Social 🍎 A Weighty Issue

I hover around 95 to 100 kg at 6'1", was a whippet in younger days, played wing/centre and always struggled to put on weight. Turned 40 and ballooned up, only thing keeping me under 100kg is substituting food with smoking. I reckon when I have my first heart attack I can cut out the chips and beer and drop 10kg pretty easily. Until then I'm not worried about it, the stress of dieting could kill me. My advice Wrighty, smoke yerslef thinner.
I never knew Chris Bishop was a forum member.

It's Jan 2nd. Three days into my New Year's resolution and already close to giving into having a large peanut butter sandwich.

Dec 31 Waistline 50 inches 108.6kgs
Jan 1 49 inches 107.6kgs
Jan 2 49.25 inches 107 kgs

Been exercising every day and intermittently fasting.
Having trouble with motivation as my end goal is 80kgs which seems hopelessly far away and unacheivable.

Wish me well lads and here's to staying away from the pantry

One tip I have for people, in terms of giving out tips, is to drink, if you are a drinker, a heavy spirit with high alcohol content or wine at least, as beer will take a while to get an effect and always makes at least for me, my stomach bloat the next day.
It's Jan 2nd. Three days into my New Year's resolution and already close to giving into having a large peanut butter sandwich.

Dec 31 Waistline 50 inches 108.6kgs
Jan 1 49 inches 107.6kgs
Jan 2 49.25 inches 107 kgs

Been exercising every day and intermittently fasting.
Having trouble with motivation as my end goal is 80kgs which seems hopelessly far away and unacheivable.

Wish me well lads and here's to staying away from the pantry

One tip I have for people, in terms of giving out tips, is to drink, if you are a drinker, a heavy spirit with high alcohol content or wine at least, as beer will take a while to get an effect and always makes at least for me, my stomach bloat the next day.
Brother, keep at it. Since August, I’ve dropped 24 kgs and back under 110 kgs for the first time in years. Still another 25 kgs to go to my goal weight. I brought some jeans in Dallas that I’m determined to get back into again.

Spent an hour and a half at a driving range this morning. If I tried that a few months ago, I’d have been a right off for the rest of the day but feeling really good today…. amazing how much more energy I’ve gained along with less joint pain.
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So I think I am starting to win the 50kg war. Although it's still early days.

My crash diet to shift my metabolic syndrome disorder, caused by drug side effects would not let me drop weight at first.

So I added fast days, and once or twice 48 hour water only

Finally the sydrome broke a bit, before my mental will broke for the 100th time.

I lost 10kg rappidly which while not sustainable and unhealthy gave me the kick start.

Then I plateaued, fell off the Wagon from KFC on my birthday, had some bad weeks, then fought back.

So today I am 14kgs down and feeling good.

Another 20kgs to go before I can do physical rehab safely, which should mean being able to do long walks as a lifestyle rather than have breathing issues.

Glad I read the thread the day I did and got started, thanks Mike, Greevus, Snake and all you others.
Good work.

Where are you living at the moment? I've noticed the last few years you have mentioned a few places including the North Shore. Are there any places you can walk close by?

Even starting really small like just down the road is a good start. Get something to build off. I was at a BBQ last summer and a guest who was a nurse was mentioning about one of my mates who didn't turn up. Said how he had been into the hospital a bit. If he got his weight down it would help. He said even if he just walked from he to the light post for a few days/weeks first and then worked from there. That small distance is an indication of how bad his health is.

He's correct but like a few of our friends we haven't been able to get this guy out of the house. A shame as I wouldn't be surprised if I get a message around his death soon. Our home town is quite nice to walk around as it has a lot of nature spots. I used to lose a few kgs back at our old house by walking the scenic route to town.

It sounds like you are doing things right and not over doing it. It will be a matter of working within your limitations and building from there. Walking would be the best to avoid injury.

On the KFC on your birthday. It happens to a lot of people. I often get down to a good weight and think I'm going well and will treat myself to something. That gets extended to a few other things and next thing I'm creeping up again. It's not as bad as in the past in terms of my weight but it is still a challenge getting the discipline back. Probably cause my main health issue is under control.

I probably need to heed my own advice. I quite like New Years as I'm on holiday cycling and walking so it's just a matter of changing the diet. The amount of scorched almonds etc the week before doesn't help though.
While this won't be for everyone, and nutritionists around the motu will throw up (no pun intended) there hands in horror with what I'm about to say.

One of the main things that is keeping me going is "cheat weekends" where the idea is to reset your metabolism with as much fatty food as you can eat over two days and then eat nothing but apples and broccoli for three to four days to "clean out" your system. We schedule our cheat weekends every seven weeks but are pushing it back to nine weeks this time to coincide with Christmas.... I'm not missing out on Christmas lunch for a plate of chicken, broccoli and celery for no one.

