the infrastructure is cost blow out, and that's not owned by kiwirail. Go deeper and you find that if we had rail we would have better economic success, better movement of goods, less carbon emissions but it's not ideologically part of the right's neoliberal playbook. Go deeper and you find that Rail was sold off through ideology, and some complete fuckers asset stripped it and took the profits and ran.

Go deeper and you find that maybe, just maybe, we had world class infrastructure that was actually centralised and stood up by a government, and that department was actually apolitical, not trained in fear for the last 40 years by those with a neoliberal agenda.

Go deeper and you might find that our infrastructure is under threat through unrestrained immigration. Who's setting that? Etc etc etc etc etc

Go deeper and you will find deliberate underfunding of all infrastructure, again in line with a neoliberal playbook that has determined our economic and political agenda for so long now.

Cross party consensus is needed to fix these things in my opinion. The restoration of true democracy - 100% participation etc. Anyway, I digress.

Very complex. Yet, here we are, in sections of a (wonderful) rugby league forum, each of us in our own echo chambers, hopefully some less partial than others.

And no one really goes to that level of depth because EVERYTHING IS COMPLEX.

And meanwhile we're sleepwalking while fascists gather, billionaires seek to dismantle democracies worldwide and the wealthy look to concentrate their fortunes at the expense of the planet.

When what we need as a whole is the exact opposite.

And I really, really, really should spend less time in the politics, climate change and anything that certain members post in on this forum, 'cos, well, this isn't that real and what do we really get out of this?


I was raised with a strong moral compass that I often don't live up to myself.

I can't fucking stand the tall poppy syndrome here in New Zealand, the narrowness and petty vindictiveness we hear mostly on right wing radio stations.

One thing really winds me up. Disinformation. And lies. And this government meets that criteria in spades. And I will call out bullshit, all day, every day. Although to be honest, who cares in a rugby league forum right?

All of this is serious. Very serious.

Lives, our society, our communities are at stake. So anti vax, climate deniers, conspiracy theorists - no time for that bullshit. Far right - no time for that bullshit. Disinformation? No time for that bullshit. Neoliberal ideology? No time for that bullshit.

So yeah, happy to address anything else you think I've said without substance - be warned though, there's hidden depth, and the weather forecast is good, it's the weekend, and who can be bothered trying to piss in the wind?
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Let's see now. Who am I? I'm a 50 something white male, no kids, with a partner who has a 20 something child. Born and grew up in Auckland and stayed outside the restrictive norms and constraints that a lot of boomers (some on here) seem to yearn for, and those same people vote to the right. I grew up with my mates playing league. I love league, cricket, a bit of the v8s out of nostalgia.

I've consumed numerous substances in my teens and twenties, and definitely inhaled. Stopped the booze a few years back and that's the best thing I ever did.

I've lived overseas for a substantial amount of time and love expanding my horizons beyond the narrowness of New Zealand.

I love the arts, visual, sonic and creative.

I love education.

I love nature and look in despair at the destruction that a rampant viral strain of capitalism, called neoliberalism, imparts on this world. Of course that rampant strain has people at the helm, and those people are the right and the far right. Generally.

I've got a shitload of flaws, made a huge amount of mistakes. In other words, human.

I vote green mostly, Labour once, but Labour really did fuck things up, and had no clue to be honest. Maybe they had a comms disaster this last 6 years, certainly they were underprepared. But a lot of people kid themselves - this country is ruled by the wealthy. We've seen that come out time and time again. The reserve bank has stated that a level of unemployment is desired to keep inflation down. This recession that certain people have banged on about, is MANUFACTURED. And is part of the neoliberal playbook. At the same time the usual beneficiary bashing, landlord rentier rhetoric gets rolled out to make the right look like they're doing something, when in actual fact their direction is entrenched racism, wealth stripping, asset concentration, ecological destruction and enhancing corporate profits.

There is no true political left apart from the TePati Maori and the Greens.

The person I replied originally to often posts factually incorrect statements, and then when challenged will spray more factually incorrect statements in different directions, then when further challenged, state they're going on holiday and then come back the next day.

Feel free to point out other comments with no substance.

However, the difficulty we all have if we're honest - if you pick one thing, just one thing, like National cancelling the ferry replacements. A small statement right? Go deeper. Where is the economic cost benefit? What's the reasons behind this? Go deeper and you find that National should have replaced them 8 years ago. Go deeper and you find that the infrastructure is cost blow out, and that's not owned by kiwirail. Go deeper and you find that if we had rail we would have better economic success, better movement of goods, less carbon emissions but it's not ideologically part of the right's neoliberal playbook. Go deeper and you find that Rail was sold off through ideology, and some complete fuckers asset stripped it and took the profits and ran.

