I havenāt read every comment on this thread, so if this has been discussed before excuse me.
The national government wants to change Pseudoephredine from prescription, only, to over the counter. Availability.
Its a cold decongestant cure but is also the main ingredient in speed, bennies, uppers. P.
Ram raids on Chemists?
Bulk loads from chemist warehouse?
Good idea?
I donāt think so.
I googled and from what I read, this is another one of the idiot ideas driven by David Seymour's Guns and speed party.
As for Ram raids for speed, that one is harder to predict. Pharmacies already have stocks of Controlled substances like opiates, Benzos, and prescription pseudo and there are no Ram Raids (maybe a function of having these drugs locked in a safe, but where there is a will there is a way).
We did not have Ram raids when Pseudo was legal, so like I say, it is harder to predict.
Serious organized crime groups in NZ do not need to Ram raid chemists for Pseudo because they have a direct line to industrial quantities of Meth Pre cursors made in massive factories in China. The Hong Kong Triad and the Fujian triad in Southern China live here in New Zealand or fly back and forth.
I used to look after these Triads when they went potty from using product, their passports were a give away, stamped eighteen times in a bunch of years for entry to NZ and China, unemployed young male millionaires from poor families out of China, driving brand new Super Cars and just leaving them here in NZ parked on the side of the road when have to get the heck out of NZ in a hurry.
Thanks to those guys I know a lot about the Meth rings in NZ because when they go psychotic on Meth they tell me stuff that they are not supposed to because are paranoid as shit house rats expecting to be killed by their employers.
Before the Triads started operating out of Sky City Auckland (a hidden in plain sight, a perfect base for Chinese nationals to blend in by posing as regular gamblers - offering a twenty four hour base for operations run seven days a week) the NZ meth scene was indeed supplied by over the counter Pseudo.
Like an episode of breaking bad, 'Smurfs' would shop for the Gangs and buy up as much product as they were allowed across a wide network of chemists.
The problem with that old model is that it is labor intensive, expensive, attracts attention, and the product...the cold and flu remedies need to be cooked/more cost, more hassle.
Still, there is a market for homebake Meth using pseudo pills, the smaller operators, the backyard cooks can and will run less pure product onto the streets over and above the several tonnes of pure industrial Precursors that the Triads control, some of it coming from unstable countries partnered with China (Myanmar for example) and imported directly to Australia in mega tonne loads to be converted for the US market.
With Australia a key link in the world supply, we are invariably right up there and part of the largest Meth chain in the world.
A massive amount of Meth being trafficked by Mexican Cartels comes through Australia and to a lesser extent NZ. The Cartels use Australia to cook the precursors, which then get shipped as product to the US.
Because the DEA target Mexican and South American imports, Australia became the back door to the US market. And because Australia while having decent law enforcement, is historically and currently subject to a culture of police corruption, also to be fair to the Australian police they are not the DEA, they are not that big army if you like of Cartel hunters like the DEA....who are backed by a US budget and a US president in the 'war on drugs'.
Excuse the rant.
As for Act saying that this move is to help the Elderly access pills that work....yes pseudo is the most effective symptom reliever of flu like symptoms by targeting the lack of energy, drying up the sinuses and all round decongetstion.
What I want to know, is where did David Seymour get his medical degree?
Since Pseudo ephedrine speeds up the heart rate and increases blood pressure, causes insomnia, can cause hallucinations and seizures....I am left wondering whether this is the Act parties way of culling off the very group that is highly represented in the heart disease/blood pressure/ mental frailty grouping.
All elderly should only use Pseudo ephedrine with the supervision of a doctor, the thing is that drug interacts with the raft of other pills the Elderly are on and of all groups they need medical monitoring.
But David Seymour is the most dangerous NZder I have ever encountered, and as someone else said, this big pharma, big tobacco, US gun blood money this guy is trading us in for, and it is obscene. I hope gets hit by a bus. I don't know how anyone could defend this bastard, he is the worst thing that has ever happened to NZ.
Your other problem is addiction and abuse.
Of course young people are going to just buy this shit and take handfuls and go out partying, dance and drink, drop dead from overdose or over exertion / dehydration / mixing substances.
Sounds a bit worse than Vaping but wait for the excuse making by defenders of the new far right lunacy in here on this issue.
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