If you, or anyone for that matter, are down in the Kau and want to go for a walk, PM me..... I'd be glad for the company!!!
When I was young I used to diet for 6 weeks have a cheat weekend and then diet for 12 weeks and have a week off. That worked due to being single and being able to control what I had and I was also training a lot.

It is harder now with a family. My wife isn't interested in diet and likes food or garnish I don't like. Plus also having kids and needing to get things together quickly. Maybe when they are a bit older and training for sports I can teach them about nutrition and they can help keep their old man healthy. To fix my health I ended up having to eat separately from the family for a while.

Your 7 weeks for your cheat weekend reminds me of my old schedule. I did that for a full year and got fantastic results. When I was young I was always on the lean side but that got to another level. Ended up having to hold my pants walking around work as the notches on the belt buckles didn't go small enough. Unfortunately I thought that was it and took some time off at the start of the year and went off the rails for about 20 years. Ate well in periods but struggled to get any fitness started as my fuel I was feeding my body wasn't great and too much.
Good on you and good luck mate. Sustainable weight loss over time seems to be the way forward. Fucked if I know how you do that. I'm in a similar boat to you. Usually around 105kg. Tried various things and nothing really worked. Just had a fairly major surgery unrelated to weight but ended up being only able to eat limited amount of food and types of food. Lost over 5kgs and found my eating habits have changed including portion size (which I think, along with the types of food I was eating, is my main problem) I'm determined to maintain and try and improve on this. Obviously not an ideal or recommend way to lose weight and I'm still recovering but also a big opportunity for me as well.
Portion control is a big one. We have some medium sized plates at our place we were using for the kids. I am tempted to move to those to help me manage the portions I have. I was lucky getting my weight down as it was mainly vegetables and an egg white omelette for dinner. The portion was still huge but vegetables and the omelette overall were quite light. That got me down from 92-94 kgs down to about 84kg. Further from there would have been lower portions. To be honest long term it wasn't sustainable having the same thing each night. I have the omelette on toast more now as I have to do the cleaning up as well and doing the steamer each night was a pain.

I've brought my lunch down from 2-3 sandwiches to one. To finish the year it ended up a wrap which was even lighter.

Once you get your portions down it is amazing look at how much people eat. Either out and about, seeing things posted etc. I've seen some recently from people at vendors and how much gets dished out in those polystyrene containers.

Also something fasting has taught us. We don't need as much food as we think we do. I cycle a lot and can go first thing in the morning without breakfast. I did notice a few weeks ago the affect it has when I didn't have dinner the night before though.
Brother, keep at it. Since August, I’ve dropped 24 kgs and back under 110 kgs for the first time in years. Still another 25 kgs to go to my goal weight. I brought some jeans in Dallas that I’m determined to get back into again.

Spent an hour and a half at a driving range this morning. If I tried that a few months ago, I’d have been a right off for the rest of the day but feeling really good today…. amazing how much more energy I’ve gained along with less joint pain.
Good work. It's great seeing the benefits of the weight loss with things you couldn't do before. Things like your time at the driving range.

I used to struggle to run down the road and can now go for a run. To be honest how slow I run now probably helps.

I also used to struggle to ride my bike up hills. We used to live on one and would walk up to finish. Now I'm riding up hills now problem doing long rides out of town.

It is also noticing in general how much extra energy you have in general.

I have two young boys so losing weight helps me keep up with them. But it is also long term that I can be around as they are older.
This isn't weight loss but partly related due to health and to save starting another Covid thread. Has anyone had the latest strain going around?

I had a Friday off near the end of the year thinking I had a cold. Not surprising as the temperature at my desk drops at mid day so the temperature changes usually means I get a cold due to that once a year.

On the Monday a colleague said he had covid. By the Tuesday my cold like symptoms had started to clear but I was feeling a bit fuzzy so I tested myself. The solution showed positive as soon as it went over the T indicator. Last time I had it it was faint after 15 minutes. The cold moved on and it was more like covid until about late Friday/Saturday.

My boss was feeling off and said he had a cold. His ended up going like mine and he tested positive later. He was testing himself when it was like a cold.

My workmate who originally had it said he couldn't stop eating. Later his daughter got it and was the same. I barely ate for the week.

The funny thing is we have 5 people in our house. My wife and me , our two boys and our nephew. I was the only one that got it. As we have my nephew staying with us isolating in the spare room wasn't possible. Last time it went through the house.
This isn't weight loss but partly related due to health and to save starting another Covid thread. Has anyone had the latest strain going around?

I had a Friday off near the end of the year thinking I had a cold. Not surprising as the temperature at my desk drops at mid day so the temperature changes usually means I get a cold due to that once a year.

On the Monday a colleague said he had covid. By the Tuesday my cold like symptoms had started to clear but I was feeling a bit fuzzy so I tested myself. The solution showed positive as soon as it went over the T indicator. Last time I had it it was faint after 15 minutes. The cold moved on and it was more like covid until about late Friday/Saturday.