Go deeper and you find that maybe, just maybe, we had world class infrastructure that was actually centralised and stood up by a government, and that department was actually apolitical, not trained in fear for the last 40 years by those with a neoliberal agenda.

Go deeper and you might find that our infrastructure is under threat through unrestrained immigration. Who's setting that? Etc etc etc etc etc

Go deeper and you will find deliberate underfunding of all infrastructure, again in line with a neoliberal playbook that has determined our economic and political agenda for so long now.

Cross party consensus is needed to fix these things in my opinion. The restoration of true democracy - 100% participation etc. Anyway, I digress.

Very complex. Yet, here we are, in sections of a (wonderful) rugby league forum, each of us in our own echo chambers, hopefully some less partial than others.

And no one really goes to that level of depth because EVERYTHING IS COMPLEX.

And meanwhile we're sleepwalking while fascists gather, billionaires seek to dismantle democracies worldwide and the wealthy look to concentrate their fortunes at the expense of the planet.

When what we need as a whole is the exact opposite.

And I really, really, really should spend less time in the politics, climate change and anything that certain members post in on this forum, 'cos, well, this isn't that real and what do we really get out of this?


I was raised with a strong moral compass that I often don't live up to myself.

I can't fucking stand the tall poppy syndrome here in New Zealand, the narrowness and petty vindictiveness we hear mostly on right wing radio stations.

One thing really winds me up. Disinformation. And lies. And this government meets that criteria in spades. And I will call out bullshit, all day, every day. Although to be honest, who cares in a rugby league forum right?

All of this is serious. Very serious.

Lives, our society, our communities are at stake. So anti vax, climate deniers, conspiracy theorists - no time for that bullshit. Far right - no time for that bullshit. Disinformation? No time for that bullshit. Neoliberal ideology? No time for that bullshit.

So yeah, happy to address anything else you think I've said without substance - be warned though, there's hidden depth, and the weather forecast is good, it's the weekend, and who can be bothered trying to piss in the wind?
I liked your post because I think we have similar goals and ambitions, we just see different ways to get there.

My view is that there has never been more opportunity, freedoms or individual wealth, we live longer and healthier with less world wide poverty than at any time in human history.

And that is off the back of capitalism, democracy and neoliberal politics with great scientists, capitalists, business people and entrepreneurs, taking society to great places. Those people shape our society and we’re just along for the ride!

There always a lot of buts and what abouts… try to see the beautiful forest and don’t get to caught up on the individual trees.
Let's see now. Who am I? I'm a 50 something white male, no kids, with a partner who has a 20 something child. Born and grew up in Auckland and stayed outside the restrictive norms and constraints that a lot of boomers (some on here) seem to yearn for, and those same people vote to the right. I grew up with my mates playing league. I love league, cricket, a bit of the v8s out of nostalgia.

I've consumed numerous substances in my teens and twenties, and definitely inhaled. Stopped the booze a few years back and that's the best thing I ever did.

I've lived overseas for a substantial amount of time and love expanding my horizons beyond the narrowness of New Zealand.

I love the arts, visual, sonic and creative.

I love education.

I love nature and look in despair at the destruction that a rampant viral strain of capitalism, called neoliberalism, imparts on this world. Of course that rampant strain has people at the helm, and those people are the right and the far right. Generally.

I've got a shitload of flaws, made a huge amount of mistakes. In other words, human.

I vote green mostly, Labour once, but Labour really did fuck things up, and had no clue to be honest. Maybe they had a comms disaster this last 6 years, certainly they were underprepared. But a lot of people kid themselves - this country is ruled by the wealthy. We've seen that come out time and time again. The reserve bank has stated that a level of unemployment is desired to keep inflation down. This recession that certain people have banged on about, is MANUFACTURED. And is part of the neoliberal playbook. At the same time the usual beneficiary bashing, landlord rentier rhetoric gets rolled out to make the right look like they're doing something, when in actual fact their direction is entrenched racism, wealth stripping, asset concentration, ecological destruction and enhancing corporate profits.

There is no true political left apart from the TePati Maori and the Greens.

The person I replied originally to often posts factually incorrect statements, and then when challenged will spray more factually incorrect statements in different directions, then when further challenged, state they're going on holiday and then come back the next day.

