Lol W3D
No, I was just a tad late for Vietnam although my elder brother went and came home with an understanding of ganja none of us ever had. He always maintained that Agent Orange made his hair fall out, never mind that the old man was bald as was I at 26. Happy to report he is still alive at 76, smokes (less than 20 a day so it's kosher) and like the rest of the family is a functional alcoholic (new speak for anyone who likes a drink)
The old man fought in WW2, Korea and Malaya, I guess he was a war junkie but he did say once that the only reason he signed up in '41 was to get away from home and his mother. He was a pilot so I suppose it's a little different to having a target in the sights and saving the free world. He never talked about the killing although he did mention they used to shoot monkeys in the trees with a BAR while flying the hump into China.
Our current position can be attributed to all of us being more than happy to take the baubles, in Winston speak. No one wants to go backwards nor give up what we already have and yet for the equality of life espoused on here, that's what needs to happen. I'm reminded of a Tull song, Wondering Aloud. "It's only the giving, that makes you what you are"