My boss was feeling off and said he had a cold. His ended up going like mine and he tested positive later. He was testing himself when it was like a cold.

My workmate who originally had it said he couldn't stop eating. Later his daughter got it and was the same. I barely ate for the week.

The funny thing is we have 5 people in our house. My wife and me , our two boys and our nephew. I was the only one that got it. As we have my nephew staying with us isolating in the spare room wasn't possible. Last time it went through the house.
Just anecdotally, from the people I know, the ones who got hit hard by COVID initially have faired pretty well when catching the latest strain and the opposite with those who has it fairly mild initially.

3 out of 4 of us had COVID early on early and my youngest was unaffected. He caught it about 3 months ago and the other 3 of us didn't contract it at all from him.

All of us were vaccinated and had one booster.
Good work.

Where are you living at the moment? I've noticed the last few years you have mentioned a few places including the North Shore. Are there any places you can walk close by?

Even starting really small like just down the road is a good start. Get something to build off. I was at a BBQ last summer and a guest who was a nurse was mentioning about one of my mates who didn't turn up. Said how he had been into the hospital a bit. If he got his weight down it would help. He said even if he just walked from he to the light post for a few days/weeks first and then worked from there. That small distance is an indication of how bad his health is.

He's correct but like a few of our friends we haven't been able to get this guy out of the house. A shame as I wouldn't be surprised if I get a message around his death soon. Our home town is quite nice to walk around as it has a lot of nature spots. I used to lose a few kgs back at our old house by walking the scenic route to town.

It sounds like you are doing things right and not over doing it. It will be a matter of working within your limitations and building from there. Walking would be the best to avoid injury.

On the KFC on your birthday. It happens to a lot of people. I often get down to a good weight and think I'm going well and will treat myself to something. That gets extended to a few other things and next thing I'm creeping up again. It's not as bad as in the past in terms of my weight but it is still a challenge getting the discipline back. Probably cause my main health issue is under control.

I probably need to heed my own advice. I quite like New Years as I'm on holiday cycling and walking so it's just a matter of changing the diet. The amount of scorched almonds etc the week before doesn't help though.
Cheers bro, yeah I move places a lot. Always have, bit of a Rolling stone.
Will be back on the Shore after the hols.

There are a heap of walks over there, when I was fit I loved running in the bush on the shore, so many different walks you could do....sea views and all.

I love fishing from the Rocks so I hope to get fit enough to do the Ole walk in to some of my secret possies.

But back to reality, you're quite right, short walks just keep it regular.
I had a Friday off near the end of the year thinking I had a cold. Not surprising as the temperature at my desk drops at mid day so the temperature changes usually means I get a cold due to that once a year.
Sorry to hear about that bro. Why does the temp drop at your desk?
Sorry to hear about that bro. Why does the temp drop at your desk?
Shit air conditioning. I don't think I've worked at an office where the air conditioning works well.

Our current office has two units for the room. I think they work separately. I happen to be sitting under one of the events.

The only down side of losing weight. Less insulation on my body so I get colder.

At an old job I had the air conditioning from our server room while it was being worked on pumped straight at me all day. I remember getting home and asking my flatmate who was studying health care what I should do after being cold all day. Get hot. The change in temperature got me. To be honest working in offices with bad air con or just being in IT with hot and cold isles means a cold due to changing temperature in work conditions happens occasionally.
Shit air conditioning. I don't think I've worked at an office where the air conditioning works well.

Our current office has two units for the room. I think they work separately. I happen to be sitting under one of the events.

The only down side of losing weight. Less insulation on my body so I get colder.

At an old job I had the air conditioning from our server room while it was being worked on pumped straight at me all day. I remember getting home and asking my flatmate who was studying health care what I should do after being cold all day. Get hot. The change in temperature got me. To be honest working in offices with bad air con or just being in IT with hot and cold isles means a cold due to changing temperature in work conditions happens occasionally.
Yeah that's pretty shit, can you move desks or is it the same all over the building
@Wrighty how was your week?

I have been able to eat a bit easier over the last week and a bit. Unfortunately put on a kg in that time which could just be a natural +/- but knowing myself, I take it as a warning that it can easily turn in to a 2 or 3 kg gain quickly. Now sitting at 101kg

Been able to get out of the house and go for dinner tonight for the first time. Portion sizes are really big at restaurants! I guess if they aren't then they are seen as not good value. I had to order a kids size portion of a main, which they were happy to do.

Another 10 days and hopefully I get the all clear to start some light exercise.

Thanks for originally posting in here. It's good to have that little @Wrighty voice in the back of your head reminding me what I'm trying to achieve.

95kg is my ultimate goal by the end of this year and increased fitness (not sure how I'm going to measure that, but need to as if it's too subjective it's easier to dismiss)
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