Feel free to point out other comments with no substance.

However, the difficulty we all have if we're honest - if you pick one thing, just one thing, like National cancelling the ferry replacements. A small statement right? Go deeper. Where is the economic cost benefit? What's the reasons behind this? Go deeper and you find that National should have replaced them 8 years ago. Go deeper and you find that the infrastructure is cost blow out, and that's not owned by kiwirail. Go deeper and you find that if we had rail we would have better economic success, better movement of goods, less carbon emissions but it's not ideologically part of the right's neoliberal playbook. Go deeper and you find that Rail was sold off through ideology, and some complete fuckers asset stripped it and took the profits and ran.

Go deeper and you find that maybe, just maybe, we had world class infrastructure that was actually centralised and stood up by a government, and that department was actually apolitical, not trained in fear for the last 40 years by those with a neoliberal agenda.

Go deeper and you might find that our infrastructure is under threat through unrestrained immigration. Who's setting that? Etc etc etc etc etc

Go deeper and you will find deliberate underfunding of all infrastructure, again in line with a neoliberal playbook that has determined our economic and political agenda for so long now.

Cross party consensus is needed to fix these things in my opinion. The restoration of true democracy - 100% participation etc. Anyway, I digress.

Very complex. Yet, here we are, in sections of a (wonderful) rugby league forum, each of us in our own echo chambers, hopefully some less partial than others.

And no one really goes to that level of depth because EVERYTHING IS COMPLEX.

And meanwhile we're sleepwalking while fascists gather, billionaires seek to dismantle democracies worldwide and the wealthy look to concentrate their fortunes at the expense of the planet.

When what we need as a whole is the exact opposite.

And I really, really, really should spend less time in the politics, climate change and anything that certain members post in on this forum, 'cos, well, this isn't that real and what do we really get out of this?


I was raised with a strong moral compass that I often don't live up to myself.

I can't fucking stand the tall poppy syndrome here in New Zealand, the narrowness and petty vindictiveness we hear mostly on right wing radio stations.

One thing really winds me up. Disinformation. And lies. And this government meets that criteria in spades. And I will call out bullshit, all day, every day. Although to be honest, who cares in a rugby league forum right?

All of this is serious. Very serious.

Lives, our society, our communities are at stake. So anti vax, climate deniers, conspiracy theorists - no time for that bullshit. Far right - no time for that bullshit. Disinformation? No time for that bullshit. Neoliberal ideology? No time for that bullshit.

So yeah, happy to address anything else you think I've said without substance - be warned though, there's hidden depth, and the weather forecast is good, it's the weekend, and who can be bothered trying to piss in the wind?
See that’s more like it 😂 I hope you got some sleep last night!
Let's see now. Who am I? I'm a 50 something white male, no kids, with a partner who has a 20 something child. Born and grew up in Auckland and stayed outside the restrictive norms and constraints that a lot of boomers (some on here) seem to yearn for, and those same people vote to the right. I grew up with my mates playing league. I love league, cricket, a bit of the v8s out of nostalgia.

I've consumed numerous substances in my teens and twenties, and definitely inhaled. Stopped the booze a few years back and that's the best thing I ever did.

I've lived overseas for a substantial amount of time and love expanding my horizons beyond the narrowness of New Zealand.

I love the arts, visual, sonic and creative.

I love education.

I love nature and look in despair at the destruction that a rampant viral strain of capitalism, called neoliberalism, imparts on this world. Of course that rampant strain has people at the helm, and those people are the right and the far right. Generally.

I've got a shitload of flaws, made a huge amount of mistakes. In other words, human.

I vote green mostly, Labour once, but Labour really did fuck things up, and had no clue to be honest. Maybe they had a comms disaster this last 6 years, certainly they were underprepared. But a lot of people kid themselves - this country is ruled by the wealthy. We've seen that come out time and time again. The reserve bank has stated that a level of unemployment is desired to keep inflation down. This recession that certain people have banged on about, is MANUFACTURED. And is part of the neoliberal playbook. At the same time the usual beneficiary bashing, landlord rentier rhetoric gets rolled out to make the right look like they're doing something, when in actual fact their direction is entrenched racism, wealth stripping, asset concentration, ecological destruction and enhancing corporate profits.

There is no true political left apart from the TePati Maori and the Greens.

