Politics 🗳️ NZ Politics


Authoritarian dictators eh. Shane Jones was full Trump this arvo, ready to rip apart ecology for oil

Still National. And National are of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. Always have been, always will be.,
Mate, Just a simple question here but are you on the breadline? If so, PM me and I'll get some respite to you.

You crack on about Neoliberism but I'm picking you have done alright out of it. Pot, kettle, black etc.

For sure I know nothing about you other than you have a reasonable understanding of the English language but tbh, sifting through your previous posts there ain't a lot of facts/science or indeed much of anything positive in any of it. Can I suggest counselling?

As a bona fide Boomer it makes me laugh that so many Gen x, y and Z have no idea where their lifestyle came from. Save the world my arse. Your lot are just as bad as everyone else. All the rhetoric in the world but when it comes to plausible actions, missing in action.

National are not alone in this, all our Govts since Rogernomics have been on the same boat.
Mate, Just a simple question here but are you on the breadline? If so, PM me and I'll get some respite to you.

You crack on about Neoliberism but I'm picking you have done alright out of it. Pot, kettle, black etc.

For sure I know nothing about you other than you have a reasonable understanding of the English language but tbh, sifting through your previous posts there ain't a lot of facts/science or indeed much of anything positive in any of it. Can I suggest counselling?

As a bona fide Boomer it makes me laugh that so many Gen x, y and Z have no idea where their lifestyle came from. Save the world my arse. Your lot are just as bad as everyone else. All the rhetoric in the world but when it comes to plausible actions, missing in action.

National are not alone in this, all our Govts since Rogernomics have been on the same boat.
Neoliberalism = Labour, National, Labour, National, ACT, ACT, ACT, ACT etc etc. National/Act amplify this a million times. Wealth for the wealthy and fuck everyone else.

Just because: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/polit...hPFkYcEzi_P8hm1nISvgqlcovJP4eJE5CTb7NBiDl9SHY

Plenty of facts. You could suggest counselling but neoliberalism and the application of it has destroyed the public mental health service so no one can afford it.

Rogernomics is neoliberalism.

P.S. We know nothing about each other, but UP THE WAHS!!!!
[BGCOLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Oh right. As you were then. The key is in the we aren't into exploiting slaves like the Swedes are.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Mind you'll we'll happily buy IKEA and exploit them by proxy. We probably send them the trees.[/BGCOLOR]
I wouldn’t buy IKEA because I’ve looked at their past.
Guilty as charged koro. But I thought you died in all those wars to make it better for us, its getting worse, probably thanks to us to be fair.
Lol W3D
No, I was just a tad late for Vietnam although my elder brother went and came home with an understanding of ganja none of us ever had. He always maintained that Agent Orange made his hair fall out, never mind that the old man was bald as was I at 26. Happy to report he is still alive at 76, smokes (less than 20 a day so it's kosher) and like the rest of the family is a functional alcoholic (new speak for anyone who likes a drink)

The old man fought in WW2, Korea and Malaya, I guess he was a war junkie but he did say once that the only reason he signed up in '41 was to get away from home and his mother. He was a pilot so I suppose it's a little different to having a target in the sights and saving the free world. He never talked about the killing although he did mention they used to shoot monkeys in the trees with a BAR while flying the hump into China.

Our current position can be attributed to all of us being more than happy to take the baubles, in Winston speak. No one wants to go backwards nor give up what we already have and yet for the equality of life espoused on here, that's what needs to happen. I'm reminded of a Tull song, Wondering Aloud. "It's only the giving, that makes you what you are"
Lol W3D
No, I was just a tad late for Vietnam although my elder brother went and came home with an understanding of ganja none of us ever had. He always maintained that Agent Orange made his hair fall out, never mind that the old man was bald as was I at 26. Happy to report he is still alive at 76, smokes (less than 20 a day so it's kosher) and like the rest of the family is a functional alcoholic (new speak for anyone who likes a drink)

The old man fought in WW2, Korea and Malaya, I guess he was a war junkie but he did say once that the only reason he signed up in '41 was to get away from home and his mother. He was a pilot so I suppose it's a little different to having a target in the sights and saving the free world. He never talked about the killing although he did mention they used to shoot monkeys in the trees with a BAR while flying the hump into China.

Our current position can be attributed to all of us being more than happy to take the baubles, in Winston speak. No one wants to go backwards nor give up what we already have and yet for the equality of life espoused on here, that's what needs to happen. I'm reminded of a Tull song, Wondering Aloud. "It's only the giving, that makes you what you are"
Farout that's a lot of distilled wisdom to digest Rick. Not much left to say after that.
Modular homes are not economical, suitable only for flat sites with easy access. That is why you don't see them having hardly any market share.
There was big huha during the last Govt, how these building were going to solve the housing crisis and HNZ was all in with the Chinese supplier.
Heard anymore about that?
Modular homes aren’t the affordable option a lot of people would have you believe. Over 80% of Swedish new builds are single storey modular homes and yet their housing affordability index figure is only 9.1 compared to NZ’s 9.9. Sweden also has a capital gains tax. Neither modular housing or a CPT will get our HAI down to 4.2 like someone suggested yesterday we need to be.

But, over the top capitalism might considering the USA has a HAI of just over 4. Or drilling more oil because the counties with the lowest HIA include the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
Me either, only obnoxious wankers and supporters of slavery and human trafficking shop there, and buy Nestlè milky bars.
Damn… I imported a heap of their stuff to kit out a childcare centre… or 2.

I feel sorry for those kids in the 3rd world countries now but at least our kids (from a neoliberal country) appreciated their hard work.

I’m still questioning if neoliberalism is really that bad or do the 3rd word kids have it worse???
Damn… I imported a heap of their stuff to kit out a childcare centre… or 2.

I feel sorry for those kids in the 3rd world countries now but at least our kids (from a neoliberal country) appreciated their hard work.

I’m still questioning if neoliberalism is really that bad or do the 3rd word kids have it worse???
Were the kids at your centre working 12 hour days to make the furniture for third world kids? The answer should be in there somewhere.
Were the kids at your centre working 12 hour days to make the furniture for third world kids? The answer should be in there somewhere.
To be fair the kids have limitless energy!

Maybe instead of playing on the carpentry table and nailing bottle caps onto bits of wood, we should have got a bit structured and had them bashing out proper furniture?

A always said modern childcare had a lot of parallels to farming. Just the next step isn’t it, progressing from farming to industrialisation…. 🤣
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