Politics đź—łď¸Ź NZ Politics

When the Labour-led Government took over the in 2017, total Crown expenditure over the previous five years – 2012 to 2017 had grown from $92b to $99b. So the total growth in government spending immediately before their arrival was $7b, or about 1.5 per cent a year. About the rate of inflation at the time.

In the five reported years since 2017 (2023 results are not yet published), our total government expenditure has gone from $99b to $151b. The increase in total Crown expenditure in that time is $52b, or almost 9 per cent a year. Wow! It has driven the inflation we are seeing and the high mortgage rates…

Really highlights the economic management and how it flows through and has effected the economy and households.
I cannot find the link but I was reading today the IMF say NZ housing values are 50% too high.
So by my calculations 🤔 ...anybody who has bought since 2018 is in negative equity territory.
Landlords will be looking for parachutes.
I was driving back to Auckland after doing work in the Waikato yesterday. Seeing election billboards isn't an unusual thing but I'm pretty sure I was one for Vision NZ with their candidate and Brian Tamaki.

It is usually the candidate and the leader. He's not a candidate or the leader of the party. I know in the past we've joked about the ego of the guy. They must think he has some pulling power. The should have learnt last time but may feel after covid he's more popular. Just seemed odd.

I've tried to find it but no luck.
NZ has a shortage of dentists, and they are on the medical specialist Green List for priority immigrants, but we only have one dental school in NZ which will only take 60 students per year.... even though last year, 550 applied and 490 were rejected. This is because there are not enough staff to teach them. Yet, since 2017, the number of teaching staff for the Dental School hasn't increased but the number of non-teaching staff in the Dental School has gone up by over 50%.
I have no faith in anything said by Matthew Hooton because he is biased to the right.
However he has claimed that Nationals tax policy is a "cynical con".
Makes me wonder..
Hooton strikes me as a smart guy, who will write for whomever that butters his bread.

Or maybe he’s wanting to secure another election night gig, and trying to come across as moderate until then
I cannot find the link but I was reading today the IMF say NZ housing values are 50% too high.
So by my calculations 🤔 ...anybody who has bought since 2018 is in negative equity territory.
Landlords will be looking for parachutes.
They are probably right but it doesn't mean houses will drop 50%.
Very recently I have been looking at houses in Auckland and Hamilton helping out first home buyers. Both of them are suffering from FOMO. There are not many entry level houses to choose from and most I've seen are overpriced rubbish.
NZ has a shortage of dentists, and they are on the medical specialist Green List for priority immigrants, but we only have one dental school in NZ which will only take 60 students per year.... even though last year, 550 applied and 490 were rejected. This is because there are not enough staff to teach them. Yet, since 2017, the number of teaching staff for the Dental School hasn't increased but the number of non-teaching staff in the Dental School has gone up by over 50%.
Providing free dental care for under 30’s is more Labour nonsense that will ever come to fruition. It will be free but no dentists will provide it. There is simply no capacity. 🤷‍♂️

Kiwibuild; ending child poverty; airport tram; no new taxes; most transparent govt; fixing mental health; etc.

How many times can they sucker voters in with unworkable policy? Guess lying works though because they still somehow have 30% support…
Providing free dental care for under 30’s is more Labour nonsense that will ever come to fruition. It will be free but no dentists will provide it. There is simply no capacity. 🤷‍♂️

Kiwibuild; ending child poverty; airport tram; no new taxes; most transparent govt; fixing mental health; etc.

How many times can they sucker voters in with unworkable policy? Guess lying works though because they still somehow have 30% support…
Did you watch Q&A this morning with Nicola.
Their tax policy is based around her personal opinion on the Real estate market.
Nobody has any idea of what the market will do tomorrow morning let alone 3 years from now.
heyzeuss, Kiwibuild again:

This particular person raised flags in 2016 after being a person of interest for 9 years previously according to the report. Wouldn’t say it’s only immigrants being offered poor with plenty of Kiwis paying ridiculous rent prices and poor conditions also. Interesting that it tends to be Indian people often exploiting other Indian people in these cases.