The person I replied originally to often posts factually incorrect statements, and then when challenged will spray more factually incorrect statements in different directions, then when further challenged, state they're going on holiday and then come back the next day.

Feel free to point out other comments with no substance.

However, the difficulty we all have if we're honest - if you pick one thing, just one thing, like National cancelling the ferry replacements. A small statement right? Go deeper. Where is the economic cost benefit? What's the reasons behind this? Go deeper and you find that National should have replaced them 8 years ago. Go deeper and you find that the infrastructure is cost blow out, and that's not owned by kiwirail. Go deeper and you find that if we had rail we would have better economic success, better movement of goods, less carbon emissions but it's not ideologically part of the right's neoliberal playbook. Go deeper and you find that Rail was sold off through ideology, and some complete fuckers asset stripped it and took the profits and ran.

Go deeper and you find that maybe, just maybe, we had world class infrastructure that was actually centralised and stood up by a government, and that department was actually apolitical, not trained in fear for the last 40 years by those with a neoliberal agenda.

Go deeper and you might find that our infrastructure is under threat through unrestrained immigration. Who's setting that? Etc etc etc etc etc

Go deeper and you will find deliberate underfunding of all infrastructure, again in line with a neoliberal playbook that has determined our economic and political agenda for so long now.

Cross party consensus is needed to fix these things in my opinion. The restoration of true democracy - 100% participation etc. Anyway, I digress.

Very complex. Yet, here we are, in sections of a (wonderful) rugby league forum, each of us in our own echo chambers, hopefully some less partial than others.

And no one really goes to that level of depth because EVERYTHING IS COMPLEX.

And meanwhile we're sleepwalking while fascists gather, billionaires seek to dismantle democracies worldwide and the wealthy look to concentrate their fortunes at the expense of the planet.

When what we need as a whole is the exact opposite.

And I really, really, really should spend less time in the politics, climate change and anything that certain members post in on this forum, 'cos, well, this isn't that real and what do we really get out of this?


I was raised with a strong moral compass that I often don't live up to myself.

I can't fucking stand the tall poppy syndrome here in New Zealand, the narrowness and petty vindictiveness we hear mostly on right wing radio stations.

One thing really winds me up. Disinformation. And lies. And this government meets that criteria in spades. And I will call out bullshit, all day, every day. Although to be honest, who cares in a rugby league forum right?

All of this is serious. Very serious.

Lives, our society, our communities are at stake. So anti vax, climate deniers, conspiracy theorists - no time for that bullshit. Far right - no time for that bullshit. Disinformation? No time for that bullshit. Neoliberal ideology? No time for that bullshit.

So yeah, happy to address anything else you think I've said without substance - be warned though, there's hidden depth, and the weather forecast is good, it's the weekend, and who can be bothered trying to piss in the wind?
Let’s try a mature apolitical conversation.

You’re right the recession is being manufactured by the reserve bank to combat inflation. Look deeper. What policies in the past have caused NZ a prolonged combat of inflation when other countries are back to normal?

You seem to not like the slow down and resulting unemployment. How else do you suggest combating inflation?

How do we pay people more and have low unemployment without driving up wages, if employers are forced to pay more than the productivity gains in one sided wage negotiation - simply causing inflation?

Isn’t the key to get the productivity gains to drive higher wages which is not inflationary?
Let’s trust the independent NZ herald editors above any party political posts around here

It really is something special to post hysterically about how biased nz media is for years...

Then post every NZ Herald article you think supports you're views and think it's a smoking gun...

and then not even know the difference between opinion & news.
It really is something special to post hysterically about how biased nz media is for years...

Then post every NZ Herald article you think supports you're views and think it's a smoking gun...

and then not even know the difference between opinion & news.
You actually got anything to add or are you just going to talk about me?

Getting a bit one tracked and creepy mate

You trying to push Tahjay again 🤣
You actually got anything to add or are you just going to talk about me?

Getting a bit one tracked and creepy mate

You trying to push Tahjay again 🤣
No, just your track record of hysterical and hypocritical posts need commenting on.

It truly is something to borderline have a brain aneurysm eveytime there was a positive government article, tell us all how the media was bribed & biased.

And then post that same media when you like it.

This is why we need better civics and media studies in school
The dumbest narrative of the past few week is "the middle have spoken"
Like that ends any discourse on the conduct of the government for the next few years.

The election was close - 11% between the new government and new opposition / of 2.8m votes.

No landslide and no ringing endorsement by middle nz.
    Nobody is reading this thread right now.
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