Social 💪 Savage September


Calf raises. Then one leg calf raises. Decreasing sets from 12, 10 for both legs sets. Then 2 sets on each single leg. Sets of 8 before feeling cramped.

Scapular press ups. 12, 10, 8, 8.

Stretching chest and impinged shoulder.

Finished with 15 min of Pilates core exercises.

Tea tonight was rump steak, creamy mushrooms, chips and a Thai style coleslaw.

I needed to analyse why I can give it 110% at work then quit on myself regarding health wellbeing and fitness. Basically I approached the two spaces in my life differently. Now working on making the two spaces the same. There is some work to be done........

On my self.......
You don’t love yourself enough.

As ET says. Execution is worship.
Last summer I made a conscious effort to strengthen my hip flexors to become faster/delay getting slower. As I'd never directly trained them before they strengthened up really quick. Unfortunately, I also spent most of last summer sitting by my mum's bedside & wore sandals for 4 weeks straight (including my wedding) so I ended up with the tightest right hip socket imaginable. Putting on my right shoe is still incredibly tough to do some days 7 months on.
Slowly making progress though.

Today at the gym was Seated Good Mornings, Incline Bench Pigeon Push Ups & Elephant Walks. Hips moving great for the time being.
Another 500 swings down.

Been enjoying having the 8 year old in the garage with me training. He's just doing crunches, leg raises and pull ups but its good having the company.

Started playing Rocky training montages for him. My wife comes in and he tells "He trains with basic stuff in Russia, his enemy has all of the high tech stuff". Good boy.
Keep lifting kings, the days drift on and on without change, until suddenly, there is change.

robert deniro GIF
Last night. Core, glutes and hamstrings

20 min was what I had in me.

Was looking out for my mate Wall but sleep turned up instead. Back on the terls this morning.

Ankle busting brush cutting. My plan for today is to do half day cutting. Two hours of admin. 1 hour servicing my equipment.

Then spend an hour on my health. Check back in tonight.

Go for it legends 💪
Another 500 kb swings down.

Like earlier in the week when I was travelling I was more proud I got it done. I did my usual grocery shopping on the way home, put it all away, then washed the kids lunch boxes and other dishes lying around before emptying the dishwasher. Then vacuumed the house. That would normally be an excuse for an early nap while my wife makes dinner.

Instead I hand the young fella asking while I was vacuuming if we are still going out. We head out to train. Proud of the young fella he box jumped the highest setting on my box. Pretty decent jump when you compare the size of the box to him.

Then back in and helped my wife cook dinner and then clean up the dishes.
Another 500 kb swings down.

Like earlier in the week when I was travelling I was more proud I got it done. I did my usual grocery shopping on the way home, put it all away, then washed the kids lunch boxes and other dishes lying around before emptying the dishwasher. Then vacuumed the house. That would normally be an excuse for an early nap while my wife makes dinner.

Instead I hand the young fella asking while I was vacuuming if we are still going out. We head out to train. Proud of the young fella he box jumped the highest setting on my box. Pretty decent jump when you compare the size of the box to him.

Then back in and helped my wife cook dinner and then clean up the dishes.
That's awesome bro
Had a fun arvo driving my driver's side front wheel into a drain at a place with no phone reception and unable to jack it up as it had bottomed out. Front wheel in drain, back left wheel in the air.

I was there to quote a job 🤣

Customer has a land line that I used to call for help. Local mechanic traveled 8km and winched me out. No serious damage and $150 well spent for a recovery and a panel beater to straighten out my clunking door.

Home now, showered and about to have tea.

None of that relates to the thread until...... I'm going to do core, glutes, calf muscles and stretch tonight.
Stretching for 30min was actually really good.

Not working today was also really good.

Calf raises 12, 10, 8.

Hamstring bridges @ 30 second sets.

Pilates core and lower back for 15min.

Aiming to make this my base stuff for the rest of the month and add new stuff to push my boundaries.

Tonight the new thing is lunges x6 on each side for 3 sets. Felt it for sure.
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